
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Sunday, April 30, 2017

04-30-2017 (2)

Heard saying radio program's effort since 2015 was trying to bring out audiences understanding about
My response: Exactly do those people know who I am for them to make this effort? In another words, what kind of understanding or what kind of image about me they are trying to let audience to get through their efforts?
In 2014, the effort was all about preparing the audience to expect me live as a beggar in poverty and die in poverty and reaction expected should be nothing wrong with it no matter what I have achieved.
Since 2015, they wrote scripts and patched up everyone's stories that got nothing to do with me to tell audience I am so ugly, disgusting , horrible fake  and the biggest liar ever to make effort like "short sell" to shame my name and image to be the female leader of my own inheritances, to claim I never have any inheritances, to take away my hard making by saying it was never my making. Those who put in so much effort never stop at presentation level, they did it with full force in reality through so called radio program promotion to make me the victim again and again.  For example, if it was announced I was ugly, there would be promotions among my medical providers to maim effect my appearance through glass house cancer treatment method, nothing should be wrong with it. It was announced on the radio program they suppose to let me bacterial infected all over, they did that as promotion and left me like that and I have to pay for medical treatment expense to remove all those bacteria they promoted into my system.   
You may have heard my screams on Boston streets or on 96.9 FM when I can't hold my anger,  you have not heard my kids crying in high pitch voice when they were told how they should be ashamed of who mother them and how they are the humiliation of their father. Those who put in so much effort just deserve to show off what they are capable of and how much money they deserve to have by making such a radio program this way.
I did call laws' help regarding these kind of efforts which I accused as blackmails, public robbery and even public murder effort.
--April 30th, 2017

Heard saying that if I refuse to give out money, some Chinese people would chase after me everywhere I go.
My response: I ensure they learn the difference between 911 police officers and FBI agent officers. If those Chinese people believe it is their lawful money, then seek justice in courtroom.
--April 30th, 2017

Do not know what is about to be announced on the radio program, I noticed and checked my apartment building's entrance door is open and cannot be locked. Both front and back entrances.I am on first floor right next to an entrance door. --April 30th, 2017

04/30/2017 My scary experiences

My scary experiences that prompt me keep calling laws' help.

1: In 2015 when I tried to confront if I have inheritances. I have no one to contact and it seems no one heard of those meetings. Smartphones are all around but it seems nobody heard of the meeting that it was discussed.

2: I found the attorney in whose office I attained meetings but he never heard of radio program and he could not remember meetings other than the January's one.

3: In 2015, I was told my grandfather, the beauty's husband, was not the last emperor of Tang dynasty. And no one believe I am his heir. I thought it was broadcast-ed by radio program why I am his heir already in 2011.

4: Around Christmas time, fridge in my kitchen was replaced and I dislike it. When I complained to complex management about it, I was told the fridge was the one ever since I moved in. The fruit baskets are so different. One were white, one were transparent. But there is no record of fridge change in my apartment and everyone looked at me weird when I tried to convince them fridge had been replaced.

5: In 2015 when I finally got some cash to call home, my younger brother and the female who picked up the phone both told me my father left. I lost contact of my father since, I do not believe a word my younger brother said. How could it possible I was not informed with radio program on and I was visibly on the streets as homeless. I have no way to find out but called laws' help.

6:Since early 2015, I found out I was expected to be a beggar to end my life in poverty no matter what I had achieved. Three tele-meetings, suppose, never happened. I was fired by Janus Associates in 2004 and I quit my job as a contractor in January of 2007. And that's that.

7: When I was a homeless in Boston Logan airport, my younger brother's wife who is a Shandongness(山东济南人), by radio program, whose friend made huge fights about whom Delta airline management should respect as the real big investor. Yesterday, I received an email from my younger brother this female was never his wife. He never divorced to marry another woman, only one marriage since 2003.

----April 30th, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017


I did send an email to my younger brother today to tell him what I heard about his ex's child. He deserve to know. I have to tell him what I heard. I did ask him to verify the rumor.  I did call home number, the female picked up the phone is not her.-- April 29th, 2017

Heard the fund I setup for my younger brother has been given to his two ex-s by Chinese government or with their help. I did call laws help as a US citizen. That fund was setup by my own money., not a cent owned or given by Chinese government.  April 29th, 2017

That fund was not setup by clear channel radio company or the radio program as a show fund. It was setup by my own money. --April 29th, 2017

This is the exchange between my younger brother and me.

承捷, 你好:

想知道一下你现在情况。听说你2009年前后再婚,一直没机会问一下你现在的妻子名字是什么。听说叫陈静, 2011年还有了一个儿子。我2010年开始和家里没怎么联系。现在我开始安顿下来,问问你过得好不好。
Want to know how are you doing? Heard you remarried around 2009. Haven't got a chance ask her name. Heard her name is Cheng,Jin, heard you have a son. I lost contact with you since 2010. Now my life is getting back on track. How are you doing?

My younger brother's reply:


(google translation service:
I got married in 2003 to the present, had not divorced, my wife called Cheng Jie, 06 year old daughter, but less than 3 months, died. I was married once, and until now, 12 years, I have a daughter, 5 years old, I have not given birth to a son, nor had 2 marriages, and I have only one wife,

---- April 29th, 2017

I called FBI for help. --April 29th, 2017

04/29/2017 (3) More information 更多信息

Heard my relatives helped by Chinese government are my mother's (maiden family )side family and my younger brother's ex-wife(s).
My response is:
1: My younger brother's ex who, by rumor, mother another man's child should not be claimed my relative. My younger brother's another ex is also not my relative either.
2: My inheritances are from my father side grandfathers' willed entrusts. Not my mother side anyone to confuse. Plus my mother has no maiden family other than her maiden father.
--April 29th, 2017

听说中国政府帮助的是方承捷前妻陈静, 陈洁和我母亲(娘家)亲戚。

I did called my younger brother in 2015 when I started to find information about my inheritances and I did send him emails followed with phone calls to ensure he received information I published on my web blogs about my inheritances.
I did send FBI letters about information of my younger brother, my father's siblings and even my mother side family's information. --April 29th, 2017


I was raised and provided by my own biological father and my own biological mother. I carry my own biological father's birth mark and I was born through my biological mother's, my father's wife, own belly. I am the heir to inherit my grandfathers' willed entrusts because of the family birthmark I carry from my father. -- April 29th, 2017
我是由我的血缘父亲和血缘母亲共同挣钱抚养长大。我由我血缘母亲肚皮生出并且我有我血缘父亲(即我母亲丈夫)的胎记。我能继承我父系爷爷们所遗嘱信托的财产就因我有和我父亲一样的家族胎记。 --2017年4月29日。

04/29/2017 (2)--中文版


1: 我所有继承的财产都在信托期间。没有任何人可以从任何基金里花钱。我本人自己的金钱给付都必须按照2004年7月1日信托会议的决定。我所有继承的财产都没有任何中国政府的任何钱财或任何款项。







Heard this morning's episode is about my relatives have been helped to request spending from my announced inheritances. Some requests that were granted against my wish in the past are now asking to keep as they are.
My response to these are:
1: All my inheritances are in entrust. Nobody can spend from it. I myself's own spending has to be according to what had decided on July 1st of 2004.

2: Those who had received granting need to talk to those who grated spending. According to laws, every penny of all those granted need to pay back to my inheritances by those who granted or helped to grant. I do request every penny pay back to my inheritances. By laws, representing attorneys and representing accountants including their associates should not have any thoughts, or any consideration of who should eligible to spend from funds they represent. By laws, representing attorneys and representing accountants including their associates do not have any decision power over who should own or who should enjoy financial benefits regarding funds they represent. Funds are not their money to decide.

3: This is to my attorneys: If all those email-in or fax-in requests have been forwarded to law enforcement and now you receive disregard message, please forward disregard message to law enforcement. If you receive new request with disregard message together or before you forward requests to law enforcement, please keep message with requests in record and forward to law enforcement with any following new or repeat requests.

4: This is to my attorneys: Heard a Chinese Justice Department Vice Minister has a law degree (PhD of Criminal Justice) from United States. Please feel comfortable to ask for laws help regarding related laws.

----April 29th, 2017

Heard someone says "If you demand money I gave out back, I will file bankruptcy"
My response is : My financial loss would be smaller. --April 29th, 2017

Friday, April 28, 2017


Heard this morning announced four or five of my grandfathers verified blessings to me. It includes the one that was entrusted in France 500 years ago. All inherited by will in 2004. I am very happy. I am blessed being the girl. --April 28th, 2017

Heard a lot of people so curious why I did not react at all for all these announcements, not even on June 30th of 2004. Are my inheritances real?
My response: My inheritances are all real. I did react to "I will be rich" in 2003.

When I first met David Petraeus in August or September of 2003, I was very eager to be helped to be a business person and I talked in a tone I myself  a very wealthy person as well. I heard he was very impressed I could "get rich" like that without him showing real interest in me. My financial background then was I knew I got a very innovative computer software prototype finished but still in messy status. I knew this software was promising big bucks but I did not know when I could receive any real checks.

