
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, April 1, 2017


I am not an actress, radio program is about my life story, my audio materials used in the program was never scripted. If you have spotted me on Boston streets, you would be impressed by my female technology engineer image.

Radio program broadcast-ed stories some years ago about my real cries when I graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1990. It was said cries may caused by the mixed feelings of leaving Shanghai & college forever and somebody I would leave behind. That somebody explained in the radio program was a guy I met in 1988, a Mr. He from Chinese Communism Youth Party Shanghai branch. (I never dated anybody when I was in college). I heard about it when it was broadcasted, I was not annoyed since I myself did not know why I cried like that. Graduation means leaving Shanghai & college forever that is truly how I felt back then. Like it was described in the book I was reading yesterday, <大平原>(pron: da-ping-yuan) on p283 at 3rd paragraph from bottom, it indeed must be the same cry the moment those enlisted took leave from their station as veterans. It may be a bit stretched to say that I cried for somebody I left behind. I only met that guy once when we were preparing singing competition in 1988. We both moved on with our separate life and it is absolutely necessary to make it clear that I cried for leaving Shanghai and college forever.

Heard there was a video piece broadcasted on radio program related website showing he lay on my bed. According to what I heard that he and his associates already explained publically on CCTV in that same week that he was there to just lie on my bed for the sake of my cry in 1990.

Some months ago in the radio program, Mr. Li, Zhenggang(李政纲) who I met in 1991 had claimed that he believed I am not talented as broadcasted in the same radio program over a decade. The woman in his life is the real huge talent. As he was introduced on the radio by his other name Li, Keqiang(Kejiang 李克强) who works in P. R. China's State Council(中国国务院) (his other name was not revealed when how I met him story was broadcasted in 2010), knowing I only met him in-person once in a dinner since 1991 till now(2016), only had one phone conversation in1991 and had some discussion in 2004's tele-conference, knowing I never had any work relationship with him, knowing my achievements were publically presented in front of so many people in 2004's tele-conference, I was painted a real huge fake in Chinese history in the radio program by his statement starting "I don't think ". All this was put in the name of telling a true love story. There was a hormonal sexual intercourse video broadcasted on the radio program related website, this onetime only hormonal sexual intercourse recorded time displayed on that video was after last conference I participated in 2004(July 1st, 2004 conference) which was the conference discussed about possible matrimony between hormonal sexual intercourse partner on that video. The tone and term used in this blog about this hormonal sexual intercourse tape broadcasted is according to male hormonal sexual intercourse partner and his associates including Chinese government unofficially used tone and language in past several which was published as his statement on Chinese foreign department and/or consulates website in that same week signed as Li, Zhenggang(李政纲). Because of what had been discussed in July 1st of 2004 conference, I faxed a letter about I have inheritances to Chinese Consulate New York around February or March of 2015. In its cover letter, I asked to redirect it to Li, Keqiang(Li, Kejiang 李克强) who I knew as name Li, Zhenggang(李政纲). This was the same letter I sent to Boston Housing Authority and Boston Transition Department around same time. I did swear a lot loudly in my apartment between January, 2015 to June, 2015 because of non stop financial demanding. Around time of that fax, I called Chinese Consulate New York twice. The second time was to complain that I was harassed by somebody in those two persons' names (him and a woman) demanding financial providing. Did not mention in detail how I was demanded, called laws help about this.

No decent person can throw a underwear to a decent person. No man would prepare a woman to be sexually enjoyed if he his not the one intent to enjoy her unless she is a whore to make a gain for him via sexual activity. It was rumored radio program trash my decent, professional talented woman with achievements image is to slash down my value in dating market knowing I am not available in this dating market. It was rumored this is military dating service style. I did chat about how to match making military medal earner with entertainment industry beauties in 2004/07/01 meeting. It was all about how to present military medal earners to the beauties and it was all about he is her type and makes her happy on the condition that she is the one he wants expressed clearly by himself. It was never by someone else truly felt who should be with who to do any match making in a country has free marriage conduct as laws.

I am so disgusted about some rumors that radio program trying to build some psychological effort to associate me with somebody who already has his own younger children younger than 10 years old with his own romantically involved woman(women). I am truly disgusted by these rumors that some crazy people's fancy a radio program can throw a man's underwear to me just because this man deserve to have money. I am happy I have my own children who carry my blood already and I am looking forward to be with my biological and lawful own children and to reunite with my biological and lawful own children's biological father.

