
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 1, 2017


Heard rumor my glass house cancer can never be completely treated even by technology it can. This rumor freaked out a lot of veterans who know what glass house cancer is. Heard this morning's clarification seems confirmed this dreadful rumor. Actually this is a confusion caused by literature way of expression. In written it is: US military announced that I am "on perpetual removal from" what I have.  "On perpetual removal" is the original wording printed on medical treatment pass. --March 26, 2017

整个方敏事件, 我做为当事人的感受就是通过垄断大众传媒进行误导, 甚至恐吓、沫黑。--2017年3月26

It is well known in entertainment industry that if you ever saw the first no-need-to-pay contract of mine to be the major featured person in this radio program, you would know I am just a shit. Heard contract was signed by Mr Albert Gore's family law firm by my authorization on July 1st of 2004 just because I hired them that day to represent one of my inheritances. Heard that fund Mr Gore's law firm had represented till 2015 was not an investor of the radio program. Heard contract was prepared by a third party, attorney Mr. Knowlton, a cousin of Holly Knowlton (David Petraeus's wife). Assumed even by a contract like this, I was still not bad together with radio program till 2014 is because some myself-never-heard-of unknown debit that I owed on July 1st of 2004.  --March 26, 2017

Heard rumor either Albert Gore or nobody can be called has any romantic relationship with me. Whoever attempt to announce this would be the person I sue murder attempt together with Albert Gore if that rumor is true. I was in tears around 2015's new years time at Boston FBI downtown office try to call laws help. That was my first try. I heard rumor my last will was prepared by Mr. Gore's attorney firm at the end of 2014. I was just notified by rumor, and notification rumor was I did not need to see my kids, no need to make any arrangement about my finance, I just deserve to go die in poverty. Since that day I constantly calling laws help whenever I felt threatened. --March 26, 2017
