
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

03-06-2018 Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?(不是同一个帐本以及谁会用本名来作为投资账户的名字来到处投资啊?)

03-06-2018 Two different Accounts & Who has a personal first-last named capital account everywhere?(不是同一个帐本以及谁会用本名来作为投资账户的名字来到处投资啊?)

Heard this morning's an adult R's birth father's(Mr. R Sr) announcement that I was never an R's woman. (中文附后)
My response: True Statement.

Two different Accounts
My response: I got into the fight with O'Connors about who owns that American Fund. If my providing has not been taken by some O'Connors as rumored, I have no reason to get into this fight. The rumored providing paid for my living cost in 2016 was paid expense from its British parent fund's (owner's) equity account as instructed by its British parent fund. Theirs is from local American Fund's operating expense.
----February 8th, 2018

This American Fund's British Parent Fund is owned by the same French Fund that owns the British East India Company Financier.
----February 11th, 2018

This above accounts issue is also the issue between some Pejoves names in the U.S with me by rumor. In the U.S, my providing and theirs providing both deducted from local American Fund's parent British Fund's capital account. But in Britain, my providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund so that my providing is deducted from the British Fund's parent French Fund's Capital Account, and theirs is deducted from the local British Fund's operating expense accounts.

Conclusion: Their providing is paid by the British Fund, My providing is paid by the British Fund's parent French Fund. Nothing to do with each other.

Explanation: What I have inherited are trusts that my birth grandfathers set up for me before I was born.

My name (Min Fang) is in my trust (Example Name: XYZ), this trust XYZ has invested a company ABC, this company ABC only has the trust XYZ as the name of its investor in its capital account (owner's account which means company ABC's owner is the trust XYZ). The company ABC further invested a company ABC-1, the company ABC-1 only has the company ABC as its investor in its capital account which means ABC-1's owner is the company ABC, etc. that there are these company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1, company ABC-1-1-1-1, etc. My named account (Min Fang) is only in my trust XYZ, but my providing can be paid by the company ABC-1-1-1-1 that later deducted from the company ABC-1-1-1's profiting share, and subsequently deducted from company ABC-1-1, company ABC-1, company ABC, and then deducted from my named capital account ( Min Fang's capital account) in my trust XYZ.

Another way to get my providing is to let my trust wire that money directly to me which is seldom used by investors because of inconvenience caused by tedious procedures. Also, the Investor's tax for each providing check is paid to the country according to its signing local company's geographic location.

----February 27th, 2018

Albert Gore has nothing to do with me for him to say anything on my any matter. And I refuse to let Albert Gore have any saying over my any matter. Please contact 911 police if he insists on you to listen to his saying about my matter which certainly would put you into legal troubles, or call his psychiatrist daughter or any psychiatrist about his severe illusion that he can have any saying over my any matter. He is probably having some sever psychiatry medical situation called Delusional disorder if he indeed just won't stop insisting on having saying over not-his-to-say my any matter, please call 911 or the psychiatrist daughter who will certainly help Albert Gore. 

----February 1st, 2018

Rumored the reason I should not be acknowledged as the Creator of Beijing Olympic Opening is that if FBI did not record, then my creative ideas won't be produced.
My response: This is a true statement that obviously and definitely would results in Beijing Olympic Game opening would never be presented as it was.

The 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening is what it was is because that is produced by my creative ideas. The creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening is Min Fang is a matter of fact that no decent lawful person can deny, not to mention those claimed talented enough to lead a Nation. The opportunity to lead a Nation to serve the people is not the same meaning of being the driving force to violate laws to rob the people. I am an individual and this is my individual case but I won't be the only individual as part of the people's definition that being robbed if government official position means the power to perform the robbery to the people.

-----February 10th, 2018








