
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, April 14, 2017

04-14-2017 (2)

Heard David Petraeus announced that he invested about $1Million total on radio program and total making of his share in over 10 years time is about $1Billion.

I heard total investment for this radio program was about $7Million total and all was invested before January of 2005. It covered the first month producing fee as pilot program. Since February of 2015, this radio program has been supporting its producing cost by its own making. Of course, by intellectual property related laws, producing team and I as major featured person got bigger share in this radio program. My share of income as major featured person fee has accumulated over $4Billion.

This radio program was created on July 1st of 2004 meeting by my idea and by my persuasion power of how great it could be and by my ready audio materials from my security tapes ( This is a treasure to me since it recorded my life ever since I was born including how I was born). Of course, I can not deny some prominent guys including Prince William is one the reason that Clear Channel company willing to listen and willing to consider ideas about this radio program as radio reality show. This radio program was produced as reality equivalent is because most of its featured stories & audio materials used are all happened and recorded before radio program deal was reached or discussed on July 1st of 2004.

Heard there were arguments about Prince William's related stories are the reasons of this radio program's success which should make himself or Kate Middleton a big investor of this radio program. I disagree with that saying since radio program has been a hit show since January of 2005 and Prince William's related stories were first aired in 2007 when radio program already has already been broadcast-ed in over 100 language worldwide with overall rating over 90%. I demand every penny of $900 Million back. This $900 Million (£600 million) was transferred by Jessica, announced mother of David Petraeus' child, from my $4Billion to Kate Middleton according to rumors. If there are any arguments that Prince William's related stories should deserve some returns, it should never from my share of income as major featured person fee. -- April 14, 2017

Heard radio producing team got similar share as mine. They have received theirs and mine has been put aside by radio company as agreed upon on July 1st of 2004.  Long story short: This is to ease the concern that  I might not be appropriately provided for before my entrust finish if this income collected by my accountants. This income would be part of my entrust if collected by my accountants since I entrusted my inheritances on July 1st of 2004.

I request every penny transferred out similar to those transferred to Prince William and his associated back to me with appropriate interest. --April 14th, 2017