When I met David Petraeus again in January of 2004's meeting when he offered me an employment opportunity, I showed no sign of interest and told him I would rather run my own business. I heard right at the moment he was so impressed that he folded that offering letter and put it right back into his pocket. My financial background then was I knew the software shaped up very nicely in matter of couple of months time. I knew the software was ready for sell and I already did that at the beginning of that same meeting. I knew what I had achieved. I was pretty much seeing big checks flying to me.
--April 28th, 2017

Thursday, April 27, 2017

04/27/2017 (3)

谈到我和中国政府的矛盾, 我所听到的传言所引发的我的怒吼,我的气愤:

1: 不管小贺(贺国强)或李政纲(李克强)和我是否有任何关系,都必须按照2004年7月1日的说法把唐玄宗李隆基为我信托的那份财产由他们和其他女子所生的孩子继承。


3: 李政纲(李克强)2007年在海外中领馆网站已强调和我无任何感情关系只有动物性冲动。在中国国内2010年前后却必须由我支付其前妻南京前线歌舞团陈敏所生一女儿的医药费用。

4:广播剧2004年讨论时构思是他们谈他们自己的感情生活是否变化,从未需要他们演戏。我不需要绯闻。广播剧在2007年左右已全球播出平均9成收听率。不需要他们演戏博收听。和Albert Gore的矛盾就是他宣布有两个年幼子女却不强调与我无关。(更有甚者传言他有假结婚证书,已报警处理)。 英国王子情况不清楚,但确实和我无任何子女。再次强调:从未要求任何人必须在广播剧上交代私人生活,更从未要求任何人演戏。我的愤怒就是他们以演戏为名,造案进行谩骂羞辱造谣诽谤还必须要求上亿高昂演出费用。我已全部以美国公民身份报警处理。


04/27/2017 (2)

我的回应:我是特别乐意相信,还有一堆特别反感的也都相信了。南京师范大学附属中学及上海医科大学曾经和我同学或是知道我的,都信。广播剧所讲我的漂亮在灯光下才看到是真实,我的同班同学他们都是亲眼见到。我相信还因为我很清楚我的家世背景真实。现在美国特别是波士顿地区也都清楚我继承财产真实,我目前宣布并已被证实的四个爷爷所信托财产三个是信托在英国一个是信托在法国。英国王子还年轻又英俊,我是非常愿意和他同做我们血缘孩子父母的, 所以特别乐意相信。就可惜人家不乐意。我只好以事实为依据,强调确实没有任何关系。

2011年前后广播剧网站曾放过李世民和杨玉环的画像(皆临摹画)和我的一段录影带(1997年已在美国时)就是在展示我在白天像李世民,灯光下像极了杨玉环, 也就是在展示我和唐太宗李世民及他的曾曾孙媳妇杨贵妃杨玉环的血缘关系。



提到Tina O'Connor 二十年前那次经历到现在还难忘闹得天翻地覆, 还有更久的。1989年四、五月间的高校电话会议上我曾和一个二十多岁的刘姓军人聊天。听说他当时有女友是部队文艺兵,早就和他人已婚已育。海外传言,她就是难忘当年经历也是我被中国广播剧制作团队痛骂的一个原因。这一个到2015年已有26年之久。--2017年4月27日。
我的感受就是不知还有多少像这样难忘史前那一恋的经历,就是够资格比,她们就是要比。比来比去就是她也是有过恋爱经历的,凭什么说你有才华,凭什么说你有成就,根本不谈成就和才华与恋爱经历的关系从来不是有恋爱经历就有才华,而是有才华确实会有好的机会认识优秀人物。更离谱的是她们也和什么名人谈过恋爱,你凭什么说你有财产继承,你凭什么说你有钱,你以为你是谁?吵来吵去都是别家男人裤裆, 关她们什么事?或者早就不关他们事了就是放不下。我只想说:你们找我吵真是人老珠黄外加老、干、酸,实在已是脑痴眼花再添猴骚狗急乱蹦。--2017年4月27日。

我就一直想说看看你们自己亲戚的大学成绩单, 上面写的清清楚楚解剖学,组织细胞学, 神经生物学及精神病学, 内科学等等。再问问你们自己亲戚, 上课是不是都是和上医大医学系的学生同一个教室及同一个教授, 做实验是不是都在医学系的基础部实验室。
**: 上海医科大学原名上海第一医学院,现名复旦大学上海医学院。--2017年4月27日。

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

04/25/2017 (2)

I met the father of my children on the third day  I arrived New York City in 1996 and dated him in two weeks. I started my first cashier job in a Chinese restaurant a couple of months later. His father did say " You are  a restaurant worker, what else are you." I did not minded at all because I said "He is the person looks like the real rich person (among riches because he takes good care of his hair)" made him asking me "what's wrong with my hair?" -- April 25th, 2017

I assume a lot of people do have a lot of experiences like this: your good friend(s) came from different background but you are buddy-s because you share a lot of great interests or experiences together. Your differences even annoying differences are so tolerable to each other. That is not the issue.
Then, this friend of yours may also have other friend that he(she) can totally ignore any annoying differences just like you do about this friend of yours. And so on, and so on. It is, of course, not an issue.
Now, you have this party that you invite this friend of yours to attain and said this friend can bring his(her) friends and/or friends' friends. You have this big group of friends chain with a lot of friends you never met or never heard of. Some you have great conversations with and get along great to call new friends. Well, there are some, you would expect, that you do not get along with. As long as you or them don't step on each other's toes, then it is just a party. Not an issue.
Well, what will be the issue: they have some impressions about you from the party. Their background are totally not similar at all with your or the friend of yours, both of you knew nothing about them. One day, the friend of you met a friend of his(her) and heard some stories about you and shocked both of you. The impressions stories are all interpreted by those friends' friends background which neither of you share. All shit stories like nightmare have hunted all around you somewhere( maybe every where) and you just do not know what's wrong. Your jokes, your comments and everything about you have been the rumors of your friends' chain circle with "not get along" negative-ness. "You are the shit" is what your friends' friends know about you. That is the huge issue.
-- April 25th, 2017

My restaurant work experience is not an issue at all to those who know my family history or who feel great about me. I myself do have very good memories about the experience. In Chinese restaurants abroad, tons of college graduates from China work there till they get settled on their profession. It was very nice to have someone in common to chat with while we making our tuition. Others were hard working people supporting families here. Working in a Chinese restaurant abroad had been fun experience to me, never ashamed of it (very honestly). -- April 25th, 2017


Heard saying that all these shits threw at me is to revenge o behave of those who I looked down in July 1st tele-conference.
My response: I did speak up when Chinese restaurants staffs chatting with their own style among them own about some prominent-s who were in the same meeting without realizing their chats were broadcasting to entire session participants. A lot were in English. Heard I got complained about this in the radio program saying I should not do so based on my assumptions. It was very annoying to everyone that the way I claimed as if I was speaking on behave of them. My complain about this radio program is that why they feel so comfortable to revenge on behave of those they themselves assumed I looked down to? My working experiences in Chinese restaurants were pretty good memories, I never felt I should be ashamed of those who once worked with me. I may not have a lot to chat with them but I never feel ashamed of that I was once worked with them. Entire Chinese communities know that those who look down on restaurants' workers are those who never worked in there. --April 25th, 2017

我的回应:我是在一些中国餐馆打工人员用他们自己的平时聊天方式谈论一些也在会上的名人而完全不知内容是向所有人播放时说了我的看法,当时很多还是用英语说的。我听说广播剧播出一些言论强调我不应根据自己的猜测这么做, 我的做法好像是我在替名人们代言实在很讨厌。我对广播剧的投诉是他们怎么就可以以自己的猜测认定我瞧不起餐馆工而通过广播剧是可以替那些餐馆工向我报复的?我从不以餐馆打工经历为耻。我家里有财产信托却要打餐馆上学是有原因的。除了我还没机会上哈弗大学外,其他并无影响是事实。当时中国餐馆打工经历挺愉快的,从来不以为耻。华裔社区应很清楚那些打心眼里瞧不起餐馆工的都是些从来没打过餐馆的也是事实。--2017年4月25日。

Heard in the meeting there were comments that they were my kinds and I should be called one of them.
My response: I do not know a lot of them. I did have great work experience with some of them who gave me good memories of my restaurant's working experience. I took all those comments as belittle me efforts and I was totally aware of it on July 1 of 2004.
-- April 25th, 2017

Monday, April 24, 2017

04/24/2017 (4)

Some information I gathered from what I heard:
1: Rockefeller holding has about 10% of Clear Channel (IHeart) and David Petraeus has roughly 1/4 of Holding as inheritable to make his inheritable share of 2.5% total Clear Channel stocks.

2: Clear Channel has invested 50% share of radio program. Investors $7 millions( $1 million each) turns to $7 Billions, I and producing team together have $9 Billions. So take (7 plus 9)*2 is the total investments, then each investor has 1/32 which is 3.125% share of this radio program. Producing team total and I each has 4.5/32 share which 14.06% share of this radio program. Clear Channel has 50% of this radio program. The reason Jessica can fire original producing team member even entire producing team has shares in this radio program is that she claimed she has huge share in company's share (Rockefeller holding only has 3.125% share of this radio program).

3: Actually, Rockefeller holding has 10% of Clear Channel which has 50% shares of this radio program. So Rockefeller holding has total 5% of this radio program investment share. Now you can tell the anger from me and original producing team members. The person who father her child only has 1.25% share of this radio program as inheritable but Jessica fired everyone who has much bigger share in this radio program than her son's inheritable's inheritable.

4: Clear Channel (IHeart) changed its CEO in 2013 time and radio program has been running for over 10 years. In entertaining industry everybody understand new CEO may look for some changes (I understand this totally). Heard CEO participated some discussion about changes but firing or laying off decision was not from him.

5: Heard the new CEO  did not know details about $4 Billion but he did tell everyone nobody should touch this money. When the accountant was fire at the end of 2015, the replacement accountant continued acknowledging Jessica's signature based on the understanding that is her allowance. Heard till today, Jessica still use this money to pay salary and rent of Rockefeller center office for that fired accountant and her other expenses because everyone says this money is her allowance. WHY IS THAT?

6: Remember company's advertisement income Jessica give out by her signing power through bank's auto commission paying system. Heard company took legal actions again all of them but only can take half back because the other half should be understood as Jessica's allowance. Do not know if this rumor is true.
--April 24th, 2017

04/24/2017 (3)

Heard Jessica has been almighty  LORD figure in Rockefeller Holding is the reason I assumed and kept saying that she is a Mrs. Rockefeller. Heard she had co-owned a good share of wealth of his father's in Rockefeller Holding's internal registry is the reason she was internally acknowledged his wife.
Heard she can follow me where ever I go because she already owns a lot of things. Heard I was not even allowed to step my foot on any Rockefeller Holding's investment because she minded it very much and she has the power to forbid me. As long as she mothers his child is the truth and the fact, I stay clear from both of them. I already did and I won't stop call laws help if my lawful interests and my lawful rights are affected.

Heard a Jessica Lissette is registered to a Tim Rockefeller in Army hero Jessica Lynch's residence's town. Not sure if it is true and if it is the same Jessica.
--April 24th, 2017

04/24/2017 (2)

Other horrible rumors I heard. I did tip FBI about all these rumors at the time I heard of them. Please do your part to take care of  whatever may concern you.

1: Illegally mess with marriage records and print out marriage certificates of yours' without you even heard of it. Some registry deleted after printing out of marriage certificates. Some kept in government's records.

2: Illegally mess with stock registry by appending name(s) behind originally registered owner(s). Some appended name(s) removed after printing out of certificates. Some kept in government's records.

3: Illegally mess with government's database. Create a small database to re-allocate in all your records from government's record database then remove all references associate you with government's records database followed by deleting this small database. Results: You are undocumented in government's records.

