
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Who needs to shit my name?

Who needs to shit my name?

Confusion of Charity and Providing

Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?

Why my lawful private wealth’s inheriting is Chinese government's Sovereign Issue?

Heard this morning's broadcasting about who validated my inheriting.
My response I am happy to make the minor correction that it was announced by the U.S. General Attorney's Secretary who represented U.S. Supreme Court Judges that announced my inheriting on June 30th of 2004 has been valid. Thanks very much.

----Dec. 6th, 2017

Heard this morning's frustration who need to shit all these names.
My response: I share the same anger how my name was shitted.

I am using my ancient Chinese Emperors grandfathers' last name, and I built my name "Min Fang" in English through my own hard working on my non-sexual natured profession, computer science and Basic Medical System related.

It was my own inheriting from my own birth grandfathers' let me have those public meeting chances in 2004 to present the knowledge that I had accumulated inside of me. Those meetings I had in 2004 were never from anybody's charity. Those were my own inheriting meetings.

I knew my last name I inherited was shitted by Chinese government just because Chinese government did not know my ancestors had already moved to my hometown Jinling area (Nanjing, 南京又称金陵)around 1000 years ago at Southern Tang dynasty time(937-976AD) so they announced on the radio I am the fake to demand my inheritances should be theirs to have sayings over.

I knew my name was shitted because some Americans did not know how I made my intellectual income, so they shitted my name to announce on the radio I am a shit beggar that all my intellectual making should be theirs to own.

I knew my name was shitted a never wanted whore just because some females deserve to have a rich man.

I did call laws help on all these shits threw at me via the public channel radio.

----Dec. 6th, 2017

Radio program has been kept on very busyRadio Producers are busy on fighting to get the microphone, Chinese Government is busy on announcing I am unwanted fake on the radio,  British Royals are busy on acclaiming British deserves a rich American husband, American Riches are busy on yelling "I said so", Hispanics Females are busy on confusing everybody who father their children, Prominent Wives are busy on proving they are intelligent enough to manage everybody else' matters, Big Names are busy on expressing their confusion,  money-wanters, by rumor, are busy on sneak-in to announce the ownership of some money, All above shared choir of "Why can't I have her money"....

All I can do and I have done is kept on calling law enforcement's help and kept on speaking up for myself. What else should I do?

-----published Nov. 28th, 2017

My Personal Experience from People's Republic of China:
My graduate education (Master Degree) and academic achievements in Computer Science in United States as a U.S. resident had been respected by People's Republic of China's government before 2012. 
My contributions to People's Republic of China: Special Green House Farms, Mega Cities Subway System, and Creator of Beijing 2008 Olympic Game Ceremonies are acknowledged by People's Republic of China's government before 2012. (*all have June of 2004's solid authentic original visual records ).
My understandings of Chinese Communism Party were appreciated by People's Republic of China's government before 2012.
                          *** ***
I am publicly called a plagiarizer who impossibly can have any achievements in Computer Science, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • *I left China in 1996, Computer Science Master degree graduated in 2000 from a United States' University and worked since 1999 for a United States' Security Software and Consulting company.
I am publicly called impossibly can know anything about medicine because college major is pharmacology, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • *I graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1990, majored in pharmacology. This is No.1 or No.2 medical college in People's Republic of China. It was announced this school "no longer exist", and actually this school is currently called Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (Its website: http://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/). 
  • Pharmacology major I received includes Basic Medical System: three years medicine course shared with medicine major. Same professors and same lab facilities for three years. Same classrooms for Internal Medicine and Psychology. I clearly remembered 150 students total in one classroom, 50 of us pharmacology majored, 100 from medicine majored.)
I am publicly called a fake who impossibly can be the creator of 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • (*It was taped in June of 2004, New Jersey, United States with solid authentic original visual records ).
I am publicly called beggar and unwanted whore, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
  • (* I was never provided for by People's Republic of China's government other than free education offered to public when I was in China, and I never demanded anyone to provide for me because of sexual activities.)
  • (* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills in 2004 which was almost 8 years after I had lived in U.S. All those entrusts were lawfully entrusted abroad before 1949.  People's Republic of China was established since 1949.) 
I am publicly announced as never wanted and never needed fake talents, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016-2017.
  • (* On my web blog, I stated I am the authentic biological heir of the house that can be dated back to 2000 years ago and my blood has been enriched by long history of Chinese Culture, but I am a U.S. citizen now. And I have nothing to do with People's Republic of China)
                     *** ***
I am lucky I entrusted my inherited wealth in 2004 so that I do not have a lot of belongs with me that can be occupied by the "new communism" who deserve to share my wealth because of their own experiences of so non-of-my-business but so deserve-to-be-appreciated (by me? why?) sexual activities.

My Personal Experience from United States:
My lawful inheritances and my lawful intellectual incomes are protected by United States Laws.
My understanding of WWII was acknowledged and rewarded a 3-Stars U.S. Military General as a Strategist.
My intellectual contributions have been widely appreciated by United States business.
I have been provided for via U.S government's housing project and transition helps. My current study is on or via U.S. government's Student Loan.
I am a U.S citizen since June of 2015. And I am proud to be an American.

My Personal Experience from United Kingdom of Great Britain:
The longest entrust I know for sure that inherited in 2004 was my ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather's entrust that was setup around 800AD. It was entrusted and has been invested in United Kingdom. My 2014's Christmas was gifted by this Fund's American investment's handsome providing on my medical treatment including glass house cancer treatment, very and very handsomely after all these years.
I am looking forward to visit United Kingdom of Great Britain.
----Nov. 3rd, 2017