Heard saying that all these shits threw at me is to revenge o behave of those who I looked down in July 1st tele-conference.
My response: I did speak up when Chinese restaurants staffs chatting with their own style among them own about some prominent-s who were in the same meeting without realizing their chats were broadcasting to entire session participants. A lot were in English. Heard I got complained about this in the radio program saying I should not do so based on my assumptions. It was very annoying to everyone that the way I claimed as if I was speaking on behave of them. My complain about this radio program is that why they feel so comfortable to revenge on behave of those they themselves assumed I looked down to? My working experiences in Chinese restaurants were pretty good memories, I never felt I should be ashamed of those who once worked with me. I may not have a lot to chat with them but I never feel ashamed of that I was once worked with them. Entire Chinese communities know that those who look down on restaurants' workers are those who never worked in there. --April 25th, 2017
我的回应:我是在一些中国餐馆打工人员用他们自己的平时聊天方式谈论一些也在会上的名人而完全不知内容是向所有人播放时说了我的看法,当时很多还是用英语说的。我听说广播剧播出一些言论强调我不应根据自己的猜测这么做, 我的做法好像是我在替名人们代言实在很讨厌。我对广播剧的投诉是他们怎么就可以以自己的猜测认定我瞧不起餐馆工而通过广播剧是可以替那些餐馆工向我报复的?我从不以餐馆打工经历为耻。我家里有财产信托却要打餐馆上学是有原因的。除了我还没机会上哈弗大学外,其他并无影响是事实。当时中国餐馆打工经历挺愉快的,从来不以为耻。华裔社区应很清楚那些打心眼里瞧不起餐馆工的都是些从来没打过餐馆的也是事实。--2017年4月25日。
Heard in the meeting there were comments that they were my kinds and I should be called one of them.
My response: I do not know a lot of them. I did have great work experience with some of them who gave me good memories of my restaurant's working experience. I took all those comments as belittle me efforts and I was totally aware of it on July 1 of 2004.
-- April 25th, 2017
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
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