4: Illegally setup "tax" system to collect small changes from you bank savings and direct collected sums to whoever without you yourself even heard of it.

--April 24th. 2017


Heard somebody complaining on some radio that if I do not like how radio program was produced, why don't I request some change?
My response: entire time I have been doing that. I even calling law enforcement help to do the investigation because producing team do not give shit to me and claimed it was never my radio program, never my stories been broadcast-ed. I sent out my first letter to FBI in August of 2014 since it was broadcasting I should not have any money at all no matter what I have achieved and even US is a lawful country. After that every time I sent out a letter to FBI complaining, there would be one member from original producing team was fired. That is the huge problem I have with that Jessica who mother David Petraeus' child (announced).
She illegally got access to $4Billion of  my making from radio program as major featured person that company put aside for me as agreed upon on July 1st of 2004. She use that money to organize all these shits threw at me. She illegally fired 5 Clear Channel (IHeart) senior managers and everyone from originally producing team. Those senior managers include 106.7FM channel manager. Radio program was originally produced by 106.7FM channel. All those senior managers were radio program supervising managers. That $4Billion illegal access confused everyone in the radio company thought she was specially funded by board of directors. The accountant who illegally acknowledged Jessica's signature was fired by end of 2015 but heard Jessica arranged him to go to Rockefeller center or Rockefeller Foundation which further confused everyone in the radio company if Jessica was assigned by board of directors. JESSICA ILLEGALLY FIRED EVERYONE WHO MADE THIS RADIO PROGRAM A WORLDWIDE SUCCESS. I am still fighting as victim, as major featured person and as investor. *Radio Company was on the verge of filing bankruptcy around end of 2015, rumored,  because Jessica had this LORD power to give out 100% of company's advertisement income to whoever as she wish through illegally setup bank auto payment system.
Jessica insisted radio company is her man's investment is the reason she should have LORD power of this radio program. I do not know why and who are still supporting her on ownership of this radio program knowing it is illegal.
This is what I heard of and what I knew. I assume everyone who have heard this radio program know what kind victim I was made by this Jessica. She has been in radio company and in LORD power charge of this radio program since mid of 2013 without invitation or authorization. All because she firmly believed she is privileged because she is the one who mother a his child who has some investment of this radio company/radio program. Hope the He can recognize that a lot of him-s and her-s are also investors of this same radio company as well as this same radio program.
--April 24th, 2017

Sunday, April 23, 2017

04/23/2017 (5)

Heard all these shits threw at me is to prove how great decision this or that guy made knowing they either married or already share child together. Who they think they are? Why they think they are so wanted? I want to ask

WHO the FXXX do you think you are? WHAT the FXXX made you think you are so wanted?



04/23/2017 (4)

Heard not few people are crying now because they now realized my situation would improve soon. They are not crying for joy but " I have been sitting here all these time and I got nothing."
My response: They would get over it. This cries are very common in China whenever a deal is about to reach and obviously there won't be any buying commission (回扣)。 The crying out is "I have been sitting here since the day you are looking for business and I got nothing. ". You would assume it must be unfair to this person and actually not Chinese mainland people, why? All this person do is sitting in your house, eats whatever you have, drinks whatever you have and keep an eye on your whole family day after day since the day you are looking for some business. With this effort, this person deserve a good share of whatever business you found and about to profit. This is the typical Chinese mainland buying commission stuck on business style. One party are trying hard to stuck on, the other party doing everything to spin them out. Result is whenever there is a deal reached, some people crying heartbroken.

What are they crying for about my situation's possible change?
They have been keeping an eye on me since 2004 (longest) when it was rumored I have money. Now I am about to get better and they won't have at least something. It worth a good cry but they will get over it. The huge difference this time is they did not bother me by sitting in my house, eat mine and drink mine and demand whatever I have they deserve a good share of it.

--April 23rd, 2017

04/23/2017 (3)

Heard a 7-8 years' old boy angrily screamed on a New York City street out of his frustration " I am no longer a boy but a man need to provide."  Rumored that is my son who, suppose, is an existing biological spending agent.
I already made myself clearly after I heard about Pejoves Fund, Pejoves Fund won't be this boy's if he is my son but I will make it up good to my son.
Some say it is announced already on the radio that it should owned by somebody, I say:"ya, you can certainly remember how the correction was announced last week or so." I am happy.
--April 23rd, 2017

04/23/2017 (2)

昨天我气极了就忍不住又对着96.9FM嘶吼。前几个星期,广播剧讨论不准我自己花我自己的钱。上个星期宣布我996年离开中国前已有一个女儿。这个星期宣布中国政府认为我只配嫁个没人要的老光棍。我昨晚是尖着个嗓门干嚎:“按照法律,他们现在不能说这钱那钱不是我的了。他们就给我分配花钱的主管(人员)。” 听说还宣布了那光棍男的是那20岁女的亲爹就因那男的有可能和那女的生母谈过恋爱(听说那女的是孤儿院长大的孤儿)。 还听说那女的在美国纽约坚持要做我孩子们的大姐坚持要我孩子生父认她也是孩,据说现在还在美国纽约努力要进我孩子父亲家及他们亲戚家里。这是我说广播剧从2015年11月开始根本是造谣抹黑诽谤破坏名誉的原因:使用真实可查核的人物以事实报道方式播出和这些人物完全无关的故事或事件。 --2017年4月23日。

我昨晚是第一次在96.9 FM波士顿正式以唐太宗李世民继承人身份对中国政府大吼:
1: 海外传言, 中国国务院总理李克强的妻子和中国国家主席习近平,中国纪委总书记王岐山都有一年以上性交关系。(据海外传言,“老习“是兄弟俩,都有性交关系前后差一年。)
2:海外传言, 中国国务院总理李克强的妻子及她母亲,外婆与中国政府大批北京籍官员有性交关系。(从1949年开始三代都是北京街头光腚寻求性交机会女子.)
5:当任何中国政府官员以中国政府名义对中国国务院总理李克强的妻子表达支持时, 能否先公开自己是否和中国国务院总理李克强的妻子现有或曾有性交关系。

1:海外传言:自1949年北京2,30万中国人民解放军进驻,北京街头开始出现破衣烂衫真空女子,后来变成全身一丝不挂。现在北京夏天经常可见全裸女子(30,40岁)在街头可乘公车,可买菜.( 就像上海女子穿睡衣)。2008年奥运期间上海是号召市民别穿睡衣上街,北京是号召市民别在街上光板儿。北京当地男人皆知遇街上光腚女子可问寻何处相约性交,女子如愿意会指路性交地点。


Last night, I did it again on 96.9 FM Boston when I can't hold it. On air last two weeks or so, someone announced on the radio program that I should already have a child (female in her 20's) before I left China in 1996 that I heard about it last week. On air this week I should be assigned a Chinese male who is about 46 years old (never married) that I never met and never heard of. I screamed in high pitch voice to 96.9 FM Boston: "Now by laws they can't claim my money not mine, they are assigning me spending authorities(agents) now." --April 23, 2017

Heard that 46 years old supposed to be announced  the birth father of that 20's female made his whole family cried. It means in his reality life he can never find a wife in China. He is already old, sour and unwanted because of his age and unmarried status by society's understanding. Now he is announced father which means he is a widowed alike and implies financial burdens to his possible marriage. No matter how hard he explain, with his real identity announced on the radio by Chinese government's support it won't be easy for him to find a female even through matching-making. Horrible, horrible and horrible. -- April 23rd, 2017

Heard that 20 year's old Chinese female had been in New York city demanding to be taken in as my two children's sibling and to be taken care of  by father's side of my biological children. Heard she is currently still in New York City trying to get in. Horrible, horrible and horrible --April 23rd, 2017

Heard that 20 year's old Chinese female is an orphan raised by orphanage. She would be probably crying if she knew she is used like this. Horrible, horrible and horrible -- April 23rd, 2017

This is the huge problem I have with radio program since Nov. 2015. Every one featured in radio program are all real and identified person but featured stories are not associated with. -- April 23rd, 2017

Saturday, April 22, 2017

04/22/2017 (2)

Heard some claimed "producer(s)" try to say his sorry.
My response: Save it. I do not buy any shit like this knowing everything this "producer" did is purely out of this "producer's" whore -born nature to pimp.
It is whore-born's nature to meddle underwear doesn't matter if underwear are associated or not. Just save those fake sorry.
---April 22, 2017

Heard somebody , most likely friends of "producer", are screaming "How you dare!"
My response: You must never heard of "who the fxxx do you think you are".
---April 22, 2017


Heard it was announced this morning by David Petraeus that I have to make it good to his Jessica who mother his child if I ever want to visit him in his residence.
My response:
I do not foresee any trivial or big situation that would prompt me to visit. I do have my own attorneys representing me myself and my own attorneys representing my own inheritances if there is any situation(s).
When Prince William of Great Britain made his similar announcements about his own residences, I only said "as announced". Now I make myself clearly "as he announced" is for the same reason that I do not foresee any situation(s) would prompt me to visit and for the same reason that I do have my own attorneys representing me myself and my own attorneys representing my own inheritances.
---April 22, 2017

Friday, April 21, 2017

04/21/2017 (3)

1: 我听说的: 外嫁女不如中国政府或外交部工作人员自己的亲戚朋友更配其外籍男人或更可以凭和中国政府铁杆关系帮助其外籍男人。这是如果此外籍男人有交往别的中国女子意愿。
2: 我本人经历:像我这种,外籍男如只有我这一个华女无意愿交往其他中国女子, 中国政府最清楚其实外籍男从未想要或娶,就是甩不掉而已。所以中国政府愿意主动非请自愿出面协助清除麻烦。谁都比我配,就因为中国政府最清楚。
5 :我的怒吼: 中国外交部是肛交部,口交部再加皮条部。中国外交官不是妓女婊子就是其子女或皮条客。中国总理的裤裆已是中国国旗旗杆待遇,真个顶天立地,我在美国二十年都得馋得慌,否则中国政府就是难以相信居然没瞧见那中国旗杆。中国总理老婆的裤裆那整个是中国乌纱帽,整个中国政府个个顶着,否则就是不承认她才是中国总理床上裤裆。

04/21/2017 (2)

