
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, February 24, 2019

02-24-2019 What possibly "I am surrounded by the same school graduated" means?( “我的一切都被同一个学校毕业的给包围了“究竟可能是什么意思啊?)

It may mean they are illegally privileged to block any financial payment to me.

The saying I heard is "This blocking effort is all about laws, not about if friendly or not."

If so, I need to ask the following questions:

1: Which part of the process of transmitting money payment to me is unlawful?

2: Is my name, or my SSN(ID), or my contact address unlawful? 
If all information about me which include my name, my SSN(ID), my legal status and my contact address are all lawfully correct, why it is forbidden to transmit money into my name related any financial account?

3: If it is not the transmitting money into my name account is illegal but the money itself, I must ask the question how you can verify if that is lawful nor not money being transferred to me?
Being a non-financial nor legal department employed personnel, how do you have the means to verify the lawfulness of the money being transmitted to my name account?

4: If you don't have the money lawfulness-verification capability, how do you have such privileged power to delete and/or change the money's lawful transmitting purpose to change money's lawful ownership?

5: If this is all about precaution in blocking payment to me because you thought it is never my money.
I have to ask according to exact what law this precaution, which includes delete payment and/or transfer out (not reject) money, can be authorized as lawful action? And why a regular employee can't do such a job but need specially recruit the same school graduated? 

It is all about laws which precisely is the reason I called law enforcement's help. 

It is imaginable how it has been in Boston where I am a resident of when all have such power to smear about me waiting for my living expenses payments. It may have started- off amicably, but now it is all so-despised, disgusted, and hate, nothing else. 

I, Min Fang, refuse to be a victim of such.

----Feb. 24th, 2019











