
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

02-19-2019 Who owns Ingonyama entitlement?

I own the Ingonyama entitlement from the legendary of 1000 years long 

Heard the confusion if I am an Ingonyama for real? The confusion is because of an African lady, currently live in the United States as well) has been the one handsomely provided for by the Ingonyama Fund since 2001 or 2007.

I also heard she is the same African lady that had stated the difference between her and me in 2017 that she came from the "Ingonyama" King of 500 years ago and the Ingonyama title has been a legendary was the reason of her grandfather's inauguration, and I, the heir female palm, inherited the Ingonyama legendary title in 2004 as part of the Trust-Inheriting from my birth Ancient Chinese Imperial family..

I am the female palm because I carry family heir birthmark on both of my palms, and I am the only heir girl since, maybe, 2500 years ago is the reason I received a lot of gifts from my Emperor grandfathers who normally gift their favorite people with money, entitlement, and beauty.  Being their heir girl, my Emperor grandfathers had each entitled me an Emperor title, not their own in-use title which should be my next generation grandfather, as well as their heir sons, to inherit, but an equivalent new entitlement as a gift to state I am their heir girl. This is how I got my Ingonyama title.

I  have been provided for the two Trusts set up by Ingonyama heir son "Simba" and "Simba's son" which I call my fourth and fifth year's providing as their heir "Female Palm" girl with entitlement from each as well which I will announce once I heard of them.

I have not received this Ingonyama entitled grandfather's providing is the confusion of Ingonyama Fund, but I am the beneficiary person of a Trust who has limited knowledge on all these financial historical matters. All I know is I inherited an ancient Trust from an ancient Emperor grandfather who gifted me with money and Ingonyama entitlement, and I heard both Simba's Trust and Simba's son's Trusts I have been provided-for are been verified for over 600 years old according to the commercial registration laws. I think my entrusting attorneys will work on clarify further confusions if there is any.

related column ariticles: My Inheriting related confusion

----Feb. 19th, 2019