你听见广播剧2016年7月-9月播出内容了吗?我听说的是:老习是和老李共用那“小屋”有一年之久,王岐山是五年以上关系。都是同一女的轻声泣缀,男的哽咽谈打心眼里对恋爱关系chen姓外语学校老师的亏欠。你要是扳着手指头数数,那是宣布了中共中央政治局6/7都是情再加一些正副部长。 再听说中国司法部部长或是副部长是老李提拔,你还投诉?我是选择先歇歇。--2017年4月21日。



1989年4月或5月的全国高校电话会议时, 我是年满21岁成年, 唐玄宗李隆基爷爷很骄傲我长的像极了杨贵妃杨玉环,在向所有人告知“我家有个漂亮女儿成年了”. 都知道当时讲的故事就是他在解释他是如何和我奶奶杨玉环结婚的。为何21岁?中国成年应是16岁或18岁。 我知道的是欧美成年是21岁, 但不知和18岁可结婚及有选举权成年的区别。(如弄清会更新)。方智仁爷爷也在,谈的是他对他子女的关切及表明他(方智仁)和唐玄宗李隆基都是我的爷爷。(也是国人所讲的灵异经历)。

Thursday, April 20, 2017

04/20/2017 (5)


我的会应: 就是你们的总理老婆最清楚什么叫欠操。她可是操欠到连狗都不放过,非得屎都给操出否则可没人知道你们总理老婆有多好操。你们家要是有女儿也是没给你公公操了就不能体现你们总理老婆心目中的中华人民共和国的文化:这是中华人民共和国的成人礼。这可是你们中华人民共和国政府在广播剧里以中华人民共和国总理夫人身份向全世界宣布的。郑重更正:你们中华人民共和国总理夫人向全世界宣布的中华人民共和国传统成人礼是:儿子操亲妈。

我的回应: 你们都是以中华人民共和国政府的身份泼妇骂街,我要不强调中华人民共和国总理是不承认原名李政纲的李克强现在可是真正有权有势中国总理。


04/20/2017 (4)

I did send some emails to RITZ CARLTON email contact address I found online with a screenshot. Please pass along the information. I am heavily harassed in Boston, MA because she is so deserve a rich guy in New York City. If she is at least good looking, why she need to harass me? SHE IS A HOOKER IS THE ONLY REASON SHE NEED HELP TO PIMP IN HER FAT BUTTS.  --April 20th,

I do not know why she was in Boston Transition Department about two weeks ago, I did call General Attorney's Office of Massachusetts ask for help and I did call FBI's help constantly for all these abducting alike efforts.  --April 20th, 2017

I was threatened that now nobody would protect me.
My response: Are you kidding? You should heard he stopped paying security fees by end of 2014 as agreed upon, not recently stopped. You should also heard that I did pay him back for all the security fees he had paid. The only argument is whose threats you are passing along? If those security fees were for show purpose, I refuse to pay back. --April 20th, 2017

04/20/2017 (3)

This is to a Jessica who was almighty in glass house cancer session when I was in Boston Transition Department two weeks age:

If you are not a hooker, you don't need help in Boston to PIMP in your fat butts. If you are not a whore born, you DO NOT need help in Boston knowing he is in New York CITY. If your father is indeed an executive real estate manager of a RITZ CARLTON, impossibly you can be his daughter by blood. You know you are just a thirties with no comparison to those 20's and no comparison to my kids' mother in everything else. FUCK OFF. YOU ARE JUST A DESPERATE HOOKER THOROUGH and THOROUGH.

I will be in Boston Transition Department tomorrow 9 AM sharp, and I indeed informed my own attorneys about you. Let's see how almighty powerful you fat butts can be. ---April 28, 2017


If you heard this morning's broadcasting, you can feel the hatred expressed by People's Republic of China through this "you are only eligible to this old sour unwanted man“。That is how he is considered in China and introduced on the radio program.
It is unfair to that poor Chinese citizen being humiliated like this worldwide by his government. It is called discrimination against marriage status in United States.
I am proud I am a US citizen but I still have to speak up for myself: I am not desperate at all.
 ---April 20th, 2017

If you still remembered how desperate Chinese Premiere' wife is about British Prince, if yo still remember how Chinese Premiere's wife is so wanted in China featured in radio program rumored produced by her own daughter, you would realize "Who had slept with Chinese Premiere's wife, It is entire Chinese government"  may not be a joke. --April 20th, 2017


我自己就是因为友善, 才会被中国政府认为只配捡垃圾。我自己已学会保护自己最重要。

Tina O'Connor 是美国外交部雇员。 她的父亲是第六代参议院。她是由美国外交官, 在中东因公殉职的Christopher Steven 做媒认识Charles Schnieberg (Charles Ford).

Tina O’Connor 家替我三个爷爷为我所设基金美国部分做信托律师已八代。她的父亲现在还是其中我2个爷爷为我设立基金美国部分的信托律师。(只有Lion King Fund 因谁是基金主人困扰已离开)。

Tina O'Connor 是1996年10月我认识Charles一个星期后认识他。他们两家家里从小就认识,但他本人不认识女方。女方在1997年不请自到坚持搬入和他同住。他当晚紧急换房由原来的一房换成两房一厅成为室友(他住的是他父亲的投资)。同住八年无两性关系但女方坚持要和他结婚。他的抱怨被女方父亲听到后由女方父亲出面让女方于2004年搬出。
----April 20th, 2017

我目前的脑控治疗费用是由Lion King Fund 支付。按2004年我信托财产时的协议,我的生活费用给付应由广播剧收入支付。我已向麻州总检察长写信查询我作为广播剧主要人物的收入事宜。我从2004年8月或10月起就一直是麻州居民。-- 2017年4月20日。

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

04-19-2017 (6)

从我2004年搬到波士顿起,就有华人闲言碎语说我喜欢勾引男人,就只配和讨饭的有个家。最早就是桥口大学春田分校的马一茜 (T'racy) .她毕业后没找到工作,嫁的丈夫方豪也是上海人,做日本餐的。她是四处打电话说东道西,说我没人要就死缠着JANUS的老美Bryan。

04-19-2017 (5)

Heard this morning radio program broadcasted that why lion king fund and other similar-s should be owned by an Asian even that is by laws, why can't laws be changed about the ownership?
My response: If this is about the privileges of being law makers, who else can have the privilege to own some private wealth, big or small, other than law makers group?  --April 19th, 2017
How often are they privileged to change laws about who should own what money? Will it be whenever they themselves need some money. Is this real in lawful country United States where a citizen should lawfully own private wealth and be protected by laws? --April 19th, 2017

04-19-2017 (4)

很奇怪,为什么有华人天天就忙这管别家男人的裤裆. 这男人那男人谁和谁关他们什么事?一口一声看不下去,关他们什么事?有的能气的眼泪直流,那男的还和她一点关系没有,连像我这种聊过天的关系都没有。他们吃的哪门子醋啊?我什么都不用说不用做就已经把他们给气到半死,说我在示爱。他们要不是花痴啊,能這激动吗?有可能这么理解吗? --2017年4月19日

听说有国内来的愤怒是因为不理解做老婆的为什么要让丈夫白做. 自己每天上班做工挣钱回家做家务,晚上还要让丈夫白做,凭什么?这应不关我事,但我必须回应就因为这气全撒我这儿: 说我贱货死缠男人。
希望你们能调整好心态。希望你们别因你们自己的问题把海外华女都给骂成花痴而造成和你们完全无关华人的生活困扰。“受害者”不是我一个。 海外华人都没国女那份别人欠了她的气势,就被国内来的这些人给骂成花痴, 很普遍。
--- 2017年4月19日。

04-19-2017 (3)

I am an engineer and I had some interesting experiences with entertainment industry ladies in 2004 meeting.

I was talking about computer technology term CString to some technology guys, it shocked entertainment ladies that I dare to talk about my underwear in such public meetings.  Nobody participating chats knew why those ladies were smirking.

I was talking about glass house cancer medical treatment when I say "Same way in, same way out" which means treatment can use the same technology as research. It shocked everyone in entertainment industry I was talking like this to those senior position important people and everyone in the chatting group looks like nothing wrong with it. I bet nobody sitting there and then realized why they had been considered who they truly are already been discovered right there right then.
--April 19th, 2017

04-19-2017 (2)

It is true that polygamist often misunderstood as after lust group. Not many women are polygamist that has men's privileges to be misunderstood. I was considered horrible by a lot of females in 2004 when I was very comfortable about dating more than one guy at the same time.  I was even called whore is certainly some misunderstanding about polygamist.

Polygamists are not necessarily after joy of sexual experiences but totally comfortable about more than one marriage partners. Polygamist is never a trash can to take in left-overs. Polygamist (male) is never the one to be provided for by marriage partners money. Polygamist who has the privilege to have more than one marriage partners is the one who is responsible to provide.

This is to some women who have concern about a female polygamist that has male's privilege:
It has same rules as male privileged polygamist marriage.
If a man is your husband or a father of your child(ren), or your boyfriend is a divorcee or a widow,  your man is not considered a suitor in a polygamist marriage. So relax and save yourself from anxieties.    --April 19th, 2017



我听说英国BBC已替Kate Middleton 将£600 Million ($900 Million) 返还美国广播公司。
Heard BBC has returned £600 Million ($900 Million) to American radio company for Kate Middleton.   --April 19, 2017

有人说李克强是唐玄宗李隆基皇后那一支的后裔, 应算主支。
李隆基皇后只育有一子即杨玉环第一任丈夫。我听说李克强是李隆基皇后娘家兄弟的后裔。按中国古老习俗,同姓须出五福才可论婚嫁。李克强应不是李渊或李世民的后裔。(唐高祖李渊----唐太宗李世民---唐高宗李治(武则天丈夫)---- 武则天儿子---唐玄宗李隆基。)           --2017年4月19日。

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

04-18-2017 (2)

这次中国政府权力演出所展现的方敏事件,我作为当事人的感受就是: 中国现在有政府吗?中国现在有法律吗?中国政府演出的目的究竟是什么?以演出名义进行公然造假, 造谣,诽谤甚至公然恐吓, 究竟目的是社么? --2017年4月18日。

奥运会创意,海外很多华人特别是美国新泽西州的华人很多都听过我当年在黄莉家的讲话录音,很清楚2008年奥运开幕式和他们听到的方敏创意录音九成以上一致,却被中国政府选拔的广播剧制作团队以演出名义说成不知是谁创意,究竟中国政府目的是什么? 听说当年是美国政府官员直接将录音带交给中国政府外交部官员,中国政府非常清楚事实争相。除了我听说有一亿多美金是从我尚未领取的广播公司收入被非法汇入中国且尚未退还外, 还有其他原因吗?非法汇入是因为汇款人无权支配这笔款项。--2017年4月18日。

