
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, January 17, 2019

01-17-2019 Anger featured in "Put the money on the table !" (“把钱放在桌上!” 所表达的愤怒)

Yesterday, I finally understand why the Chinese producing team has featured some stories about Chinese government supported yelling at everybody "put the money on the table".

First, for my blood associated, it means "Put the old man's stuff on the table" to feature my cousins' anger of not familiar with what is a Trust or its legal definition. I heard it has been explained all this time but some of my close cousins are still angry at me for
1) Why insist that my 2004's inheriting was Trust-Inheriting instead of Family Inheriting,
  • Answer: Trust-inheriting was the category of my 2004's inheriting, which is according to its legal definition, not upon my insist-on.
2) Why to insist that I am the sole beneficiary person?
  • Answer: Because I was specified a sole beneficiary person by the settler of the Trust. So, it was inheriting according to will, not upon my insist-on.
Second, for some who don't have blood association with me, it is to feature their anger from the misunderstanding of 1950's Shanghai stock market shutdown.

In 1950 or so, newly formed People's Republic of China's government sent a group of armed military personnel to forcefully shut down the Shanghai stock market. Other than with yells of "Put everything on the table and leave", it was reported that the entire process was tense and peaceful but left every investor empty hand with tears.

The misunderstanding was since China re-opened Shanghai Stock Market which enriched a lot of investors through IPO. A lot of Chinese, not just some rich Shanghainese, have started questioning what happened to all those investors money in the 1950's shut down? The question is not about the cash that those investors carry with them but what their stock certificates represented.

Each stock certificate represents an investor's ownership of a company. When those investors at the market left the trading room, they left behind their stock certificates, not the cash value that these stock certificates represented but the share of ownership of the company. Since that day, all market tradable stock certificates became invalid, all those market-traded companies became country-run companies by depositing business profits into the government-anointed bank accounts. The entire time, there was no cash value transacted, but those companies' ownership taken-over by groups of marched-in government employees.

The misunderstanding featured in the radio program was from the anger about who took the cash value of those handed-over stock certificates in 1950 and who has hidden these cash value at where since that day. Well, there is no such cash value at all, it was only companies' management change to deposit business making into bank accounts owned by the country instead of those owned by investors.


首先,这是在说“把老人留下的东西都放在台面上,让所有人看清楚” 所呈现的是那些和我有血缘关系的人因为不懂什么是信托及其法律条文定义而产生的愤怒。我听说已经是解释了又解释,和我血缘关系近的一些还是一腔的愤怒。
  • 信托继承是我的2004年继承的法律类别,是由法律条文定义的,不是由我坚持的。所继承财产在信托设立时就已经指定给予了我(家族名字“女掌”),所以不是掠夺别人的继承权,也不需要将那些信托放在台面上让任何人看清楚。
  • 举例:协助设立信托是一个律师事务所的日常法律业务。如果你去一家律师事务所,要求在50年后给予你指定的小孩100万元(连本带息),律师就会要求你在离开律师事务所之前交付100万元的本金,不然律师就不会允许你带走为你所准备的信托文件,否则律师就会因为这一份信托文件而在50年后欠了你所指定的小孩100万元的债务。
  • 信托的登记制度也体现了法律对信托受益人利益的保障 (万一委托人或受益人丢失了信托文件)。
  • 唯一受益人是由信托的设立委托人在其亲自签名的委托书里所指定的,不是由我自己坚持的。所以是按照遗嘱继承,不是擅自独吞,也不需要将所继承的信托放在台面上让任何人看清楚。




每一张股票证书代表的是一个投资人对于一家公司的股份拥有权,拥有一家公司多少百分比的股票,也就是意味着拥有的多少百分比的这家公司。1950年的那天,当那些投资人离开上海的股票证卷交易所时,他们留下的不是这些股票证书的票面上的现金价值,而是这家公司的所有权。从那天起,所有这些公司的股票都作废了,所有这些公司都被充公成为国营企业, 也就是,从第二天起,这些公司被国家工作人员进驻,那些公司企业的利润也不再存入那些投资人自己的银行账号,而是存入由国家财政部财政厅所指定的银行账号。整个过程都没有现金交易,就只有公司被充公。

