
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

01-19-2019 Who should be the one to help me in such a situation? (究竟谁是能帮到我的?)

01-19-2019 Who should be the one to help me in such a situation? (究竟谁是能帮到我的?)

Heard about curiosity, from a lot of people, who would be responsible to help me out of my current situation.

Law enforcement is the answer, but how? I will explain what I know step by step.

1: If a family has family stories about a possible Trust but nobody informs anyone from the family to inherit it.
Answer: Law enforcing will do the investigation and, if true, will replace entrusting attorney(s), etc. on behave of the beneficiary patron(s), and will ensure newly assigned (by a Judge) entrusting attorney(s) will inform the beneficiary patron(s) of the family to inherit the Trust. But no law enforcing personnel will need to contact the beneficiary family unless for investigation purpose.

Entrusting attorney(s) do not pay out money according to the agreement, law enforcing involvement is similar to this.

2: If similar to my situation, which is I can't receive those on time paid-out from my inherited Trusts. 
Answer: Law enforcing will do the investigation upon my complaints, to track down why, and to ensure I can receive the paid-out from my inherited Trusts, but no law enforcing personnel will contact me unless for investigation purpose. All I know would be I will receive letters that include some deposited credit cards, or informing me about my banking access information of how much money. Law enforcing will also ensure I can receive such letter(s) even if I have to change my mailing address for some reasons.

3: If similar to my situation of intellectual incomes, which is I don't know for certain but positive about if I have intellectual income or how much.
Answer: Law enforcing will do the investigation upon my inquiry and, if true, will ensure I receive intellectual income that is evaluated and paid by the rewarding company, but no law enforcing personnel will contact me unless for investigation purpose. All I know would be I will receive an informing letter, or together with a paying check. Law enforcing will also ensure I can receive such letter(s) even if I have to change my mailing address for some reasons.

----Jan. 19th, 2019




