
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, May 4, 2017

05-04-2017 -- Medical and Financial

standard pad surgery for pandemic prevention (in person),6:30AM to 10PM,M-F daily available,currently open to government employee medical insurance. participating US medical center: Alliance,Brigham,Cleveland,Deaconess,Eliazbeth. 
  • ①check participating local medical centers, and commercial sponsorship information if needed, from your local health department colleagues, 
  • ②make appointments to the preferred medical center, special attention: appoinntments are available now already since this April in Europe, Asia, USA, Canada, Australia.




脑控癌 treatment can be treated as: combined of unkown type/tumor type cancer treatment, fee: 10,000/hour; reason for medical appointment: if ask for a favor of health-concerned fullbody cancer screening for combined unkown type/tumor type cancer.(02/27/2021)
  • 如果需要求助,向公安部司法部等的“案件线索专线”投诉,实名举报自己可能受到了传说中的“远程飞刀”袭击的经历经过做为一个可能的案件线索,同时为自己的人身安全寻求法律保护。(03/14/2021)

Heard this morning radio program announced another pretty 200 to make my announced 800. I am happy. My health is getting much better. When I first started school, it would exhaust me to write a two to three hundreds words to post on discussion board. Now, I can read a couple of hours after I finished posting. Only two month time. The treatment is accelerating very nicely.  --May 4th, 2017

I am asked how do I know that is mine?
My response: The announced were announced last Friday together with the French fund entrusted 500 years ago that has representing attorney's letter story similar to lion king fund. Lion King Fund's representing attorney's family has represented for about 200 years, this fund's representing attorney's family has represented for about 300 years. Lion King Fund has been entrusted 600-800 years ago, this one entrusted 500 yeas or so ago. The fund represented by Pejoves family, similar story. I am that Asian female.--May 4th, 2017.

I am asked if glass house caner treatment has been offered to public.
My response: My treatment has been provided by Medical Corp. I heard it has been offered to public since last year. It has critical treatment package or entire treatment package. You can ask for information if you know some veterans (or veteran association) and they know somebody in Medical Corp. Medical Corp will give you information where to call to be admitted for a checkup, it is still expensive currently I will update here(this page) if I heard about what department of Medical Corp to call. --May 4th, 2017

Sorry that I forgot to mention what else I heard. I heard the critical treatment package price offered to public is $50,000. To veteran is $5,000. The price is deducible to veteran has financial concern. To homeless veteran is free. If you are veteran, you can call veteran office for treatment information but if you are not comfortable about term used for glass house cancer, you can ask information from Medical Corp. --May 10th, 2017

Non veteran public, if you are concerned, please check with your veteran friend or veteran association about it. Please pay attention to the term you use to refer your concern, veterans are generally very sensitive and superstitious about it, For the time being, a civilian can only be admitted via a veteran's reference. Not sure if you can contact consulate if you are abroad, heard some you can.--May 31, 2017


If you in need of making phone call, you can printout this web page related pieces to make your request to your veteran friend or veteran association in case you do not know how to appropriately address your concern. Have your cellphone, credit card or debit card ready with you when you make the call (only take credit or debit card), please prepare some cash for possible schedule-appointment-fee. You can schedule the treatment in one hour, in four hour or in a week time, you can also schedule treatment in your sleeping time. Please keep in mind safe driving might be the concern in a week time or so after the treatment, please find alternative ways if you need to commute. The whole process may take about several hours time and please make sure you can be ready and at your comfortable & convenient place for the scheduled several hours time.  ----June 22nd, 2017

You can tell your veteran friend only your own cellphone number and your name will be referred if veteran office is called.----June 22nd, 2017
A receipt will be provided with actual amount of service fee after treatment provided.----June 22nd, 2017
Your veteran friend can also try Medical Corp Division hospitals' medical office.----June 22nd, 2017

The treatment itself is very safe to biological body. It is famous for its "hellish five minutes" starting time. It is the experience of "removing something in your entire head when you are awake" is kind of hellish but no painful feeling associated. You may need your beloved to support you in the first 3-5 minutes time after it started. You may have anger explosion impacted by "hellish five" after 20-30 minutes, you may insensitive to your surroundings in the first week immediately after the treatment, please prepare yourself for all of these. After the first 5 minutes, you will feel "already know for sure you will be alright", please take care of your concerns before treatment starts and settle yourself safely when it is about to start.----June 22nd, 2017




What I heard about is: With current treatment speed, average treatment time is about 1-3 hours per severity of medical situation for critical treatment package at $10,000/hour charge. Deposit for booking critical treatment package is still $50,000.
----July 26th. 2017


Heard currently Blue Cross offer treatment insurance on this "Brain Control". Only minimum $5000 per month plan is offered , other premium plans have not opened to all.
----August 25th, 2017.

听说Blue Cross现在有针对“脑控癌”的医疗保险提供,只有最便宜的每月5000美金的这种向大众开放,其他贵一点的还没有。

If you have experienced similar anger in your own life that you can not identify what is the cause, you may contact Blue Cross insurance. "Brain Control" is the official name of glass house cancer, $5000/month plan open to all U.S citizen, $6000/month plan open to veteran or military associated, like contractors. Both are one treatment session (about 40-50 minutes) per month plan.

If you are indeed intend to contact Blue Cross, you can ask if you can start with "critical treatment package" arranged in one day, and go on further treatment a couple of month later. "Critical treatment package" offers 1/4-1/3 of total's fast removal just in several session hours time. You can also ask if you can have "scalpel or electroautery surgery treatment sessions".

