
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, January 28, 2019

01-28-2019 How a novel, a TV series, or a radio program(show) is evaluated and granted to be published (小说,电视剧和广播剧的遴选发行的程序是什么?)

Another anger I often encounter is the anger from talented literature people: Why I can have the privilege of being the major featured person of this radio program?

I once said I never read scripted lines that every joke or thought was my own articulation as a plus, I said this has been accumulated over the years because the audio raw materials have been from my security tape which has started recording every second since the moment I was born. Some said they all have this type of audio raw material as well, why their thoughts and their articulation are not this privileged? I say they had never thought of so before 2004 was the reason that I was privileged, and they possibly won't persist on publishing their privileges currently because of the sensitiveness from whom have been participating in their thoughts-sharing.

I once expressed my understanding about those English majored literature person, about their anger why it is so easy for me to be recognized in their profession knowing I was never a literature person? I will explain this as much as possible from the knowledge I recently learned from an MBA.

The process of how to evaluate and to grant an opportunity to publish a novel, a TV series, or a radio program (show). (小说,电视剧和广播剧的遴选发行的程序是什么?)

Step 1: When a publishing representative producer(editor) is approached with a piece of work, this producer need to evaluate this piece of work's academic value, and if good, to recommend to publishing executives:(编辑初选)

1)Theme evaluation based on the trends of the readers' choice:(对于作品题材的初选)
  • Currently in favor of? Belong to categories that have up-rising favor in readers' choice. recently? Or not obvious yet, but will be in reader favorable trend in this producer's personal opinion.(题材是否是读者喜欢的及喜欢程度等)
2) Literature evaluation based on the publishing company's publishing history,(对于作品文学水准的初选)
  • How this theme is expressed? Expression style? Frame style of the storytelling, etc.(观点表达能力及写作水平)

Step 2: When a publishing executive received a recommendation from a publishing representative producer (editor), this executive need to evaluate the overall value of publishing this piece of work, and if good, to recommend to publishing financing executive for funding of publishing.(主编筛选)

1) Based on if publishing can upgrade this publishing company's academic value.(学术价值文学价值很高)
2) Based on if publishing can be a best-seller, profitable, etc. (是否可以盈利)
3) Based on if publishing can fulfill the publishing company's social responsibility. (保护地球之类的题材,类似中国的政治任务)

Step 3: When a publishing financing executive received a recommendation from a publishing executive, the publishing financing executive will make funding evaluation, and if good, to recommend to publishing CEO to print.(是否能挤进有限的出版指标?)

1) Based on if profitable and how profitable it can be, (根据是否可以盈利值得投资)
2) Based on if easy to raise special funding from somewhere,(发行费用是否可以筹措)

Step 4: When the publishing CEO received a recommendation from a publishing financing executive, the publishing CEO need to evaluate possible sales if publish and if worth a try, to grant the pilot publishing. (出版总编的总评估,是否可以短时间小批量的实验性发行)

1) Based on experience from the company's publishing history,(根据公司以前的类似销售纪录)
2) Based on distribution channels feedback. (销售点会不会进货?)

Step 5: When the pilot time finished, the publishing CEO will make the decision of official publishing if funding is not an issue. (实验性发行结束后,出版总编会作出是否正式发行的决定)

1) Based on the rating(sales) during the pilot time. (实验性发行期间的收听率,销量)
2) Based on the profitability during the pilot time, from sales or advertising income.(实验性发行期间的销售额和广告收入)
3) Based on if enlarged producing can have funding and how much. (扩大发行需要多少资金)

How I was granted pilot publishing(broadcasting) as a major featured person? (我是如何获得试发行的机会成为广播剧的主要人物的?)

1) The pass of Step 3 and 4: I heard on July 1st of 2004, some distribution channels already giving "will participate in broadcasting" feedback, investor-funding was granted, both during the meeting. (第三步和第四步:当时在2004年7月1日的会上,就有广播公司(就是我的生活费用给付的合法性核实的6+1个国家的)表态会参与播出,(就是我的生活费用给付的付款公司)表态会参与投资,还有一些的个人投资,  听说是一百万美金一个,共7百万投资。

2) The pass of Step 5: I heard only one-month pilot broadcasting already generated good rating and good advertising income to cover full-scale producing and publishing (broadcasting) and to be handsomely profitable to the publishing company (radio company). (第五步,我听说一个月的实验性发行结束后,收听率就已经很高,所产生的广告收入也已经可以由广播剧的广告收入本身提供资金支持广播剧的最大发行量出版了,广播公司的收益预计可以很可观。)

3) The pass of Step 2: I heard the reason is: This radio program is the first time uniqueness in radio broadcasting history: Reality show produced from audio raw materials collected from the major featured person's historically accumulated security tape. (第二步,我听说筛选通过的原因是:这个广播剧由主要人物的保安影像记录提供该人物的历史语音资料作为广播剧制作的制作素材资料是广播史上的第一次。)

I will update if I heard how this was officially evaluated in step 1, I know I sell my story good in the same meeting, and I heard the step 1 evaluation was broadcasted in the radio program over 2-3 years ago. (我听说两三年前广播剧就已经播放过当时第一步是如何评估的。)

----Jan. 28th, 2019

Why some Mrs. Rockefellers and some Mrs. Fords have been so angry about me and the radio program?
My response: I assume, it was because I was not really even associated,  while they are the married wives from the entertainment industry background but never have such a privilege in R and F names' family investments. The process of how step 3 and step 4 could be passed at the spot so immediately on July 1st of 2004 was not just unfair to them but also insulting to those who truly romantically involved and associated with.

But the truth was I am the heir Missy, not a wife nor a short romance, to my own birth ancient grandfathers' Trusts that have been investing in those 6+1 counties' participating broadcasting companies. This was explained at the moment already that they themselves have been interested to know who I am was the reason for the willingness to participate in the broadcasting distribution. These participating companies are not Ford name nor Rockefeller name majorly invested.

 The work-centric evaluation based pass of step1 and professional evaluation based pass of step5 are the real true reasons for this radio program's public channel's longtime popular broadcasting.

----Feb. 7th, 2019