
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

03-07-2019 Commercial Property Registration Laws and Political Governing-ship

I heard it has been a huge amusement in Chinese communities when there was an episode about a lady who had a big forehead family birthmark wish to let her family birthmark heir child own the Europe which was her share of the allot.

I was part of this amusement because my family (also) have a big forehead birthmark, I used possibly "also" because I don't know if that episode is about my Trust and there were some other families also have big forehead family birthmarks in that same episode.

Why it is so funny? Well, there are a lot of countries now in Europe. China has been through so many dynasty changes that even commercial ownership of a piece of land in the Republic of China time has not been acknowledged since the New Communism China since 1949, and this episode announced ownership entrusted of the land of entire Europe. I heard there was some guess if that lady is a daughter from Genghis Khan who was the only Chinese Emperor in history that had occupied Europe.

Let me try to explain a little more. Over history, tons of stories about how one group of people fought against another group of people to own a piece of land, this in China sometime brought dynasty change if the fight was big area enough, the fight was all about political governing-ship, but commercial ownership, which means owned by paying the fair property price of the land,  normally acknowledged as valid even after dynasty changed, except the communism governing since 1949. Commercial property ownership is governed by property registration laws in almost all countries.

I was such amusement in Chinese community also because I do have lawfully valid entitlements which historically means normally should associate with a piece of land each, well, I say I do have some commercial ownership of some pieces of lands. Yeah!

----March 7th, 2019

Also, there were rumors in Los Angels area's Chinese communities that a Yu-family and a Li (Lee)-family had a big fight that involved several hundred Chinese people in the 1960s, which should mean a Lee's Family Trust company in Hong Kong area should be owned by the winner of such famous fight. I also heard that Lee's Family Trust company, as well as Hong Kong people never heard of such rumor, has caused a lot of agitation from the "winner" group. I say the company's ownership in this rumor is commercial ownership of a commercial company, not the political governing-ship of the Hong Kong geographic area, so this Hong Kong company's ownership has been governed by the commercial registration laws and owned by its lawfully registered owner, not the "winner" group.

----March 7th, 2019