Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
About the famous JPMorgan Chase technology upgrade, the curiosities have been about if I did what I was asked.
- Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
- Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
- Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
About the famous JPMorgan Chase technology upgrade, the curiosities have been about if I did what I was asked.
- I was asked to take a look at this bank's technology network as an outsider security specialist.
- I did find out there is a security gap between securing physical access to money via internet money-transferring, and regular information security provided by the bank's technology department.
- I did help out upgrading the bank's security aspect in physical access to money via internet transferring, by establishing a quality mechanism to let physical access security specialists extend their specialty to include securing internet money-transferring access, with the technology department's help.
- 09-07-2018 The Sweeping Change of Technology Upgrading in JPMChase
About 3D movie Avatar, the curiosities have been about why those nonsense talks can be so valuable.
- I recognized the frustrations expressed were about no available means to achieve the desired camera-images nor the special effects.
- From my work experiences as a computer program on image processing, I identified all these frustrations can be helped by computerized image handling.
- I did help out advising how to upgrade image-processing software for digital cameras as well as for digit editing tools.
- This is the prelude of the customer-order quality technology in the famous JPM Chase technology upgrade. I was a translator between the movie-business and the digital camera manufacturer(s), and a customized-technology camera(s) ordering person in the conversation. (--added 08/07/2019 )
----July 16th, 2019
About Viagra, the curiosities have been about how I can contribute without participating in any lab work.
About Viagra, the curiosities have been about how I can contribute without participating in any lab work.
- I recognized the frustrations were all about the known medical dilemma that blood vessels in the sponge area don't react according to the regular mechanism for blood pressure adjustment medications.
- From my research experiences as a computer programmer, I realized this can be helped by re-consider the research hypothesis in order to isolate the area as an independent module.
- I did help out advising how to develop some isolating hypotheses and related.
- The rumored public relation category reward is actually in the intellectual category, for the research facilities' commercial rental savings related.
----July 16th, 2019
About the radio program, the curiosities have been about how I won the deal.
About China, the curiosities have been what are my contributions to China's modern economic development.
About China, the curiosities have also been what are my contributions to China's overall.
以下摘自:《方家小姐扮作家 - 我方敏的成就究竟是什么?》
以下中文摘自:07-25-2019 我方敏对中国所做的贡献究竟是什么?
About the radio program, the curiosities have been about how I won the deal.
- I recognized the frustration as a listener that the U.S. radio industry has not much other than music playing. I also recognized the opportunity to save producing costs can be from if the deal can improve the turnover of available resources.
- I realized an interesting, funny, inspirational and educational radio program to satisfy everyone's curiosity on how to achieve one's own American dream can be great as a popular alternative hotspot hour to iconic kinds of music.
- I did provide the radio program's producing hypothesis as the following: Based on my life experiences before 2004, and for the purpose to help the public audience to recognize THE opportunity to achieve success, this radio program would be produced with good story-telling, fun materials and reality practicality, to analyze the key factors of each success story, to introduce related backgrounds and related knowledge tips to the public, and to provide inspirational & informational ideas on how to catch THE opportunity as well.
About China, the curiosities have been what are my contributions to China's modern economic development.
- Agriculture development in harsh geographic areas can be based on specially designed greenhouses.
- Megacities' transportations can be improved via "the objective is being convenient and for the strategic development" in its architecture design.
- Suzhou city's development can rely on its historic expertise of "manufacturing Shanghai design".
- The objectives of geographic areas' strategic development can be "a characteristic economy with quality living".
About China, the curiosities have also been what are my contributions to China's overall.
- Via the radio program, I introduced, to the world, the Chinese modern history to help the understanding of the Chinese Communist Party who took over the sovereign of China through cruel wars.
- Via the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony, I introduced, to the world, the Chinese cultural history to help the understanding of modern China's characteristic political-economic developments.
以下摘自:《方家小姐扮作家 - 我方敏的成就究竟是什么?》
- 2004年6月,我方敏是推动电讯业变革的手机智能化的主要决策关键性推动者之一;(即自2004年6月30日的会议结束,手机智能化已经没有了难以预料的科研难题,其后的变革实践中也没有难以克服的科研瓶颈。----2019年8月11日)
- 2004年7月-2007年1月,我方敏是推动电脑行业从以发明为主的新兴工业转为有严格质量检测管理标准可以提供来客加工的成熟工业的主要决策关键性推动者之一。(即2007年我离开摩根大通银行后,电脑行业的成熟工业化进程已经没有了难以预料的变革难题,其后的成熟化实践中也没有难以克服的变革瓶颈。----2019年8月11日)
- 电脑安全系统,我方敏是推动信息传导安全和银行系统安全的主要决策关键性推动者之一。1)自2004年1月以后,信息传导安全不光强调敏感信息必须保密安全,也加强了信息传导通道的保密安全;2)2007年1月以后,网络财经安全不光强调网络信息安全,也加强了网络金融安全。----2019年8月11日
以下中文摘自:07-25-2019 我方敏对中国所做的贡献究竟是什么?
- 沙漠兴农依大棚,(即“沙漠兴农,依托农业科技特殊大棚”,--2019年8月7日增)
- 地铁便民依规划,(即“城交城建,强化地铁规划便民新兴”;--2019年8月7日增)
- 苏州加工依上海,(即“苏州发展,起步加工产业上海设计”,--2019年8月7日增)
- 地域发展依配套。(即“地域经济,发展特色经济品质生活”。--2019年8月7日增)
- 通过广播剧集,向世界介绍了中国的现代史,让世界理解了当年以战争夺权的中国共产党人;
- 通过奥运创意,向世界介绍了中国的人文史,让世界理解了如今以特色立足的中国政贸经济。