
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, February 18, 2019

02-18-2019 Whose $400Million a year? How to know?

Heard about this confusion of "who's paying for this $400Million a year".

1: How any American rich can be so confused if they are in the same American business society and running some American business as well?
My answer: My Trusts' investment as a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) who came to America with their investors' own government-convoys and armed with Musketeers as pioneers at America's colonial time which was about 400 years ago. That is the reason why some in-confusing companies were initially registered with their investor companies' own governments' convoys, till the 1776's registration to the United States' government.

Because of the difference in each's starting-up years, some of my Trusts' investments have complete different associated supplying and financing associates that completely not associated with those confused rich men's family wealth's investments. The difference is the same as Military hospital groups, the commercial hospital chains,  and some international goodwill hospital groups, all are completely not associated with each other even running in the same local areas.

----Feb. 18th, 2019

2: The real $400Million recipient is a Hispanic female whose middle name is "Min", and the last name is "Fone".
My answer:
I have no idea how the payment-instruction letter has used Fone as the last name unless that is a typo which can be easily verified. And I don't know if this is the same $400Million payment that I mentioned as yearly providing on my web blog.

Those five Trusts I have inherited were all set up before I was born so that all used my family nickname "Female Palms" with clear specification of who this girl should be. I used "Min Fang" as my name since July 1967 which was shortly after my birth. $400Million payment a year for the past five years from my inherited Trusts are all identity-sensitive, not the last name's spelling-sensitive.

----Feb. 18th, 2019

3: How to verify if this is some rich men's money that was announced so loudly never intend to give me?
My answer:  Very easily: The paying company's internal "stock certificate registration record" and government commerce department's commercial company registration record.

  • From the $400Million's payment check's instructional legal payment letter, check the paying investor's information, or from one's own stock certificate to check if money is from this person's own dividend account.
  • From the government's commercial company registration records to check the investor company's ownership if the paying investor is a company instead of an individual, and so on so forth, till clarified.
----Feb. 18th, 2019

4: If it possibly from any American rich men?
My answer: My inheriting experience has been real and it is impossible for me to expect money from any American rich men.

The problem I have with some confused rich American men is: Some insist that it is impossible that I have my own money trust-inherited from my birth Chinese grandfathers.

Some even insist on to tell around that I could spend their money by not asking them, not contacting them, not telling anyone to collect money from them, and not has any money on me or being expected that should be from their own bank accounts.

----Feb. 18th, 2019