
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 1, 2017


Heard currently the tone on the radio is I do not deserve anybody to have a romantic relationship. I am curious who hate(s) me like this.  I am a US citizen to enjoy marriage freedom conduct granted by US constitution. I am the one wealthy enough to have huge concern of stuck on issue if I am a male. Not and should not a bit concerned about this threat like expression.
I did look impressively maimed in the past 2 years because of glass house cancer I have. My right side face was twisted anti-clockwise with an obvious vertical line from between eye brow to my right side lip corner since 2015 Chinese New year time. My right side face has been obviously smaller than my left side.  I am currently still look old and exhausted, often carry a look as if I was being screwed even I am laughing heartily.
I was in tears when my medical treatment started on Christmas day of 2014 as a gift. I was asked if I need my doctors to pay attentions to my appearance, I said I would choose overall health over my looks.
Last Friday I went to a Chinatown restaurant to celebrate after I saw myself in a mirror. I am still looks rough, old, miserable and unrecognizable but my appearance is no longer maimed.
I still often feel ruthless and hard to concentrate, I still often easily to forget and hard to remember things, I still cannot read a lot but I started school.  I can only read about 1/3 of required readings but I can finish my papers on time as required even they are all brief ones. -- March 30, 2017

Tons of saying those who came from People's Republic know that I am a liar because they know I have no money when I was in China. I am fed up with all these ridiculous now. The whole story is I inherited as US resident in 2004 and inheritances were all entrusted before China was liberated by Communism Party in 1949. More saying over I am a liar because my family and I have no money in communism People's Republic of China is just sick. 有很多人说我撒谎就因为他们自己是中华人民共和国来的,特别清楚我在中国时根本没钱。我实在是被烦的够呛。我一直都是在说我是2004年以美国居民身份继承财产, 而财产都是在1949年共产党解放中国前就已信托海外。到现在还在说我撒谎就因我和我家在解放后的中国根本没钱实在是变态。--March 30, 2017

I am studying MBA online course. I believe it takes years real business experience to lead a good size the business, not to mention lead a nation as economist. I would rely on my technology and medical background a lot to start off. This is the major problem I have with Chinese Premier. His wife was a staff in a Beijing Foreign Language college and went to school for a MBA (adult education similar to online education) in her 50's and after 3 years courses, she is announced on the radio program a  real national leader to lead China by her husband declaring his true love to her via making a fake person having no achievement. The other issue is I believe my wealth is not his and got nothing to do with him.
我现在就读MBA网上课程,就是国内的成人教育。我认为需要多年经验才能领导一定规模企业, 更不用说有没有能力做为经济专家领导一个国家。我本人需要依赖自己的科技医药背景做为基础开始管理自己投资。这是我和中国总理的根本矛盾。中国总理妻子曾是北京外语学院老师,近50岁时学了三年成人教育的MBA,就被广播剧宣布是有真才实学可以领导中国经济的栋栋梁之才, 而这才华就因她是中国总理真爱。我在美国生活二十年就被中国总理一口一声没有任何关系就成了假冒伪造。另一个矛盾就是我认为我的财产和中国总理一点关系都没有,伦不到他本人或者他的任何裤裆及非裤裆关系指手划脚。--March 30, 2017

Clear channel or 106.7 FM channel is a business entity, not a private property. I have huge problem that someone support his wife can be the reason I have been shitted all over.. I have to make myself very clear, I was never a guest in those big investors' private property, not to mention a beggar in those big investors' private property. This is the reason I keep calling laws help and I keep saying I have no reason not to sue them. -- March 30, 2017

我曾祖父是于1930年我爷爷结婚前去世,当时 我父亲及其弟妹都还未出生。我爷爷方智仁于1965年去世前已亲自将遗嘱交给其四子女(包括我父亲),当时我都还未出生。我所继承方智仁财产是凭其另一份给女掌(其有胎记掌纹的长子方文海所出有胎记掌纹这支的女性有胎记者)遗嘱。我所继承所有财产都是凭一份给女掌遗嘱继承,遗嘱上都有立遗嘱人所出有胎记掌纹儿子的姓名。如有怀疑会计师及律师将其他人钱财归我所有,请向警方求助。所有遗嘱不会公布。 --3月30日,2017