
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, April 24, 2017

04/24/2017 (4)

Some information I gathered from what I heard:
1: Rockefeller holding has about 10% of Clear Channel (IHeart) and David Petraeus has roughly 1/4 of Holding as inheritable to make his inheritable share of 2.5% total Clear Channel stocks.

2: Clear Channel has invested 50% share of radio program. Investors $7 millions( $1 million each) turns to $7 Billions, I and producing team together have $9 Billions. So take (7 plus 9)*2 is the total investments, then each investor has 1/32 which is 3.125% share of this radio program. Producing team total and I each has 4.5/32 share which 14.06% share of this radio program. Clear Channel has 50% of this radio program. The reason Jessica can fire original producing team member even entire producing team has shares in this radio program is that she claimed she has huge share in company's share (Rockefeller holding only has 3.125% share of this radio program).

3: Actually, Rockefeller holding has 10% of Clear Channel which has 50% shares of this radio program. So Rockefeller holding has total 5% of this radio program investment share. Now you can tell the anger from me and original producing team members. The person who father her child only has 1.25% share of this radio program as inheritable but Jessica fired everyone who has much bigger share in this radio program than her son's inheritable's inheritable.

4: Clear Channel (IHeart) changed its CEO in 2013 time and radio program has been running for over 10 years. In entertaining industry everybody understand new CEO may look for some changes (I understand this totally). Heard CEO participated some discussion about changes but firing or laying off decision was not from him.

5: Heard the new CEO  did not know details about $4 Billion but he did tell everyone nobody should touch this money. When the accountant was fire at the end of 2015, the replacement accountant continued acknowledging Jessica's signature based on the understanding that is her allowance. Heard till today, Jessica still use this money to pay salary and rent of Rockefeller center office for that fired accountant and her other expenses because everyone says this money is her allowance. WHY IS THAT?

6: Remember company's advertisement income Jessica give out by her signing power through bank's auto commission paying system. Heard company took legal actions again all of them but only can take half back because the other half should be understood as Jessica's allowance. Do not know if this rumor is true.
--April 24th, 2017