
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Confusion of Charity and Providing (慈善和供养的混淆)

Confusion of Charity and Providing (慈善和供养的混淆)

Heard confusion about how I could possibly entrust my parents on July 1st of 2004.(中文附后)
My response: I entrusted caring for my parents to be provided on my behave since July 1st of 2004.

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about "as long as my name not in each business' capital account, I can not say I have money".
My response: This is possibly a criminal effort of blocking me to spend my own money but attempts to transfer my own lawful money for illegal usage.

This saying is equally saying that if I have used a pseudo name(a company name) to open a bank account(capital account), even with bank employees testifying that is lawfully my bank account by internal instructions as well as by supporting legal documentation, as long as my name(Min Fang) is not printed or stamped on each single paper dollar bill that has been saved in that bank account, I should not be allowed to spend any money that is saved in that bank account.

Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about deserved providing as charity.
My response: Charity means to help to survive, charity never meant to privilege free and easy luxury living.

If you listen to what has been demanded in this morning's talk, you would recognize that is not from any sort of surviving needs. I refuse any of these demands.

The People's Republic of China also has its own government-run welfare system (民政局) and Non--Government Organization provide charities.

If anyone needs charity to survive, please feel comfortable to go to any charity because that is what charity is about, you will be helped if you are qualified. My trusts have been supporting charities through local investments.

---- March 11th, 2018

If a business is my investment and this business is supporting charity, what that got to do with me?
My response: The charity expense is deducted from a Business' operating expenses.

This means
The government is supporting this business doing charity by freeing tax on this charity expenses.
Investors support this business doing charity by freeing investors' profit-share of this charity expenses.
Business management and employees support this business doing charity by earning this much money to do charity.

If a business is my investment that has supported local charities, it certainly means I have supported local charities from my profit-share that has used as the charity expenses.

----March 11th, 2018

Heard this morning's talk about these from the People's Republic of China are the ones who truly know what is the true meaning of Communism.
My response: I gathered from rumors I heard about the radio program that the Communism in the People's Republic of China means "Sharing one wife to share everyone else's wealth."

I gathered this is absolutely from the Communism concept that everybody should do the best everybody can and everybody deserves to get what everybody needs, and I gathered it  is interpreted as what all this person can do is to have sexual intercourses and this person indeed works very hard on it daily if not hourly, isn't this person deserves to get what this person truly needs which is an easy luxury life that should be provided by everybody else?

I came from the People's Republic of China, I am a U.S. citizen now and I was never a Communist party member, but I have my different understanding I learned through my growing up years in the People's Republic of China about what motivated Chinese Communist party to be such an overwhelmingly popular party ever since it was established in 1921: To serve the people, to create a better life through hard working with protected fair pay ensured by the government.

I refuse to be a provider of this "communism-style" providing on whoever's sexual intercourses work-experiences.

----March 11th, 2018









如果有人需要慈善帮助生存所需,请直接向当地的慈善机构提出申请,没有什么不好意思的,慈善的目的就是帮助解决生存所需的一些问题, 只要符合条件,你是会得到你所需要的帮助的。我的信托一直都有通过当地的投资支持当地的慈善机构。