I was often challenged, especially by new immigrants why people listen to me, why me when I was only 8 years new immigrant in 2004? The answer is I am an heir from a long history family with wealth entrusted, there are people making sure I am alright ever since I was born and I hard earned my other listeners(**see article Won Business Ears. )

There were tons of rumors about if I indeed inherited wealth because somebody heard that I inherited my wealth just by saying I am the heir of Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 李世民. The truth is I was called to attorney Mr. Mahale's law office in Stamford, CT on June 30th, 2004 and inherit willed entrusted wealth by proved blood as female palms (birth mark) according lo inheritance laws that day. Entrusted wealth have original entrusting letters written and signed in Chinese by my ancestors. Each generation heir's name is in entrusting records according entrusting laws , that is my name together with my father's name 方文海 and my grandfather's name 方智仁 are all in entrusted wealth records as heirs of my ancestor grandfathers. My blood relationship with my father and my grandfather are in United States government immigration records. Attorney Mr. Raj Mahale who called me to have this meeting in his law office was my green card application representing attorney. It is Mr. Raj Mahale identified and verified I am the person who match the immigration record and that is the reason why I participated meetings in his lawfirm with his presence.

I am not sure how my birthmark was verified, but I did vaccine for my green card biometric application (I485) sometime in September or October 2003 in a assigned Chinese clinic located in Newton, MA which is in Boston area. My finger prints appointment for same application was around that time too. I remembered the first step of finger prints taking procedure is both hands palms up to let the immigration officer do the general inspection.

I inherited my wealth on June 30th, 2004 as resident of CT, US and citizen of P. R. China. The inheritance meeting held in a law office also located in CT, US. The inheritances are all wealth entrusted abroad before October 1st, 1949 from China by my Chinese grandfathers. My grandfather 方智仁(Fang, Zhiren), father of my father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai), passed away in 1965 as Chinese citizen. China does not have inheritance tax is the only reason I did not pay any fees to Chinese government. To inherit private wealth only requires proved legal relationship with legal parents, so I did not need to make any special request to Chinese Consulate since I was a Chinese passport holder applying US permanent residence in 2004.

Radio program has broadcasted tons of my romances stories, some are true and some are just misunderstandings. I have huge problem with some featured stories since last year. Bostonians heard my screams in my apartment, and even on the streets when I can't hold my anger. It was a nightmare hearing all those stories about things I did not do but broadcasted as if those were all my wrong doings. It was all about females jealousy to be dainty, and now it is about how noble males need to rescue their fellows from such publically known disgusting woman. Entire time my name honor is the price to make those stories through techniques knowing I was not in touch with them for past long 12 years. I constantly calling laws help for all the ridiculousness.

I am looking forward to be with my children and if possible, father of my children. Why it keep propaganda-ing on the radio that after all this time, father of my children deserve to rush into a new life just because someone's female friend so deserve to have a marriage as she desire? Why rush before I could unite with my children? Why I have to cope to be "ugly, disgusting and unpleasant" as broadcasted on the radio to make my children no father? Who has this "privilege" to do all this? Out of hatred from which female party has this privilege? Out of jealous from which female party has this privilege? Out of which male party whose heart can be so broken to have this privilege? Is this because of some other reason(s)?

Some said it is about to "announce" on the radio program that I do not even have any child. The truth is I do have my own children carry my blood. There was a group of ancient painting's drawing-copies and a piece of my video were published on radio program related website in 2011 to present my resemblance with my ancestor beauty grandmother. On that same website, my little girl's picture was published by her father in 2012. She is after my feature obviously. Some said it was all just lies. Why he need to make a lie like that? I was a "homeless" on the streets of Boston in 2012. He is very happy being the only child of his wealthy father and happy with their family wealth. His feature is obviously after his father.