有听说中国政府是想展现问题,我想问: 你们是想展现问题,还是想创造问题? 本来非常清楚奥运创意人是方敏是事实,现在中国政府一口咬定方敏是假,中国政府是想展现问题还是想制造问题? 很多中国人确实不清楚我在海外成就是否真实,但这些疑问中国政府是想弄清楚吗? 我在美国东部纽约和波士顿工作生活,你们的工作人员采访电话打到德国或者美国西部的加州洛杉矶有可能解决中国人对我方敏是否真实的困扰吗?中国政府究竟想做什么? --2017年4月18日。

还有就是我方敏的钱财,不管是我继承或者我自己挣的,凭什么是中国政府指手画脚说不可以把钱归我自己支配?你们自己的存款和工资都应有你们自己支配,为社么我方敏的钱财就不应该由我自己支配?你们到处打电话制造我目前生活困境并且到处宣传我目前生活困境,目的究竟是社么?他们以自己是中华人民共和国来的最清楚,到处打电话游说不准我有好日子过。就凭劳工法我在广播剧的收入就不差(累积已有40多亿美金),就因这中国政府演出,我必须讨饭吃。他们还到处宣传我生活穷的叮当响,没可能是真。 全部以中国政府演出名义进行。请问除了那一亿多美金之外,中国政府还有多大胃口,你们还在继续演的什么戏? --20174月18日。

我听说的是: 广播剧整个投资只有七百万美金且只有一个月。从2005年2月起,广播剧就以自己的广告收入支付广播剧自己的制作费用。按美国智慧产权法,我的故事及语音资料,制作团队的努力,所以制作团队(整体)和我收入相同。--2017年4月18日。



Heard saying that no one believe that I can be the person that did prototype of BioGate on authentication and secTransport pieces, in another words it means no one believe I could do such a software like bioGate.  Especially those graduated from same spring field campus of University of Bridgeport.
My response is: These people also includes those who did technology evaluation, I learned my computer in two years time while working full time in a Chinese restaurant. This learning experience plus less than 5 years working experience puzzled everyone in that technology evaluation company.
I heard formal evaluation was done by the biggest and the most famous evaluation company, not rumored one that was owned by a handsome guy in his twenties or just step into his thirties.
I also heard the first thing those evaluation professionals did is to check my security tape from the day I joined Janus Associates till bioGate prototype was in shape. It was a thorough check includes every minutes from the moment I stepped into Janus Associates everyday till the minutes I stepped out of office. They checked how I typed in every single line of codes till I hand in my project.
----April 18, 2017
---- 2017年4月18日。

Heard somebody saying a lot of my invention in 2004 may be said by someone else through glass house cancer technology.
My response is: No one is that stupid knowing there are tons of invention fees they can not claim if they do so.
Plus, glass house cancer technology is a communication technology that can track data been communicated. Meaning? If I had glass house cancer already in the meeting, every word that communicated to me through this technology should have been checked, monitored and verified by this technology's research people.
---- April 18, 2017
---- 2017年4月18日。

Sunday, April 16, 2017

04-16-2017 (3)

Heard saying "It was only $400 Millions. The cost is only $400 million for you to say you made $4 Billion in radio program."
My response: You are saying English literature is useless since you already speak in it fluently when you were 5 years old. I knew literature and law professional groups in all languages knew my pain together with TV or radio announcers in all languages. All we do is talking in some languages that a 5 years old certainly expected to speak fluently. --April 16, 2017

It is true I spent about $400 Million in 2004 for my security tape which I treat as treasure. --April 16, 2017.  (Heard updates that real cost is not that much. --04/16/2017)

4-16-2017 (2)

Here is another interesting conversation from glass house cancer session.

Anonymous female A: "I am his wife, I do not want you to be in my life."
Engineer me: " As long as this he is your husband, I do not want to be in your life the same."
Anonymous female A: " I do not want him has anything to do with you."
Engineer me: "If this he of yours only has professional association with me, there shouldn't be you in there. But if you do then I can assure you there are tons of talented and excellent him-s can have professional association with me for me to be associate with."

Anonymous female B: "As long as I am the real mother of Prince William's children, I do not want you to associate with any British."
Engineer me: "I do not give you any inch but everything by laws."

Anonymous female C:" If you do not want to be associate with Chinese Premiere's women, you won't have business chances with China."
Engineer me: "Chinese Premiere does not own China. He is suppose to be the public servant to China and Chinese people instead of a Lord."

Anonymous male:"We won't do business with your inheritances. China won't do business with you."
Engineer me: "If this is from Chinese government officials, I am fine with it. If I do any business with China means I have to give you cash back buying commission, I would rather pass. I came from China, I totally aware how you estimate your supposed buyer's commission, never enough. If every deal means I have to take out same savings together with all profit as your buyer's commission, I choose to keep my saving as it is. You go to company's management or sales person to see if they willing to let you take all profits plus some of their savings in order to have some deals. COUNT ME OUT."

--April 16, 2017


There was this very interest talk between a self claimed literature female and me as engineer through glass house cancer session:

Literature female: "It would be really nice to have me in your life".
Engineer me: "Not really. Entire time you keep pissing me off. I prefer feel some joy instead of being pissed off."

Literature female: "What do you expect me to say (in a social event) after you give me this answer?"
Engineer me: "I do not expect anything from you, no expectation at all."

Manner tutor: "What is the problem between you and this person?
Engineer me: "First of all it was in glass house cancer session that everybody is anonymous caller. Entire time this session is about females jealousy of this prominent or that prominent man, about throwing shits all over. Now you totally can understand why I do not see why I need her in my life at all. "

Manner tutor: "Do you aware this also means that you socially being rude or at least being not appropriate? "
Engineer me: "I do not see why she feel this privileged as if I need her this favor. The tone she used impressed me so. "

Manner tutor: "There are tons of these kind ladies who are spoiled, privileged and girly if you go out and try to be social."
Engineer me: "But I am the same spoiled, girly and privileged. Why would they assume I am not?"
Manner tutor: "Maybe because everybody give them inches to privilege them assume you would as well."
Engineer me: "Well, I definitely won't impress them I would. I will never give them any inch, no inch at all. I do not know if I am a spoiled brat, I do not demand to be privileged but I am girly, very very girly."
Manner tutor:"Well, if so, how are you going to go out for social events? You cannot say you just don't go out."
Engineer me: " Of course I would go out. I can do very nice chats. I am a little "picky" does not mean I cannot be social. I do have this understanding that even if we both or we all are spoiled, privileged and girly type does not necessarily mean we dislike each other or disrespect each other. With this mutual respectful attitude, we can certainly find ways to stay in friendly and pleasant chats."

--April 16, 2017

Saturday, April 15, 2017

04-15-2017 (3)





我出国已二十年从未对中国共产党及其领道下的中国政府对内对外包括经济政策说三道四,美国广播公司制作的·广播剧在英国BBC协助下报道的是我对中国共产党及中国共产主义的理解, 中国制作团队参与的部分是报道我在中国的成长,中国文化对我的影响及我对中国经济建设的贡献。所有这些现在却被中国政府2015年11月起参与及组织的演出说成是假冒伪造,所造成的名誉影响是造成我对中国政府意见很大的根本原因。--2017年4月15日。


Heard it was announced on the radio that Pejoves family wealth is not my wealth.
My response:
That is of course. I am not a Pejoves.
Just like O'Connor's family wealth is certainly not mine wealth. Lion king fund is my wealth but commonly mistaken as O'Connor's family wealth. I know this for sure from the meeting I attained.
Pejoves family representing a fund, by rumor, is one of my inheritances which also has similar attorney's letter story like O'Connor's family. ---April 15th, 2017

我的回应:女子, 你先别激动。这钱怎么着都和你睡过的男人没任何关系。
其他好奇的人就听我解释一下:Pejoves他们家的钱当然不是我的。我听到的传言是说Pejoves他们家管理的钱是我的。这钱也有一个他们家律师爷爷写了一封信的故事。就象狮子王基金(Lion King Fund)是我很确定的我的钱,但经常被混淆成O‘Connor 家的钱就因为他们家的律师爷爷写了一封信。所以混淆归混淆,但钱还是我的就因律师无权写信就拥有客户钱财,这封律师信无法律效应。

这些钱都是解放前就在海外,我现在也已是美国公民(2015年就入籍),怎么是中国政府在叫唤不准我说这钱那钱是我的?关中国政府什么事啊?  很气愤呢。
还有就是我在美国和谁谁谈恋爱,吵也好,闹也好,关中国政府什么事啊?中国政府只要说清楚和我没任何私人关系就得,怎么就是够资格指手画脚还说三道四的,还比谁才有奶有屁股够资格,感觉就是在拉皮条卖骚货,整个一妓院老鸭府。--- 2017年4月15日

国人你要是能看见这网页就不容易,中国政府对我的态度就是娱乐圈那套“封杀“  --2017年4月15日

Friday, April 14, 2017

04-14-2017 (2)

Heard David Petraeus announced that he invested about $1Million total on radio program and total making of his share in over 10 years time is about $1Billion.

I heard total investment for this radio program was about $7Million total and all was invested before January of 2005. It covered the first month producing fee as pilot program. Since February of 2015, this radio program has been supporting its producing cost by its own making. Of course, by intellectual property related laws, producing team and I as major featured person got bigger share in this radio program. My share of income as major featured person fee has accumulated over $4Billion.

This radio program was created on July 1st of 2004 meeting by my idea and by my persuasion power of how great it could be and by my ready audio materials from my security tapes ( This is a treasure to me since it recorded my life ever since I was born including how I was born). Of course, I can not deny some prominent guys including Prince William is one the reason that Clear Channel company willing to listen and willing to consider ideas about this radio program as radio reality show. This radio program was produced as reality equivalent is because most of its featured stories & audio materials used are all happened and recorded before radio program deal was reached or discussed on July 1st of 2004.

