
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

12-08-2017 Intellectual Income are Hard Earned Money

12-08-2017 My Intellectual Income is Hard Earned

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Viagra (blue).
My response: About Viagra, I have published as one of my proud. I will continue to publish explanations about my proud achievements.

It was recorded on the same June Sunday in 2004 when I created ideas of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening Ceremony and my understanding of  Origin of Chinese Communism Party.

My side story was recorded by my own security cameras and, possibly, law enforcement's cameras.

I reported suspicious activities regarding the software I was working on in January of 2004. The software was the window's login replacement that can login to any window's computer without a password,  its client module was what I did. The suspicious activities I reported were this software's original source codes were open to anyone to learn some programming.

The software is bio-authentication login replacement to log into any window's computer without a cached password. My achievement was my client module(component) of this software only need a valid username to grant this user the correctly privileged full access to the computer. I published the explanation of this together with CDSA-ed Secure Transport module (component) as another one of my proud. I am the first person in this entire world that achieved it in both cases.

CDSA-ed Secure Transport was a component I achieved that used CDSA like the Great Wall to protect this secure transport module (component) while using encryptions to protect data. But honestly, how this CDSA wrapped that module, I have no idea. I only knew if I did not do what I did, it just wouldn't work. It was never simple like just wrapping a CDSA_XX_FunctionName around a function. That wrap is to make it pluggable. How this Common Data Security Architecture is framed, I am being honest to say I did not know. I knew this Secure Trasport Module I did was framed somehow.**CDSA is Common Data Security Architecture. It is an Architecture, not an interface.

On that June Sunday in 2004, I was having all these new perspectives about almost everything that I had read or thought of, I couldn't stop solo-speaking a lot of what I had figured out on that day for over an hour. That day, I was visiting a college dormmate lived near Edison area.

----Dec. 8th, 2017

Heard about confusion how intellectual contributions can be appropriately acknowledged and rewarded.
My response: I use a very publicly familiar group of people, movie producing team, to illustrate this.

I have this great idea this "bla bla" can be a great movie;
A literature person agreed and write a script from my "bla bla" story.
A person who knows how to make a movie agreed and called in a group to make a movie.
This group of people includes a movie director, actresses and actors and supporting staff.

My "bla bla" story thus turned into a very popular movie.
I am so proud I am the creator of this movie that attracted so many people.
The literature person is so proud of being the scriptwriter that wrote so many great lines.
The producer is so proud this is a popular movie.
The group of people is so proud of the directing, or the roles they played, or the settings/costumes designed, etc.

Who contributed what,  or how well contributed, or what is the appropriate reward is all very clear to all of us that participated this turns "bla bla" into a popular movie.

It is the same in manufacturing industries or service-providing industries.

----Dec. 8th, 2017

11-27-2017 All About Viagra(Blue) and Why is my contribution

Computer Technology and CDSA

Ph.D. in Computer Science & Reforming QA in JP Morgan Chase

About 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening Ceremony (北京奥运会开幕式创意)

----Dec. 8th, 2017