
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

03-03-2019 A company's lawful ownership = Commercial Company's Registration Laws

Heard there was a recent interview that mentioned if I wrongly claimed someone else's money even though the name has not been spelled on my web blog.

My answer to that confusion is NO. I have not wrongfully claimed any money.

The money I have claimed are all investments from some ancient Trusts that each investment has been a part of an investment chain for, at least, accumulated over 600 years of operating history and has been operating in over 6+1 countries for over 400 years. The claims may not be accurate but all are definitely not wrongful claims.

If any of your friends have a concern that those companies I have claimed may have been owned by your friend's family-name, and the anxiety is somehow the company insist on to provide me money as I requested, I personally think the best way for a friend to do is to verify the company's lawful ownership according to the commercial company's registration law, which is similar to the motor vehicle's registration title or the property certificate, then ...

In my personal opinion, if the company is lawfully owned by your friend's family name, the matter can certainly be resolved according to laws, even if the confusion only has impacted your friend's family name, not to mention the anxiety of me receiving money from the company just by announcing so on the internet.

I have been calling laws help because my living has been impacted, and I am concerned if my life will be threatened as well. I am not fighting for my freedom of speech but speaking from the best knowledge of knowing who I am and what I own.

I am currently patiently waiting for my providing as a Trusts-beneficiary person, and I am not the person aware of a lot of investment issues which means I won't be helpful to a lot of confusions, but I hope none of those confusions can be the reason that I need to call law enforcement's help for any complaint that I may file for threatening my life and/or my living.  

Reference about commercial company's registration:
----March 3rd, 2019

About those "so despised" same high school alumni:
My question: How they can be so despised when I never apply for any government benefits from them as their case-client, especially when I was never so impressively desperate and eager to please them while they are the almighty help-provider?

My understanding: They got to have some power not just don't care anything about my situation, but so despised by my situation plus how frustrated I have been.

02-24-2019 What possibly "I am surrounded by the same school graduated" means?( “我的一切都被同一个学校毕业的给包围了“究竟可能是什么意思啊?
----March 3rd, 2019