
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, November 5, 2017

11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related.(都是有关脑控癌的)

11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related.(都是有关脑控癌的)

Heard some talks about donation to treat glass house cancer this morning.(中文附后)
My response: Current treatment effort is still the same as it has been: To make it affordable to majority so majority do not need to rely on charity to be healthy as ever if infected. I heard rumors that current special insurance(limited offer) is about $5000/month, and expectation to achieve complete cure is about in several years time. The emergency package(limited offer) is, by rumor, $50,000 in one installment in advance to schedule treatment, and average cost is around $30,000. Payment in advance is needed because treatment won't stop till complete finish once it started.

Unless you are high risky group, currently the recurrence chance is limited. (From my own experience as a patient of experiencing less recurrence).

The effort is still going on to make this treatment more affordable.

Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.

Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to majority.

*Glass house cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participated. Unauthorized is called infection.

----Nov. 5th, 2017

Heard some sayings about donation on my behave.
My response: I refuse.

I expressed my honest opinion about donation. And I refuse to let anyone donate my money on my behave. I do not against anyone having different opinion about donation on this treatment, but I refuse those different opinions to donate my money they owed.

----Nov. 5th, 2017

Some advises from an "insider".

1: Be alert to personal financial information. If concern of being infected, personal password, personal bank accounts numbers may be compromised:

  • You can try to keep limited amount in checking and saving accounts, and buy CD or bond, etc. to keep your savings aside. Safe keeping valuable papers and try not to glance account number or sequential number if that is printed on the valuable paper.

2: Try not to think unnecessary. Glass house cancer is the term I use to address my experience of having this bio-medical situation that I volunteered to be on -- No privacy at all as if living in a glass house. That is thought included. If you are concerned that somebody may peep into your private thought through infection:

  • You can try not to think a lot about unnecessary. Those thoughts only agitate yourself and those you are thinking of. Nothing beyond.
  • You can try to enjoy freedom of publishing, freedom of speech by publishing your thoughts in articles to protect your intellectual property.
  • You can seek emergency treatment if your job is in jeopardy or harassment is severe.
  • Taking showers without looking at yourself, enjoy romance life sensationally with limited visual excitements. ( I am comfortable with my current situation is because I am like maimed currently that nothing on my body is myself.)
3: Be alter to personal safety including driving, crossing streets, cooking etc.

----Nov. 5th, 2017

我的回应:现在脑控癌治疗的努力还是一如既往:让大众可以自己承受治疗可能会需要的费用,让大众不需要仰赖捐款才可以恢复健康。我听说的是现在的特别保险(对公众有限开放)价格是5000美金一个月,估计在几年之内可以彻底治愈。紧急治疗(对公众有限开放)是五万美金押金一次付清后可以预约治疗, 实际治疗费用平均是三万左右。必须预先付清五万是因为只要紧急治疗一旦开始就会持续进行直到标准紧急治疗项目彻底完成,付清预付后就不会因为费用不够而中途停止。












  • 你可以尝试在银行的存款账户和支票账户内只保留有限的金额,买一些定期存单及国债之类的妥善保管,尽量不要看存单上或债卷上所印的账户号码或者序号。


  • 你可以尝试不要胡思乱想。这些无谓的想法除了气死你自己,就是气死那些被你所想到的。没有任何益处。
  • 你可以尝试充分享受言论自由和出版自由,公开发表你的想法来保护你自己的智慧产权。
  • 如果你的工作受到威胁或者骚扰很严重,你可以寻求紧急治疗。
  • 洗澡的时候尽量不要看自己的身体,行房的时候尽量不要多看。(我自己对我现在的这种状况不是很担心,我现在就好像是被破相了一样,反正身上的每一个部分都不是我自己原来的样子。)

3: 注意个人安全,包括驾车安全,过街安全,厨房安全,等等。
