
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

04/29/2017 (3) More information 更多信息

Heard my relatives helped by Chinese government are my mother's (maiden family )side family and my younger brother's ex-wife(s).
My response is:
1: My younger brother's ex who, by rumor, mother another man's child should not be claimed my relative. My younger brother's another ex is also not my relative either.
2: My inheritances are from my father side grandfathers' willed entrusts. Not my mother side anyone to confuse. Plus my mother has no maiden family other than her maiden father.
--April 29th, 2017

听说中国政府帮助的是方承捷前妻陈静, 陈洁和我母亲(娘家)亲戚。

I did called my younger brother in 2015 when I started to find information about my inheritances and I did send him emails followed with phone calls to ensure he received information I published on my web blogs about my inheritances.
I did send FBI letters about information of my younger brother, my father's siblings and even my mother side family's information. --April 29th, 2017


I was raised and provided by my own biological father and my own biological mother. I carry my own biological father's birth mark and I was born through my biological mother's, my father's wife, own belly. I am the heir to inherit my grandfathers' willed entrusts because of the family birthmark I carry from my father. -- April 29th, 2017
我是由我的血缘父亲和血缘母亲共同挣钱抚养长大。我由我血缘母亲肚皮生出并且我有我血缘父亲(即我母亲丈夫)的胎记。我能继承我父系爷爷们所遗嘱信托的财产就因我有和我父亲一样的家族胎记。 --2017年4月29日。