Heard there were arguments about Prince William's related stories are the reasons of this radio program's success which should make himself or Kate Middleton a big investor of this radio program. I disagree with that saying since radio program has been a hit show since January of 2005 and Prince William's related stories were first aired in 2007 when radio program already has already been broadcast-ed in over 100 language worldwide with overall rating over 90%. I demand every penny of $900 Million back. This $900 Million (£600 million) was transferred by Jessica, announced mother of David Petraeus' child, from my $4Billion to Kate Middleton according to rumors. If there are any arguments that Prince William's related stories should deserve some returns, it should never from my share of income as major featured person fee. -- April 14, 2017

Heard radio producing team got similar share as mine. They have received theirs and mine has been put aside by radio company as agreed upon on July 1st of 2004.  Long story short: This is to ease the concern that  I might not be appropriately provided for before my entrust finish if this income collected by my accountants. This income would be part of my entrust if collected by my accountants since I entrusted my inheritances on July 1st of 2004.

I request every penny transferred out similar to those transferred to Prince William and his associated back to me with appropriate interest. --April 14th, 2017


It has been a nightmare like experience to me since 2015 time. There were shits flying "on air" through radio program and there were promotions everywhere I go in Boston, MA of United States. I was yelled "back off" by people know for sure that I have not been to Britain,  not to mention stuck on some prominent who have securities on a 24/7 basis in London. I was so annoying that I refuse to live on my own but on welfare to everyone whom had heard the same radio program about my life stories for over 10 years already and knowing purely by labor laws of US that is impossible. --April 14th, 2017

It was just a show to Prince William to support Kate Middleton to call me a whore, to announce British East India Company financier fund should be her wealth knowing that is mine. Why did he impress world wide audience he "has" some children himself on the same radio program and use this story to shit me all over? Why not his own name on the same radio to be shitted as "Prince William is a fake father through and through since his little brother cannot even stand up for years already" just for show purpose?

Why he yelled as if I am the reason everybody thought I mother his children knowing he himself did it? He just wants to spoil some hers but why on my toes? I am only willing to bow to Prince William directly even that take his capability to do it in any situation and for great purpose of my seeding program. I refuse to bow to any her in anyway for his sexual desire. I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! So you hear me loudly: British East India Company financier fund is mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine. Ingonyama title featured in lion king cartoon movie is mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine. And everything else that is mine but announced by any her as whoever's on that same radio program keep as mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine and mine. --April 14th, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

04-13-2017 (3)

In People's Republic of China and in this China only, a mother is shit like maid to her daughter in law and this status is enforced by the boy she raise. This is a lot of mothers' teary cries in P. R. China. A father is a little better if he can be a ATM(Debit card) to his daughter in law and that is willingly or not. If he is not capable, he is a useless shit only knows how to eat. This is his own son's opinion too. --April 13, 2017

The problem I have with my younger brother's wife( including his ex) is that she is supported by my younger brother to be the new head of house even they live in my parents place. My parents have to fight for their space in the apartment they bought. This is a typical problem between a sister and a brother in P.R. China. I myself do not give shit to my younger brother and his wife. She is his wife not mine. I am not interest in her. I do not give shit to if she's going on a sex strike. I do not her her butts in anyway or anyhow to care. How my younger brother is going to find his sex relieve should never be my concern. I refuse to be the person bow to a her for my younger brother's sex desire. I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse!I refuse! I refuse! I refuse!  --April 13th, 2017

In 07/01/2004 conference, someone joked I was this person's or that person's mother. I was not offended since I am 15 years junior and obviously looks younger. But jokingly make me a mother in law to be abused and to spend my money against my wish, my response is : I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! I refuse! (Nine times "refuse" in Chinese culture means refuse permanently). --April 13, 2017

04-13-2017 (2)



我的回应:杨玉环杨贵妃从未勾引安禄山。李隆基引荐安禄山给杨贵妃杨玉环是因为杨玉环怀孕不适, 李隆基不光弄大量三日内荔枝给她吃,还希望塞外人说话无厘头的安禄山能逗她开兴一些。安禄山要吃奶传闻就是在说杨玉环刚做母亲有了一个儿子,安禄山是干儿子在吃醋。--2017年4月13日

武则天从来不淫荡。她和她的独生子及孙子(唐玄宗)是在为不知何时会出生的女继承人能有一份女皇帝规格的婚姻而做准备, 否则按祖制男性有性器官是不得出入后宫的。因为他们的努力,我如出生在唐朝不需要女扮男装就可以享受按祖制拥有的婚姻。--三月31日, 2017

我的回应:我家继承规则不是长子继承而是以特殊的两手掌纹胎记继承, 生个有胎记的继承人不容易。我家只有我祖父和我父亲是一妻婚姻。我祖父,我父亲和我都是第一个孩子但我曾祖父第一个妻子不育。我是家里的继承人,确实对多妻婚姻不是很陌生, 只是我是女继承人属多夫婚姻而已。我对婚姻看法有不同但认同婚姻是男女相悦更是责任与付出, 是牵手情更是相茹于沫的人生伴侣。我从来都是正正经经女人,但也认为多夫婚姻很平常。--2017年4月13日。



-- 我的回应:1989年5月还在大学时我就已在全国高校电话会议上表态, 我大学毕业后要到美国留学继承财产,我要做大生意做企业经营人才。我不在乎毕业分配及工作安排是事实, 何况我还想学做生意。我是1996年离开中国。

--我的回应:莫名其妙。我在药检所是做实验室药理动物实验工作, 我在美国是做电脑程序员研究工作有成就。完全不同的工作。
我大学高考考上一类大学上海第一医学院(类似美国常青藤大学哈佛医学院), 智商及学习从来不差。上海第一医学院又名上海医科大学,现名复旦大学上海医学院。我在美国有电脑科学硕士学位。--2017年4月13日


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

04//11/2017 (3)


华人是不是花痴很多啊? 我在说我的合法收入被人非法给花了,就有华人认为是在示爱。如果这些人不是花痴,有可能嘛?--4月11日2017

04/11/2017 (2)


我本人至今未到过英国, 和李克强也只在1991年吃过一个饭局。还有就是我和我的一些信托律师的矛盾。
美国方面是因我和David Petraeus 因2004年会议上的究竟花了谁的钱产生误会。他所宣布的他孩子母亲Jessica非法支配我尚未领取的广播公司所付几十亿美金的我做为广播剧女主人公费用的矛盾。公司管理层没人清楚她如何能够动用我的这笔钱,都以为她是获董事会特别授权就因她可以用公司支票动用我的这笔钱。有传言授权者是公司管理层(法律部门)但不是经营部门人员, 不是可授权动用公司经营帐户钱款人员。授权者不是我的律师也不是公司经营部门经理, 所以应该属于非法授权。Jessica甚至因为可以用公司支票用我的钱支付她所提要求成为“重要人物”,竟然以非职员,非股东代表身份非法解雇5名广播公司高级经理,其中包括 106.7FM 频道经理(广播剧是由106.7FM 频道制作)。她因同样原因在公司管理层变更后非法控制广播剧制作。这些是我听道的传言,也听说一切都已在美国政府调查当中。



What exactly is glass house cancer? it is a bio-Engineering health situation. The situation make its host to have this glass house inhabitant's frustration of no privacy is the reason that I called it glass house cancer.
It is well known that chips are commonly used in registering pets owner information. Chips are also commonly used to adjust human's hormonal level for medical treatment purpose. These kind chips technology, if you check on the internet, is called NANO technology. Nowadays, these kind chips can be very small because of this NANO technology.

Glass house cancer has this kind chips for communication purpose and installed on its host spread like cancer all over its host body to have this cellphone effect communication mechanism.  It can be removed from its host the same way it was installed for research reason. That is of course. If you can put something via some method at a designated spot, of course you can via same method to get same designated spot to remove it as long as you know how to remove it safely. I knew in 2004 already since I was told that technology to remove it is laser and this laser technology is very safe to human biological body.

Laser surgery is very common in eye correction, females fibroid removal and all kind of cosmetic surgeries. Laser power can be controlled, surgical instruments can be computerized together with high definition image technology to handle patients' biological data information make micro laser surgery very popular in cosmetic and eye correction surgeries.

Laser can be transmitted remotely if liquidated and computerized laser power can be turned on only when designated spot is reached enabled glass house cancer removal a micro surgery with no opening. Glass house cancer has tons of chips spread all over places to achieve communication purpose that removal surgery has to reach every spread-ed spot to remove it completely and to enable every spot to heal completely make removal very time consuming surgery currently.

I have been on removal surgery daily for over 2 years now and progress very well. Currently speed is picking up a lot. To my understanding, laser removal is much easier and faster than research-installation (technology-wised) should make it much less time consuming than research-installation. Research-installation time is limited, removal surgery time is limited and should be much shorter.

It won't be too long thanks to technology's fast advancing speed. Those cellphones in my situation are less and less functioning. I started school already and am looking forward to reunite with my kids. All these are for real. --April 11th, 2017

Some said it may not be removed by non-technology reason.
My response to this saying is: my treatment pass has this "on perpetual removal" printed on it. Medicals never stop effort to treat bullet sounds even they are fully aware engineers are dedicated to improve firearms. Medical facility is not research facility. Medical people means treatment while research people means research. Medicals of course will let researchers to research while researchers do not like medicals do researchers' jobs.

Some said if you heard a lot of stories about it, you won't be this confident.
My response to this is: if you heard what I heard, you won't concerned but just laughing. It is too funny. Let me try and see if you would at least chuckle up.

If you ever know somebody who is an engineer, you would be impressed an engineer means smart enough to know to keep all benefits to him(or her) self as much as possible and smart enough to refuse to give in an inch if you try to disadvantage this engineer in anyway and anyhow. Bio-engineers are engineers and they don't like to hear you say or just imply that they are bad people or their research is bad if you just disagree with them.

If you ever have medical hospital experience, you certainly know a medical means someone trained to care for you, concern for you and willing to back off as long as you willing to express you do not like it.

And if you ever know what enlisted means, you certainly know that means obeying and serving the great purpose.

