
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

05-23-2017 (2) Whose in stock for sell? 谁在待售?

My Clarification:  
My medical payment has been provided by an investor fund of Ford Holding, It is a totally different account number with any Ford families' providing account numbers or their shared providing account numbers. It is an account number owned by an investor Fund. Not any Ford's. Please check your own providing account numbers and/or your Ford's shared account numbers, if you have doubts, please call law enforcement's help. I am provided for by my own money which has never owned by any Ford or any other names.
Lion King Fund(Fund had been represented by O'Connor families)Ownership Confusion-ers: My medical payment has never paid by your in process of stopping agreed-upon providing account number. I am sure of this. Please consult attorneys about why your grandfather's letter as an representing attorney is an evidence of wrongful and possible criminal deed of  trying to take over client's wealth(my grandfather entrusted money), your grandfather's letter is never an letter of ownership. You never deny Fund was my grandfather's money (now is mine) and you can never.
----May 23rd, 2017

Whose in stock for sell? 谁在待售?

Talking about took my money to dress up and call me ugly. Last night, there was Chinese organized something and I was feeling the pain in my eyes. I did call law enforcement's help by keep sending letter's to FBI. And nobody give shit to but continue on saying why my eyes were shining. (In the meeting, it was mentioned.) And my heavy nose sound certainly make me heavy Chinese accented. What else can promote a woman for sell as sex intercourse partner? And who is that woman?

Heard almighty rumor that my current glass house cancer medical treatment provider are "Ford teach you a lesson" arrangement.  I have not figure out "why Ford?" for several days now, now adding one more question "how many special arrangements needed to achieve this almighty-ness?"
----May 23rd, 2017

Heard she argued and her colleague agreed that I was OK for whatever she did.
My response: It is untrue statement. She has a colleague work with her as night shift is because I called for help. The only reason that colleague of hers need to work for night shift is to provide help to me. Why her manager make this arrangement instead of let her colleague perform surgery? She did not make money from my medical payment, all she need is my head in her hand to abuse. Why her manager need this?
----May 23rd, 2017

很多中国人可能都已经听说了,就是我讲赚了40多万美金的那个中国女的,特横。我报警那是睬都不睬。说穿了就是我在他们医院就是让他们教训我的。是福特家族相关的在教训我。我这几天一直在琢磨“为什么福特?”,现在又加一问“那的花多大力气来设定这环境啊?所有相关的人员调动提拔就这么容易?怎么医院系统提拔调动都为演戏演出服务?” 弄不明白我就报警处理。