About public hearing on diplomat Christopher Stevens. I did not read about or watch the hearing to know what actually happened, but I believe it has been thoroughly investigated.
I did participated some conversation on July 1st of 2004 in a telephone conference. In that conference, I did mentioned I have huge problem with Mr. Stevens since he was the one set up Tina O'Connor and Charles Ford and that was after he knew I already met Charles Ford and scheduled my first date with him. Mr. Stevens' cousin's family business were paid to provide my security since I stepped on US soil. O'Connor's family were my entrusting attorneys(they may still are but I did request to change them because of what happened). Mr. Stevens was very upset that Tina O'Connor was moved out by her father's effort that day and I was annoyed why he seemed to have saying over anything I said which were totally not his work related but purely my own inheritances & investments arrangements. I did say something negative about if he got some challenging assignment.. But I was not in a situation that I need to grudge my teeth not to mention to hate him, not annoyed to that level need to set him up for trouble. I never intended and never did. Do not know anything about him after the meeting.
In that same conversation, I did say David Petraeus is the person had no personal issue with Mr. Stevens and had no personal issue with Mr. Stevens work related. I did imply David Petraeus would be the person to do what is right and appropriate if there would be any situation cause issues. That conversation was not a private conversation at all. -- March 29th, 2017
Mr. Christopher Stevens' cousin mentioned above is Mr. Albert Gore's mother side cousin. -- March 29, 2017
Heard Stevens are cousins to Stephens (Tina O'Connor is now a Mrs Stephens). -- March 29th, 2017
According to Chinese tradition: A married woman have sexual relationship with another man is a slut. A wife mother another man's child is a whore. False claim a child's blood is bilking. An infertile wife means a no child marriage or a divorce(People's republic China) or a second wife for the husband to have a child( China before 1949). I never had any marriage and/or child(ren) with any Chinese man(men) to follow any of above traditions. Any claims about I should follow above Chinese traditions to raise any Chinese seed(s) child(ren) will be sued for racketeering. --March 29, 2017
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
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