Now you know why there are tons of scary stories.--April 11th, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017


我想知道是谁有这份愤怒? 你若姓李或姓刘,就请您冷静。我姓方。我父亲也姓方。我家祖姓是李和刘,但现在姓方。改姓是家祖的决定。



我不经人同意就把David Petraeus的钱给花了。--我的回复:从未发生过。我没有他的银行账号也从未就此联系过他本人及其工作人员,没有可能花他的钱。我当时是在花我自己的钱。(当时已继承)。

有机会参加这会议就凭裤裆关系。 --我的回复:从来不是。会议是由我自己的律师为继承财产事宜召集。所有会议我都是在律师事务所参加。--2017年4月10日。

04/10/2017 (3)

It was some time in 2016 that radio program featured some Austrian Emperor August's heirs announcements. One announced that he forbidden me to have political future. One announced that he forbidden me to have money. One announced that I am not to allowed have a marriage at all if her daughter can not be converted to a polygamist. --April 10, 2017

I was like what's wrong with these people. I am Chinese ancient Emperors heir also have similar long family history. But they are in Europe and I came from China. It is unlikely that our family has historic issues with each other.  It is impossible they can threaten me in anyway either. If they call their people who buy their ancient ancestor's name to threat me, why would those who buy my ancient ancestors' names give shits to threats? Emperor August is a legend about 2000 years ago, my family started around the same time. Why should I be the one concerned? What is the purpose of these threats? Is this effort trying to raise public awareness of my family history? -- April 10, 2017

04/10/2017 (2)

This is to those David Petraeus as well as Prince William willing to spoil, this is to almost all Chinese females:
Please remember following forever:
You may mother his child or children but never mother my child or children.
You are his beloved female but never will be my sexually involved.
I am a female you can never have.
I am a female never spoil you.
I am a female may never tolerate you.

This is to everyone else: Can you please let them understand this? Can you please help me to understand why being a Chinese female, a Chinese female automatically become the one deserve being my spoiled one? --April 10th, 2017

Entire time I have this huge problem or your call frustration and it is everywhere I go. A female deserve to spend my money or to order me around just because she is a male's beloved or mother of a male's child or children. I have been pissed off entire time since I have this huge questions " What the f*** is this? Is that a psycho? Can she recognize I am a female who does not even have a third leg to care how delicious she might be just by the fact who has been enjoying her? ". I am obviously in my female appearance!!!  Who did this to me and who is still trying to do this to me? -- April 10th, 2017

In Chinese culture, a young female does have privileges in front of a male. It is not about if he has interest in her or not, it is about a male should tolerate a young female to buy what she wants and make runs as her request. It is something like Lady First but only on money and ordering around instead of everything. But this privileges only applicable to those young and not yet seriously dating Chinese females. This young Chinese female group are not the ones make me scream. -- April 10th, 2017

How about those my beloved that I am willing to spoil, will I let other people have this scream? I will never. My understanding is my beloved have all the privileges they deserve in front of me but only me instead of everyone. This difference may be my problem with some prominent people. They may understand it should be out of everybody's respect to him to spoil the her who is significant in his life. My understanding is my beloved should be my beloved only instead of everyone's beloved. -- April 10th, 2017


Heard it was announced this morning through radio program that it is a huge concern over my decision power of my own wealth. The concern is nobody can have this keep me in check power is a headache. I understand this announcement as I can not spend my money as I wish unless I am being supervised which means I should not be the person can spend my own money. What kind announcement is this? --April 10, 2017

This is my own money. It does not matter if this is my salary or my inheritances. Why should not I have the freedom to spend it as I wish? Why it is a headache to those who have nothing to do with this money? Why they need to have the saying over how I should spend my money? Why should it be their power over my money? Why should they consider my money is their's to have this controlling power over it? --April 10th, 2017

Do no understand why David Petraeus is part of this radio program "announcement". His money got nothing to do with me. He himself may willing to be supervised or he is willing to spoil people. But I am not willing to be supervised and those announcers are not people I am willing to spoil. I will never spoil anybody to have supervising power over me. My money has nothing to do with him. I am not the person he should consider to assign a supervising manager or feel frustrated since he can not.  -- April 10th, 2017

Friday, April 7, 2017


I found this "trick" about language if related to history.
Chinese people won't believe I have inheritance because they know my family had no money when I was in China. No matter how I scream saying I left China in 1996 and I inherited in 2004, money has been abroad before 1949, they just don't register till I used the term " Before liberation". There is a huge difference for Chinese mainland people about this two terms. "Before 1949" does not mean you should have no money  but "before liberation" totally means you should not have any money in China. This is P. R. China's history impact on language terms. --April 7th, 2017
很多中国人不相信我有继承财产就因为他们知道我家在中国没钱。不管我怎么嚎我是1996年离开中国2004年才继承而钱是1949年以前就在国外, 他们就是不明白。但我换个说法表达“我2004继承的财产都是解放前就转移国外的”, 他们就都懂了。 “1949年”不能表明没钱。”解放“就是说应该没钱。这是新中国历史的语言痕记。--2017年4月17日

How about " it is my money from my birth grandfather" concept. I tried to use birth grandfather, and maiden grandfather, somehow, English speaking person just do not register the idea that this is my money since I was born into the family who is a girl carries family birthmark as heiress. No matter how I try, they just do not register this is the money got nothing to do with David Petraeus. No matter what I say, the understanding is I try to get other people's money. Lion King Fund is even further since I never dated any O'Connor but try to get their money. You heard my scream saying "that is my money by blood" and respond is "She is trying to get O"Connor's money knowing she never dated them." with the information "she even dare to call FBI for this effort". What is the language trick on this? How a lady let people understand that is her maiden family's blessing which got nothing to do with her romance? --April 7th, 2017

Let's try this, say if it helps to register what I am screaming.

Lion King Fund Is My Own Money From My Own Chinese Grandfather. 

Not O'Connor's Family Money, Not David Petraeus's Money. It's my OWN money.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

04/06/2017 (2)

Received a letter from Boston Transition Department requesting me to provide information why I did not work for food stamps. I decided to ignore. I have the question my food stamps are provided because of what was agreed upon on July 1st of 2004 (my entrusting meeting) or because of poverty. $300 cash assistance from Transition Department is the same. I decided to ignore. --April 6th, 2017

I did sent a letter to General Attorney of Massachusetts' office to ask help. I have been major featured person on a popular radio program for over 10 years time, being a resident of Boston, Massachusetts for the entire time, this is the office I certainly should send a letter to ask why I do not have any payment at all according to labor law. I did sent them the link of this web blog as well. --April 6, 2017

Heard General Attorney had announced something on the radio program that she won't tolerate live free on tax payer activity. I am happy since she knows exactly which radio program I am complaining to her about. -- April 6, 2017


Radio program announced I was a fake if I announce myself graduated from a medical school since this school never exist. I do not need to say more but put some screen shot here. --April 6 2017

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Heard David Petraeus is some sort of investment officer and he is famous for supporting Jessica. Heard same Jessica's birth mother (Anne Pejoves) is the one announced Pejoves  welath in America should be hers.. Herad radio program announced 5 Pejoves and 4 Rockefellers life are threatened. I am not a bit concerned. I am the heir by blood, by inheritance rule and by will, nothing to be confused at all. Heard a lot of special force to join this Jessica to fight against my stuck-on of David Petraeus,  I have no need. I announced two of my inheritance that already providing for me is 200 each, Pejives' one, heard is another 200. I am pretty good shaped by my own birth grandfathers blessing. I did call laws help to ensure my own safety.  --April 5th, 2017
I was miserable because of this rumored 20000 special force fight against me, i do not think it is for the him, but for my money which is from my birth grandfather. I did ask for the investigation if this is actually murder for money. I was heavily threatened on the radio since 2016, this year heard there was 9 people's life was threatened on the radio program. Most likely I am the 10th because that is my birth grandfather's money I inherited.  ---April 5th, 2017
The difference between David Petraeus's wealth and mine is: He has huge wealth from his father that called his inheritable. I have my wealth from my birth grandfathers that I already inherited in 2004. --April 5th, 2017.
Heard he said whatever left that is if he can have anything left he would consider to let me have. This was regarding his rumored promise which I already freed him from. I would response with a joke that you would know what he means by taking a look at him, and I would seriously add I am good shaped financially by my own birth grandfathers blessing. --April 5th, 2017
I am willing to pay for my medical bill and I do believe medical billing is according to hospitals standards and definition. Heard rumors if I should be treated by hospitals at all if glass house cancer is actually a research project. My respond to that is it never confuse any medical staff if a bullet wound should be treated at all even they are fully aware machinery are delicate to improve firearms. Of course this is the same with glass house cancer. Research institutes or related for Glass House Cancer are not in medical hospitals. Whatever I am complaining about has nothing to do with if glass house cancer should be treated or not in hospitals. --April 5th, 2017

I met David Petraeus when I was in Washington area with Janus Associates to promote bioGate. Back then bioGate was already in its alpha phase which means prototype finished. I did not know the beauty of CDSA yet, but I already made myself a good fortune by this bioGate. That is why when I was offered a Strategist position and was reminded it has better benefit than what I got from Janus Associates in January of 2004 conference, I said I already made myself good with the confidence its just the matter when to cash in.
Heard it was David Petraeus reminded me that military salary is better but I was not interested. I knew he is a rich guy the day I met him in August/September of 2003,  I also knew I myself not shabby at all. He knew I knew he is rich guy the day I met him probably agitate him entire time that I was comfortable talking about myself a rich person as well. Actually I was. I did not know anything about inheritances yet but I did make myself good by being a computer programmer with a great product. After June 30th of 2004, I knew I got good inheritances. --April 5th, 2017

I was brought up by a scientist father, my mother told me my education would be the bridal gift for my parents to give to me to take to my husband's family. I was never educated in anyway that marrying somebody for financial improvement purpose.
I was very confident of being a business person in 2003 and I knew I would have not shabby start once bioGate cashed in . 

I was asked if I want to be a business person that I can certainly work for his family business and I said I would rather do my own business. It did not occur to me that it implied taking over his family business this way,  what I means I would have more freedom do my kind of business when I got bioGate cashed in. bioGate check won't be like billions but won't less than several hundred millions either. Pretty good start for me to think where to go next. --April 5th, 2017

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Why David Petraeus announced he would throw a million (maximum) to me on condition of this and that? Only because that is the amount he threw into the radio program.
Radio program had total initial investment for about $7M to produce pilot episodes. After a month, radio company give it a "go" because it already generated enough income to self support its producing.
I am so proud of myself. I appreciate greatly to producers who made this huge success. 
--April 2nd, 2017

Saturday, April 1, 2017

A day before 04/02/2017

There were sayings in 2004 meeting that I was rapped by Albert Gore in my self paid and locked apartment while I was in my sound sleep. I myself did not know if that is true or not since I must indeed in my sound sleep. What I knew I was  having security provided by his cousin's family business. Heard Albert Gore announced on the radio program that as long as his cousin in this business, he just privileged to enjoy any woman as he wish. I myself did express myself to laws that I sue him if this is true because he proved himself being malicious in the past 10 years.
There were sayings about what happened to his family on July 1st of 2004, I myself did not know if that is true or not. What I know is his daughter from his late wife is a psychiatrist. She graduated from medical school before 2004.