The famous cried-in-meeting ex-girlfriend (July,2004) is now wife and children-mother of an attorney with a famous family name now(Mr. Stephens?). She met the father of my children a week after I met him in 1996, she moved in with him without invitation around the time I started busy to make my tuition in a Chinese restaurant. I heard she dragged a suitcase to knock his one bedroom apartment door and insisted on move in and refused to leave. His family and her family were childhood friends, he himself did not know her. He had no choice but moved to a vacant 2 bedroom apartment that same night as an emergency arrangement. She shared that two bedroom apartment with him for almost entire seven years time as no sexual relationship roommate just because she believed she deserve to be his wife. Romance was not in that two bedroom apartment except the first month she moved in(that is at most). It was a single digit sex experience almost 20 years ago (what I heard recently is, rumored by her own attorney husband since her husband's cousin's family own a security company, IT IS ONE TIME sex only, 3 months short to make it 20 years ago). I heard hint of this in January of 2004 from the father of my children and sure of this a truth in July of 2004. This is the reason I am not jealous but annoyed.

She (Miss Tina O'Connor/ Ms. Tina Stephens?) used pseudo name Miss Schnieberg (her husband Mr. Rick Stephens(?) used the same pseudo last name) on the radio program as if she is a sister and actually she was a 20 years ago one time ex and 7 years unneeded roommate.

It is not appropriate for her to impress anybody she is the real beloved one knowing she was just a roommate who was not willing to move out. It is not appropriate to impress public she hold the power to decide who should be with the father of my children.

It's untolerable to impress the public that she can arrange a wife who qualifies for the father of my children. It's untolerable to impress the public that she can arrange a mother who qualifies for my children. I did constantly call laws help to be able to unite with my children.

Mr. Albert Gore (former US vice president) was never my representative attorneywas never my private attorney and was never any representative of mine. Two young similar age children Mr. Albert Gore announced on the radio program that fathered by him were born through nature pregnancy by his romantically involved female(s). He did not mention mother(s) of the children on the radio is the reason of all the confusion. It is his daughter from his late wife, a psychiatrist, married a Chinese who is also a psychiatrist. I have no romantic and/or work relationship with Mr. Albert Gore, never had. Law firms owned by Mr. Albert Gore's father and uncle were once hired (07/01/2004 to 2015, no longer) as part of administrative attorney group to represent one of my inheritances (may be an investor fund of JANUS Mutual Funds) which was willed by Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor 李隆基(Li, Longji) and his beauty wife Empress 杨玉环(Yang, Yuhuan). *Not sure if JANUS Mutual Funds is invested by this specific willed fund or another inheritance of mine which I call "Lion King fund" because of accounting reason. It is invested by one of my inheritances.

I insisted on changing attorneys on July 1st of 2004. There was a lady contacted me in 1999 or 2000, after I got my H1 visa, asking me if I want to apply green card and said she can sponsor. I was puzzled since she called my office and did not introduce herself. She probably did not know me and my father knew nothing about my family wealth. When she told me she was attorney representing my inheritance which was willed by Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor in the meeting, I was so upset how come I was so miserable while I have attorney. I refused to listen to any explanation and insisted on changing attorneys. I sincerely apology to this lady attorney for my refused to listen in 07/01/2004 meeting. She was the attorney contacted attorney Mr. Raj Mahale to have all three meetings in 2004.The first meeting in January 2004 was organized and initiated to find out why I was constantly crying in Janus Associates(a company in Stamford, CT).

I have asked for law's help regarding confusions caused by radio program promoting a Mrs. Li from Henan, China to be the real heir to one of the most influential Emperors in Chinese history, Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 唐太宗李世民(Li, Shimin). Please provide references of how this lady associated by blood to the famous Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 唐太宗李世民(Li, Shimin). Please do not provide signatures collected through internet as the reference. Please do not provide any reference that is early than 1949 but "provided" by P.R China government.

There was a group of my family portraits published by radio program related website around 2011-2012. Those paintings were copies about one year old when they were published. They were copied from original ancient family portraits' digital copies. The references about my blood relationship with famous Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 唐太宗李世民 (Li, Shimin) were provided in the same DVD that contain those original ancient paintings' digital copies together with their year certificates.

