
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Military Science and Military Strategist

Heard the saying of how could it possible that I can have a 3-Stars General's rank by half an hour speech.
My response: It is real that I became a U.S. Military 3-Star General after a half hour speech by being the first person making the point that "Japanese Military was the best-performed military in WWII" at the Strategic level of wars where decisions occur.

 I was recruited as a 3-Stars U.S. Military General Strategist in January of 2004. Tons of requests I made to U.S. Military Supply Corps on July 1st of 2004 were made as a U.S. Military 3-Stars General Strategist, a combat officer, to enhance combat effectiveness, not as a technology researcher officer or medical researcher officer.

Military Strategists are mainly practitioners, some are mainly scholars. I think I was recruited as a scholar Military Strategist that "framing the battle space" of Japanese Military in WWII in January of 2004, and I was a practitioner Military Strategist that "evaluating theories, models and perspectives for the artful future application of military and strategic power." on July 1st of 2004.

----Nov. 23rd, 2017

Heard yesterday's broadcasting about a U.S. Military General's scandalous comment about me.
My response: That comment was from a U.S. Military General who did not know why I could be a combat officer having a 3-Stars Military General's rank at recruiting.

It normally takes a military's combat division personnel 20 years in-service to be promoted to a Military 3-Stars. That is the reason I explained that I was recruited in research division, same as a researcher in Technology Corp or Medical Corp, that always recruited with the Military ranks associated with the level of knowledge in research specialty.

I was recruited as Military Strategist makes me a combat officer because my acknowledged research achievements are on the martial strategy that seeks to answer the question, "How will we win this war?"(Batman, 2015) and studies the specifics of planning for, and engaging in combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle. (Wikipedia, 2017).

A Military Strategist from research division does have commanding power when on assignment.

----Nov. 24th, 2017

"A major in Military & Strategic Studies prepares you to lead and operate across the spectrum of conflict throughout the world.

MSS majors learn to think as strategists, framing the battle space, and evaluating theories, models and perspectives for the artful future application of military and strategic power."

----retrieved from United Air Force Academy website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from https://www.usafa.edu/academic/military-strategic-studies/

"There are four levels of warfare. These are the Political, Strategic, Operational, and Tactical levels of war. " (ROBERT BATEMAN, 2015)

----retrieved on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from

"Military science is the study of military processes, institutions, and behavior, along with the study of warfare, and the theory and application of organized coercive force.[1] It is mainly focused on theory, method, and practice of producing military capability in a manner consistent with national defense policy. Military science serves to identify the strategic, political, economic, psychological, social, operational, technological, and tactical elements necessary to sustain relative advantage of military force; and to increase the likelihood and favorable outcomes of victory in peace or during a war. Military scientists include theorists, researchers, experimental scientists, applied scientists, designers, engineers, test technicians, and other military personnel."

"Military strategy is in many ways the centerpiece of military science. It studies the specifics of planning for, and engaging in combat, and attempts to reduce the many factors to a set of principles that govern all interactions of the field of battle."

----retrieved from Wikipedia website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from the website:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_science

"A Supply Corps is a branch of a country's military which is in charge of logistics and supply procurement to the armed forces. The term is also used by private corporations but on a much rarer basis.

In the United States armed forces, each branch of service has its own supply corps. The United States Army refers to the organization as the Quartermaster Corps while the U.S. Navy operates a group known as the Navy Supply Corps.

In most militaries, the Supply Corps are considered staff officers meaning that they have no command authority over troops in the field or ships at sea. "

----retrieved from Wikipedia website on Nov. 23rd, 2017 from the website:

Combat effectiveness measures the ability of a military force to accomplish its objective and is one component of overall military effectiveness.

The effectiveness of a military unit in performing its mission depends on its capabilities (including equipment and personnel) and its ability to use those capabilities.

----retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/combat-effectiveness

Combat Effectiveness composes of Personnel, Equipment, and Training.
Personnel resources include Strength (Number of Soldiers), Job Qualification(Ability to Perform), Psychological Readiness, Cohesion, and Leadership.

---by Ulysses S. James, Wayne D. Ploger, and Paul Ddffy (1983) "OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS OF COMBAT UNIT EFFECTIVENESS AND INTEGRITY." retrieved from http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a136757.pdf. 

Improve Combat Effectiveness on Equipment resource has 4 major goals:

  •  Higher equipment availability to sustain the combat power of small units and networked systems; 
  •  Reduced maintenance “footprint” in maneuver units to improve deployability and operational mobility; 
  • Reduced equipment maintenance costs to increase investment in future capabilities; and 
  •  Maneuver unit self-sufficiency during combat pulses to enable them to leverage information dominance through enhanced mobility. 
----by U.S. Army Research Division: Rand Arroyo Center (2003). "Improved Equipment Sustainment Is Critical to Army Transformation". retrieved from https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_briefs/2005/RB3039.pdf

----Nov. 23rd, 2017