
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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12-13-2017 Invention was Never Easy - All about Smartphones and Cleaning Wipes

Heard the People's Republic of China's relentless efforts of performing art to spent whoever's money presentation was inspired by performing art teaching materials imported from the U.S.
My response: I heard about these 2-3 "classic pieces of my performing skills" from 2004's meetings' records. I informed law enforcement's about this over a year ago.

The "classic" piece was "how I performed to spent famous R's family wealth" no matter how I was objected strongly every time I was expressing how to spend some money. It was a classic piece how I was not a bit flinched or concerned if I would get caught in any trouble.

Why would I flinch or concerned?  I was spending my own money I inherited from my own birth Chinese grandfather who was definitely not any Mr. R. I was happy everytime I was objected because I thought I was congratulated that I have my own handsome money to spend.

I never even contacted R's anybody after July 1st of 2004's meeting, how could I possibly spend R's family wealth by just saying it in my green card application representing attorney's office in Stamford, Connecticut?

----Dec. 12th, 2017

Heard why the People's Republic of China's government insist on I am a fake was also related to this performing art teaching materials.
My response: That is possibly some Chinese firmly believe that perform can claim Intellectual Incomes even those are even not performing art related.

That was another "classic" piece of June 30th, 2004 presents how I could fake some computer comments regarding smartphones without a flinch that fooled those top-notch computer professionals like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Paul Ellen.

Why would I flinch? I had been a computer operating system programmer. That three people had written operating systems' source codes. I had worked on operating system source codes that related to computer security component. I wrote a software piece that can login to any window’s computer without a password. Of course, I know operating system on source codes level very well. I am the top notch computer security professional, at least that's who I was in 2004. Why would I need to perform or fake my comments on what might be the issues of writing a new operating system's source codes?

Those comments I made about computer operating system would be like a medical school graduate's comments on a baby wipes' formula. Why would any medical school graduate need to fake any comment what possible ingredients that can be used in a baby wipe? It is correct that a pharmacist is the person that can produce a formula, but I am a pharmacologist who is profession-ed between a pharmacist and a medical doctor. Of course, I know some formula basics more than a medical doctor. why I need to fake or perform?

I do not know what is the third "classic performing piece" yet.

----Dec. 12th, 2017

12-13-2017 Invention was Never Easy -- About Smartphones and Wipes

Heard this morning's broadcasting about the discussion of how to make cleaning wipes.
My response: I heard what broadcasted this morning was the replay of the original discussion on July 1st of 2004. I am the living testimony of body wipes "one application can clean as a good shower".

I tried out when I was a "homeless" at Boston Logan Airport. It was one application full body clean resulted like had a good shower, as discussed.

I pass along the information that I heard some mothers want this good-shower-clean for baby wipes.

----Dec.13th, 2017

Heard the reason that Smartphone Discussion on June 30th of 2004 has more issues about "my lack of confidence in Chinese".
My response: I heard the issue is why I did not believe that Chinese could do smartphones without any known invention of a computer operating system.

This was the "discrimination vs intellectual property" argument happened on June 30th of 2004. The Taiwanese female was pissed off because I refused to privilege Chinese to be the first to invent smartphones. And I was pissed off when she took off saying that she got all the necessary information to spin all in-discussion group out. I came from the People's Republic of China and I was very sensitive to this once very popular "1980 trading style of the People's Republic of China".

It was not that I refused to privilege Chinese or I was discriminating Chinese intelligence. It was out of the consideration that there were known existing operating system's inventors in the discussion group, and the discussion was all about the possible technique concerns of "converting" their existing laptop or desktop operating system source codes to use not-sable-yet newly invented mini hardware to make a cellphone a smart one that is equivalent to a laptop computer without a keyboard and a mouse. How could anyone who never had operating system invention experience can finish this project as fast as possible?

The argument started after we almost finished the entire discussion. Taiwanese group was not the discussion contribution group, they participated by listening to our discussion. I was pissed off seriously when she stated she got all the necessary information and her company did not need us at all. The argument started after we almost finished the entire discussion. Taiwanese group was not the discussion contribution group, they participated by listening to our discussion. I was pissed off seriously when she stated she got all the necessary information and her company did not need us at all. We were the discussion contributed group, I was the annoying talker always cut-in with the correct answers before the other three people whenever there was a concern need to be addressed, I was not intentionally to be so annoying and I contributed a lot. It was our intellectual contribution that has huge financial values, it was never that Taiwanese' to claim or to take away like that. *Heard the other three people were Mr. Bill Gates (DOS), Mr. Paul Allen (Window) and late Mr. Steve Jobs (Mac).

About the "discrimination anger", how could it possibly reasonable to expect those who could do the job wait for the Chinese to learn how to do it? or if the expectation was those who could do the job should sacrifice their own business opportunities but teach Chinese how to do it? Why or how or who could be so privileged to have this kind of expectation?

That Taiwanese owns an electronics technology company but she was not a computer programmer. I understood she did not understand that I was not the reason if Chinese can invent a computer operating system or not, and I will never be the reason. Why? No Chinese need my approval to sit in front a computer or a desk to write up some operating source codes that can make any computer that is assembled from every single piece of hardware to operate with.

I heard some Chinese from the People's Republic of China were also pissed off because of similar reasons. And plus why I discriminate Chinese while knowing Bill Gates who invented DOS was not even college graduated, and Steve Jobs invented Mac only in one year time after his college graduation.

I can only answer these kinds of accusations with "I do not know why no Chinese has invented any computer operating system yet. I really do not know."

Now I am wondering why People's Republic of China's government kept saying I am so fake because it is impossible that I could have any achievement in Computer Science because I worked full time in a restaurant for my 2 years graduate study on Computer Science and worked for Janus Associates on the Biogate project for only 4 and half years.

Exactly, what is the issue?

----Dec. 13th, 2017