One of the confusion of promoting a Mr Li (father) and a Ms. Li (daughter) from Henan province to be the heirs of my ancestor grandfathers cause serious legal concern prompt me call laws' help. Is this to challenge my inheritances are valid my wealth? On what ground? I inherited my wealth according to inheritance laws with proved blood, the wealth I inherited are all known-willed-entrusted-wealth according to entrusting laws. Both Mr. Li's and Ms. Li's names including their grandfathers' names are not in any record of all entrusted wealth, they have nothing at all to say they are heirs of my ancestor grandfathers other than possible P. R. China government stamped statement which was established in 1949. Nobody heard of their blood before 1950. It would become serious issue even to the point if this is a crime. If after announcing Henan Li-s are heirs of my ancestor grandfathers, a stamped statement is provided to say known-willed-entrusted-wealth recorded heir is not traceable, not convincible or not even good enough , is this an attempt to make known-willed-entrusted-wealth become no-owner-wealth? Who would be the declared new owner of known-willed-entrusted-wealth by existing no-owner-laws? Who would be the beneficiary party? There are existing laws in multiple countries including Britain and United States to make no-owner wealth/property own-able by eligible party, so who would be eligible party in this case? The original entrusting letters of my inheritances' were all written in Chinese and signed by my Chinese ancestors in Chinese, this maybe the reason of rumored Chinese government's involvement. Some of my inheritances were invested in Britain before been transferred to invest in young America (including it Colony time).

It was cleared in the January, 2004 meeting who met father of my children first. It was absolutely necessary to do that because ex-girlfriend's father was an attorney representing several of my inheritances which I inherited on June 30th, 2004. Her great-great-great-great-great-great-(great-)grandfather was the first attorney grandfather of hers who represented my inheritances. It had been consecutive in her family since then. One inheritance was willed by Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor(唐玄宗李隆基), another inheritance is the one I call "Lion King Fund" because accounting reason and several other inheritances of mine. She was pulled out from that shared two bedroom apartment by her own father on July 1 of 2004. Her announcement, that the fund which I call Lion King Fund is her family wealth, was incorrect announcement. Her great-great-great-great-great-grandfather was the attorney who represented my inheritances stating it was her family wealth by a piece of invalid paper(s) he himself wrote irresponsibly. Long story short, this great grandfather of hers believed he did great job and contributed greatly to the growth of the entrusted Fund( my inheritance), he did not take paychecks for sometime(about 5 years or so) and truly believed his savings and his contribution to the company( the entrusted Fund) were great enough to write that letter. It was not true and it was not appropriate for him to think like that. All employed worked very hard for the same entrusted Fund(my inheritance) at same time and all employed contributed same greatly to the same entrusted Fund during same period of time. His saving was not great enough for him to write that letter either. All recorded in accounting books. It was very confusing but should already be cleared in 2004 when I inherited it. She announced it was her family wealth by her grandfather's "legal documentation" which means her grandfather's handwriting piece(s) of invalid illegal paper(s) about money and signed by her grandfather irresponsibly as an hired attorney. I am saying it is my wealth because it is my grandfather who putdown the money and entrusted it. I inherited it as heir (female palms) according to the will of this grandfather of mine. Note: Heard it was for a good cause her six or seven great grandfather was asked to run for Senator to serve the country , he wrote that piece of paper to eligible himself. Mr. O'Connor's  family (?, her maiden grandfathers including  her maiden father) have since worked in Senator's office as Senators instead of attorneys representing the Funds. This has confused her family a lot. I will update my referring of that letter appropriately once this been verified.

If father of my children wants a woman and already has her in his bed, why she need to be helped? why he need to be pushed to a rush wedding? Why he need to be impressed as a man who can not make his own decision? He chose to have his children with me, no matter how everyone else feels about it, it is his own decision from his own free will that makes him happy. He loves his children. I love to be with him together with our children. Why is anyone's business to step in to this no-of-their-business matter? He is a famous playboy love to date 20s which I make no sound of since I am not around. What could possibly privilege anyone to meddle to make it even to whom? He announced his child, my little girl, in 2012, is it a privilege nowadays for a younger woman to intentionally break a family knowingly and kick the children-mother out just because she wants to be provided for? Why radio program needs to step in to make it like a public appealing just to make sure I have no home to go back to? Why being a woman myself, my children deserve to lose their family because someone else feels their father need to have a home without me? Why tons of people so determined to help some female to achieve a marriage she desires? Somebody announced that a she is the person knows how to appreciate? How is she going to express her appreciation? Through that cash back method all Chinese from mainland understand? 20% of his family wealth as cash back reward (回扣,pron:hui-kou) if she could have a wedding?

I currently live a very simple socially inactive life in Boston, USA. My past in Nanjing, China before 1996 and in America since 1996 was very simple and my personal history was very clear. I myself do not know why things happened and why I can not be provided by my own money. But I do trust in people's decency, I do trust my decent attorneys and accountants. I did already asked for law's help.

August, 2016