
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, April 7, 2017


I found this "trick" about language if related to history.
Chinese people won't believe I have inheritance because they know my family had no money when I was in China. No matter how I scream saying I left China in 1996 and I inherited in 2004, money has been abroad before 1949, they just don't register till I used the term " Before liberation". There is a huge difference for Chinese mainland people about this two terms. "Before 1949" does not mean you should have no money  but "before liberation" totally means you should not have any money in China. This is P. R. China's history impact on language terms. --April 7th, 2017
很多中国人不相信我有继承财产就因为他们知道我家在中国没钱。不管我怎么嚎我是1996年离开中国2004年才继承而钱是1949年以前就在国外, 他们就是不明白。但我换个说法表达“我2004继承的财产都是解放前就转移国外的”, 他们就都懂了。 “1949年”不能表明没钱。”解放“就是说应该没钱。这是新中国历史的语言痕记。--2017年4月17日

How about " it is my money from my birth grandfather" concept. I tried to use birth grandfather, and maiden grandfather, somehow, English speaking person just do not register the idea that this is my money since I was born into the family who is a girl carries family birthmark as heiress. No matter how I try, they just do not register this is the money got nothing to do with David Petraeus. No matter what I say, the understanding is I try to get other people's money. Lion King Fund is even further since I never dated any O'Connor but try to get their money. You heard my scream saying "that is my money by blood" and respond is "She is trying to get O"Connor's money knowing she never dated them." with the information "she even dare to call FBI for this effort". What is the language trick on this? How a lady let people understand that is her maiden family's blessing which got nothing to do with her romance? --April 7th, 2017

Let's try this, say if it helps to register what I am screaming.

Lion King Fund Is My Own Money From My Own Chinese Grandfather. 

Not O'Connor's Family Money, Not David Petraeus's Money. It's my OWN money.