I: 01-17-2019 Anger featured in "Put the money on the table !" (“把钱放在桌上!” 所表达的愤怒)
II: 01-19-2019 Who should be the one to help me in such a situation? (究竟谁是能帮到我的?)
III: 01-20-2019 My money is law matter, never a debatable political matter.(我的遭遇是法律事物而不是政治问题)
IV: 01-28-2019 How did I become the major featured person in a hot popular radio program?
V: 02-18-2019 Whose $400Million a year? How to know?
VI: 02-19-2019 Who owns Ingonyama entitlement? How to know?
VII: 02-24-2019 What possibly "I am surrounded by the same school graduated" means?( “我的一切都被同一个学校毕业的给包围了“究竟可能是什么意思啊?
VIII: 02-26-2019 -- 南师大附中,广播剧矛盾,及唐太宗李世民的继承人
IX: 03-03-2019 A company's lawful ownership = Commercial Company's Registration Laws
X: 03-07-2019 Commercial Property Registration Laws and Political Governing-ship
XI: 03-09-2019 Why I was accepted so immediately by the wealthy community in 2004's meetings? (2004年开会时那些有钱人怎么那么轻易的就接纳了我?)
XII: 03-14-2019 医学上的假死状态,山东的王家,爸爸的遭遇
XIII: 03-15-2019 上海南京方面的愤怒,执法界的闪烁言辞,我的解释和一些道听途说
XIV: 03-16-2019 Prenup was never a desired but a comprised fundamental for all discussion participants on July 1st of 2004
XV: 03-21-2019 究竟怎么回事? -- 我对中日战争的谈话和我爸爸被开除军籍的处分