There was saying 10 January of 2004 meeting that David Petraeus rapped me in Hyatt hotel when I was sleeping in my already paid hotel room, I myself did not know if this is true or not. I am expressing myself to law people who is reading this web blog now that I sue him if that is true since he is obviously very malicious and he means harm. I leave the question if he means harm to law people.
By rumor his wife and/or mother of his child is(are) the one(s) behind radio program's public slaughter like effort and more. I assume he did everything harmful through supporting & rewarding his wife and/or mother of his child. His public announcement on the radio that he is so proud of what his wife achieved through organizing the radio program is the reason I say he means harm. There are tons of criminal activities alike in the name of promoting this same radio program I believe meant to destroy me and my life that may also organized by his wife and/or mother of his child and supported by him with proud. Those threats announced on the radio were never meant just announcing it in a show but mostly (if not all) in places in my reality life. I did call laws help.
I never lived on him(his family) and radio program's success was never their charity. (check march 26th listing). They never intended to pay from day one is the reason I say they are not privileged to say what will happen to me if they never do this radio program. They are not the person can say I have no money but live on welfare knowing they made tons of money through radio program by using my audio materials from security tapes recorded way before I met him( in 2003). Just by labor law, I am pretty rich, not to mention I have handsome inheritances which cause some confusion about whose money I was spending on July 1st of 2004.

To those threats that I just have to swallow all those shits they threw at me via radio program, my response is "I refuse. You save them all to whoever buy your huge money to eat willingly. "
对于“你就是得把这口屎给吃了“的恐吓, 我的回应是“我拒绝了。你留着给想拍你马屁的人吃个够吧。“

All these radio program related promotion are organized via so called "Drama Club" which are around my daily activities including my medical treatment of glass house cancer. I am a premium patient but for promoting show purpose, it is displayed to treatment provider staff as "Standard" which certainly have huge impact on the treatment that I received. Tons of this kind experiences. Why they need to shit my public images like they did? Why they need to make me such a humiliating image to be mentioned through never happened stories featured in my name? Other than to promote to sell sex provider to have time to produce a child, what else can be the reason? I was abducted like live in poverty only have food stamps, shabby public housing and constantly be threatened as if I live on them while they took my money to dress pretty. Like I said, only by what I made in radio program, how could I possibly need to live on welfare but that is common understanding in Boston Housing Authority that I currently live. Why I need to look shabby and horrible? Other than promoting a female sex provider, what else Rockefeller house are trying to do made them so proud of who they are? I hardly can imagine nowadays Rockefeller house are into whore business and actually so proud of this business they organized. Correct me if you think I am wrong with convincing information instead of " how could it possible?" You heard what they announced on the radio that I can only get about 1 million total with a condition that to claim I never got nothing to do with David Petraeus. With what I made through radio program that world wide broadcast-ed for over 10 years, how could it possible I need this a million dollar providing? How could this a possible announcement made by a Rockefeller? SO when you trying to correct me, do not give me this shit like "How could it possible?". (My medical treatment is paid by the fund I call Lion King Fund. My medical treatment providing was decided on July 1st of 2004 in my entrusting meeting.)

Heard rumor there is already a law suit that Tina O'Connor sued me about his blog. My response: I have not receive anything, no email nor court paper.

I won't note today's date but tomorrow's. This is not a joke from me. --April 2nd, 2017


There was a saying in 2015 time that if Prince William of Britain ever had sex with me, it got be because he needs me as a partner to train his capability to do it in any situation. I say that can also because I need him to contribute to my seeding program to easy my frustration over my family's ridiculous birthmark inheritance rule. You got to agree he is indeed a great, great choice for consideration purpose.  I would have no complain about both my reason and consideration itself. -- April 1st, 2017


I came from an almost 2000 years old long history polygamist family, only my father and his father both have one wife marriage since their birthmark heirs are both first born. It's not easy to have a heir to be born who carries exact birthmark palms. A lot of times it was the youngest wife's child when husband was already a senior. I am a heir born in this family but I am mothered by my father's only wife. My father is very happy in his one wife marriage with my mother. My father is a scientist in Astronomy and I am an engineer myself in computer and pharmaceutical, both not interested at all in chasing fancy dating fun. But my father and I do have this easiness about my marriage if with more than one husbands and I am very comfortable that I had dated more than one guys at same time.

A polygamist female is never a mistress type and never a mistress material. A polygamist male do not take advantages of another man's woman. I am a heir born in a polygamist family which means I have a male's privileges if in a polygamist marriage. -- March 31, 2017

武则天从来不淫荡。她和她的独生子及孙子(唐玄宗)是在为不知何时会出生的女继承人能有一份女皇帝规格的婚姻而做准备, 否则按祖制男性有性器官是不得出入后宫的。因为他们的努力,我如出生在唐朝不需要女扮男装就可以享受按祖制拥有的婚姻。--三月31日, 2017

My grandmother Empress Zetian Wu was never a slut. She was famous for enjoying men in her senior age after her husband past away. She even took crown claimed herself an Empress. Actually she , her only child and her grandchild (Tang dynasty Emperor Xuan) were trying to let the future female palms to have a privileged Empress' marriage. According to ancient Chinese royal laws, a male with un-removed member is forbidden to enter royal courtyard in any situation. After these three generations' efforts, I could have a privileged marriage as a crown princess instead of a disguised crown prince if I was born in Tang dynasty.  -- March 31, 2017

Heard saying "if you are polygamist, why not take a man even if you don't desire?"
My response: I came from a traditional polygamist family and that's all. It would be the same reason you do not share your womb with your beloved family dog(biological dog) even your womb is not being occupied by your husband or boyfriend. The only difference is that is a human I do not desire.
Heard saying: " If you can be a polygamist, why not other women?"
My response: I am not in your way if you want to be one. I came from a traditional polygamist family and that's all. A traditional polygamist do not share marriage partner with any other marriage. If in a polygamist marriage, I will not share any marriage partner with any other woman. A traditional polygamist man do not support any other man's marriage family. I only support my own marriage family.
-- March 31, 2017


Heard currently the tone on the radio is I do not deserve anybody to have a romantic relationship. I am curious who hate(s) me like this.  I am a US citizen to enjoy marriage freedom conduct granted by US constitution. I am the one wealthy enough to have huge concern of stuck on issue if I am a male. Not and should not a bit concerned about this threat like expression.
I did look impressively maimed in the past 2 years because of glass house cancer I have. My right side face was twisted anti-clockwise with an obvious vertical line from between eye brow to my right side lip corner since 2015 Chinese New year time. My right side face has been obviously smaller than my left side.  I am currently still look old and exhausted, often carry a look as if I was being screwed even I am laughing heartily.
I was in tears when my medical treatment started on Christmas day of 2014 as a gift. I was asked if I need my doctors to pay attentions to my appearance, I said I would choose overall health over my looks.
Last Friday I went to a Chinatown restaurant to celebrate after I saw myself in a mirror. I am still looks rough, old, miserable and unrecognizable but my appearance is no longer maimed.
I still often feel ruthless and hard to concentrate, I still often easily to forget and hard to remember things, I still cannot read a lot but I started school.  I can only read about 1/3 of required readings but I can finish my papers on time as required even they are all brief ones. -- March 30, 2017

Tons of saying those who came from People's Republic know that I am a liar because they know I have no money when I was in China. I am fed up with all these ridiculous now. The whole story is I inherited as US resident in 2004 and inheritances were all entrusted before China was liberated by Communism Party in 1949. More saying over I am a liar because my family and I have no money in communism People's Republic of China is just sick. 有很多人说我撒谎就因为他们自己是中华人民共和国来的,特别清楚我在中国时根本没钱。我实在是被烦的够呛。我一直都是在说我是2004年以美国居民身份继承财产, 而财产都是在1949年共产党解放中国前就已信托海外。到现在还在说我撒谎就因我和我家在解放后的中国根本没钱实在是变态。--March 30, 2017

I am studying MBA online course. I believe it takes years real business experience to lead a good size the business, not to mention lead a nation as economist. I would rely on my technology and medical background a lot to start off. This is the major problem I have with Chinese Premier. His wife was a staff in a Beijing Foreign Language college and went to school for a MBA (adult education similar to online education) in her 50's and after 3 years courses, she is announced on the radio program a  real national leader to lead China by her husband declaring his true love to her via making a fake person having no achievement. The other issue is I believe my wealth is not his and got nothing to do with him.
我现在就读MBA网上课程,就是国内的成人教育。我认为需要多年经验才能领导一定规模企业, 更不用说有没有能力做为经济专家领导一个国家。我本人需要依赖自己的科技医药背景做为基础开始管理自己投资。这是我和中国总理的根本矛盾。中国总理妻子曾是北京外语学院老师,近50岁时学了三年成人教育的MBA,就被广播剧宣布是有真才实学可以领导中国经济的栋栋梁之才, 而这才华就因她是中国总理真爱。我在美国生活二十年就被中国总理一口一声没有任何关系就成了假冒伪造。另一个矛盾就是我认为我的财产和中国总理一点关系都没有,伦不到他本人或者他的任何裤裆及非裤裆关系指手划脚。--March 30, 2017

Clear channel or 106.7 FM channel is a business entity, not a private property. I have huge problem that someone support his wife can be the reason I have been shitted all over.. I have to make myself very clear, I was never a guest in those big investors' private property, not to mention a beggar in those big investors' private property. This is the reason I keep calling laws help and I keep saying I have no reason not to sue them. -- March 30, 2017

我曾祖父是于1930年我爷爷结婚前去世,当时 我父亲及其弟妹都还未出生。我爷爷方智仁于1965年去世前已亲自将遗嘱交给其四子女(包括我父亲),当时我都还未出生。我所继承方智仁财产是凭其另一份给女掌(其有胎记掌纹的长子方文海所出有胎记掌纹这支的女性有胎记者)遗嘱。我所继承所有财产都是凭一份给女掌遗嘱继承,遗嘱上都有立遗嘱人所出有胎记掌纹儿子的姓名。如有怀疑会计师及律师将其他人钱财归我所有,请向警方求助。所有遗嘱不会公布。 --3月30日,2017