
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, May 5, 2017

05-05-2017 Chinese business style 上下家生意

Heard this morning it was announced on the radio program that there was a Chinese woman insisted on to have a child with David Petraeus and refused to stop because she was performing. I chuckled up for two reasons:

1: Now he knows exactly what I was complaining entire time about his Jessica and radio program. They made some announcements out of nothing-to-do-with-me stories for their own desires to own things or some other reasons, and they insisted on me to cope with their destroying me efforts in reality permanently by claiming this is to promote the show. I refused and called law enforcement's help.

2: Heard this "Just to have a child" is hot and popular in China. When someone is considering a marriage, this person would consider a lot out of expectation of a marriage. So for some other people who want to get you, a male or a female, the reason you should let it happen is : You do not need to be picky since you just do it to have a child who may carry your blood with this person. It is her husband's or your husband's job to raise this child. You just need to enjoy a man or a woman other than your married one even if you never wanted this man or woman.
I have been a US resident over 20 years and  a US citizen now. I am from a long history polygamist family and I share the value that marriage means obligations and responsibilities to the marriage partner. I myself never heard of this kind of saying when I was China , I screamed and swore a lot when I heard "requests" or sayings in Chinese government's name to have this kind children in my name or in some of his-s' names before I know I got nothing to do with the him-s. I screamed those featured in this kind of rumors whores, etc. It was totally from long history of classic Chinese traditions that I brought up with.

----May 5th, 2017


