
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

05-31-2017 To O'Connors and To Knowltons

To some O'Connor families members and associated:
I can imagine your frustrations, but please stop telling everybody your great grandfather's letter eligible your name being used in some ways that freak out your attorney relatives or in-laws.

Your great grandfather's letter is in record as part of US history, I, assume. But if you saying this is the reason to claim the fund's ownership or let your name being used to express some anger or frustrations in this matter, I have to point out: You are trying to make your own great grandfather a criminal and make yourself a possible one.

If this letter is used to claim fund's ownership, it is a criminal evidence of attorney's illegal attempt to claim client's wealth. And if you trying to express your frustration excessively because of this letter, your have murder for money motive already expressed, the same like someone buy a life insurance in your name but benefit that person self or an attorney you heard of write your last will without your request to benefit this attorney self.  Please stop and please check my explanations regarding your frustrations and let me know what else confuse you.

Some confusions O'Connors and others have

----May 31, 2017

To Knowlton families and associated:
In a conference call on July 1st of 2004, I did say please keep an eye on my spending to check if any would be provided by David Petraeus. I heard there were some confusion if I already spent tons of his money before I say so in the same meeting. Now your are the ones certainly know that is just confusion.

You are the ones certain I have been provided for handsomely by my own money in the past two and half years already, you are the ones know it has been three good funds now with $400 million each or about to. Now I am letting you know this is part of my yearly providing size of each fund. Please stay clear from possible interest conflicts from now on. If you have any more concerns regarding your own interests, just you being on safe side and I am stating bottom line scenario, please have peace in mind that I am not the decision party and I am the least person would fight over decision-er's own possible decision(s). Please stop "stick around" immediately to avoid possible interest conflicts since you should not have concern of any "not sure yet'.
----May 31, 2017