
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, March 9, 2019

03-09-2019 南京方面的矛盾(17)---- Why I was accepted so immediately by the wealthy community in 2004's meetings? (2004年开会时那些有钱人怎么那么轻易的就接纳了我?)

I heard about some confusion regarding my current situation.

1: Exactly, what has been the issue between me and some persons I met.
My answer: The real issue has been who owns the company that paid my living expenses to Boston of Massachusetts. (--updated on March 13th)

Saying from same high school and Chinese communitiesthe living expenses paid to Boston of Massachusetts are paid by a husband whose most beloved wife not willing to let me receive. These some persons and Chinese communities are helping the wife to ensure I don't ever receive any such money.

Saying from the paying-instructor American companythe living expenses paid to Boston of Massachusetts are paid by the company according to its known lawful investor's instruction, and I am the person qualify to pay investor's income taxes for those payments.

Saying from myself, The paying-instructor American company is a company that my inherited Trust has been investing, I am an investor of the paying-instructor American company.

How to verify such a company's registration certificate that your friend is having? (March 16, 2019)
According to laws, the commercial registration certificate(license) needs to be displayed at the operating facility of the company so that its legal ownership may not be printed on the certificate:
  1. The registration date which is to verify the company was established around the year of 1600AD, 
  2. The asset size of the company at the time the company was established.
  3. The issuing date which means when this certificate was renewed (suppose to be yearly),   
  4. The current asset size at the time this registration was renewed to check if my announced providing size is possibly from the same company. 
If a company registration certificate can pass all above screening check, then, check the registration certificate's title sequential number on that registration certificate which is helpful to identify the ownership information from the registration-certificate issuer government agency. (----March 16th, 2019)

Reference links:

03-03-2019 A company's lawful ownership = Commercial Company's Registration Laws

----March 9th, 2019

2: Some anger related to why I so comfortably calling people Uncles in 2004.
My answer: I heard the anger about 2004's meeting is regarding why I was so easily take-in by the wealthy community that I was not part of, at least, not as a newly inherited.

I am a beneficiary person of Trusts that my grandfathers set up for me, all set up abroad before China's 1949-liberation. I grew up in China but I had been taken good care of, I grew up with the rich experiences that my frustration can be smoothed even if my parents don't listen to my complaints, but I couldn't identify who are the smoothing group.

That 2004 meetings, on June 30th and July 1st, were the meetings that I felt like I was brought to a parents-alike group's affiliated-company-party that I was known to them even though I don't know anyone and they don't really know my parents, I felt its so very natural to call anyone Uncle or Untie if they are over 10 years older than me and treated me as a young girl, especially when my requests for all those "I want..." were answered with obvious smiles. Now I know most of the participants are from my grandfathers' Trusts related groups, I was introduced to them as the little girl of my grandfathers'.

My achievements in computer-research related are all real, that my in-depth understanding about the matters, in those casual chats with me about investments as the newly inherited, was the reason for those chats stayed as business work-centric discussions instead of drifting to social talks. I think this "listen to me seriously" is the reason-impression that I was fully take-in as a part of.

There are rumors if I am a threat to the United States has been the reason that I deserved to be smashed in order to protect the United States, I have been wondering why so when I am a U.S. citizen and a "self-claimed" investor to a lot of American companies who have being obviously very protective to my own money that I thought I have hard-earned the reputation of not-willing to give out any at all?

----March 9th, 2019







