
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 15, 2017


Heard it was announced on the radio that Pejoves family wealth is not my wealth.
My response:
That is of course. I am not a Pejoves.
Just like O'Connor's family wealth is certainly not mine wealth. Lion king fund is my wealth but commonly mistaken as O'Connor's family wealth. I know this for sure from the meeting I attained.
Pejoves family representing a fund, by rumor, is one of my inheritances which also has similar attorney's letter story like O'Connor's family. ---April 15th, 2017

我的回应:女子, 你先别激动。这钱怎么着都和你睡过的男人没任何关系。
其他好奇的人就听我解释一下:Pejoves他们家的钱当然不是我的。我听到的传言是说Pejoves他们家管理的钱是我的。这钱也有一个他们家律师爷爷写了一封信的故事。就象狮子王基金(Lion King Fund)是我很确定的我的钱,但经常被混淆成O‘Connor 家的钱就因为他们家的律师爷爷写了一封信。所以混淆归混淆,但钱还是我的就因律师无权写信就拥有客户钱财,这封律师信无法律效应。

这些钱都是解放前就在海外,我现在也已是美国公民(2015年就入籍),怎么是中国政府在叫唤不准我说这钱那钱是我的?关中国政府什么事啊?  很气愤呢。
还有就是我在美国和谁谁谈恋爱,吵也好,闹也好,关中国政府什么事啊?中国政府只要说清楚和我没任何私人关系就得,怎么就是够资格指手画脚还说三道四的,还比谁才有奶有屁股够资格,感觉就是在拉皮条卖骚货,整个一妓院老鸭府。--- 2017年4月15日

国人你要是能看见这网页就不容易,中国政府对我的态度就是娱乐圈那套“封杀“  --2017年4月15日