If you are not U.S citizen, you can ask a veteran to make a call to help you to have critical package treatment.

----Sept 4th, 2017

如果你在你自己的生活里有一些类似的经历,整天被人气到够呛,就是弄不清原因所在,如果需要,你可以打听一下Blue Cross 保险公司的保险。“脑控癌”是玻璃房子癌的正式名称,每月5000美金的保险对美国公民开放,每月6000美金的保险对部队的关系户开放,像合同商等等。两种保险都是每月治疗一次月40-50分钟。

如果你确实想接触一下Blue Cross,你可以问一下你是否先开始在一天内做完”核心治疗套组“, 过几个月在开始后续治疗。”核心治疗套组“提供全身总量的1/4-1/3可以在几个治疗时间内迅速清楚。你也可以问一下是不是可以要求”电子手术刀的手术治疗时间"。



If you in need of glass house cancer treatment, "Brain Control" is its medical situation's official term, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance company is where to contact for the $5000 per month insurance plan that offer one treatment session a month.  You can also contact Blue Cross Blue Shield for reference information on Critical Treatment Package treatment.
----Sept 11th, 2017

如果你有原因需要知道一些参与脑控癌治疗的信息,“脑控癌(Brain Control)”就是你询问时的使用名称,蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield)就是你可以询问那个每月提供一次治疗时间的每月5000美金的医疗保险计划的保险公司。蓝十字蓝盾保险公司也是你可以打听“核心治疗套组”治疗在你所在地区的联络电话的地方。


Heard this morning's broadcasting about Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance.
My response: First of all, check who said it is not offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield on the radio. This radio program often uses anonymous voice to impress you as if that is authorized. And being audience, you do not know anything other than that is a male voice on a public channel talking about Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance regarding this special insurance plan. Please verify if that is Blue Cross Blue Shield authorized speaks person. Sometimes this radio program uses an employee who is not an insurance plan sales agent or related to say "I do not know", "I did not hear", or even “I never heard of", etc.

I provide some more information I heard this morning: 
1: Some Insurance Agency offices that also sell Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Plan may be the reason cause confusion, not sure exactly what is the confusion referring here.

2: Heard it is only available to local areas, not sure if that is from some Blue Cross Blue Shield agency offices.

----Sept 18th, 2017





11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related.(都是有关脑控癌的)

*Unauthorized participation of glasshouse cancer bio-engineering research project is called infection. If anyone is concerned of possible infection during the time that treatment of glasshouse cancer has not been offered to public, this someone can try some medication such as wide spectrum antibiotics, combined with roundworm treatment drugs, or Antiparasitic drugs and other medications to take care of the possible health situation. Glass house cancer can be cured completely but currently the treatment is very pricey and not open to public. If in the U.S., this someone can try if some Canadian made medication does not require prescriptions. Check with a medical doctor friend prior to usage is advised.

----Dec. 23rd, 2017

未经授权参与脑控癌生物工程的的研究项目被称为感染。如果有人担心可能被感染而脑控癌的治疗又还未对公众开放期间,担心感染人士可以使用广谱抗菌素,加上抗蛔虫类药物,或者抗寄生虫类药物等来控制一下所担心的感染症状。脑控癌可以被彻底治愈,只是目前治疗很贵也没有对公众开放。如果担心感染人士是在美国, 可以试试一些加拿大生产的一些药物是不是不需要处方就可以购买,但希望担心感染人士向当医生的朋友咨询后使用。


Good news: Critical treatment package includes treatment for some implantable cancer alike infections, current average treatment is 1 hour treatment time. Same rate, same deposit.





The treatment has not open to the public, but if being a victim can have needed emergency treatment, the law enforcement has the much louder voice than any currently enlisted or any veteran. Regarding if emergency treatment is needed, that would depend on if the possible infection reason can be removed effectively by enforcing laws and infection can be treated by medication.

This rumored "no ball as if never born with" can be treated completely in only several hours time (emergency treatment)  by currently already available medical treatment technology. I heard its full function is approximately 100% of his same-old, but I would say only his wife would know the accuracy of the real number in percentage if that is the same-old performance. And I heard the office-hour-visits treatment is the testimony of practicing patience, a really lengthy patience practicing but visibly well progressive.

----April 30th, 2018

脑控癌 treatment can be treated as: combined of unkown type/tumor type cancer treatment, fee: 10,000/hour; reason for medical appointment: if ask for a favor of health-concerned fullbody cancer screening for combined unkown type/tumor type cancer.(02/27/2021)

How about the saying if I dare to touch the fund represented by Pejoves family, I am risking my life.
My response: I am the heir of my own biological grandfathers by blood and by my family's inheritance rule. I inherited my own biological grandfathers' & grandmothers' entrusts by their own wills. No doubt about I am the one and only heir rightfully inherited those entrusted wealth. Being the real one, no reason for me to feel threatened to announce that I own this fund that being represented by Pejoves family for several hundred years as announced on the radio. Current representing attorney Pejoves family has been threatened by this saying. Let me make it clear publicly that I (Min Fang) own this fund and Pejoves family has been great representing it. I do not know the history of this fund but I am the heir of my own biological grandfather who entrusted this fund for me, I am backed by inheritance laws and entrusting laws with all the valid evidences. I am backed by the decedents of those who carried original wealth out from China in ancient times. No kidding they both are the groups know who is the real female heir these wealth entrusted for.
