
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

05-17-2017 Marriage and Money

Heard this morning's broadcasting, I also heard some voices outside my window saying blablabla..
My response: Why will this morning's broadcasting of lawfully registered marriage freak me out? In United States, it only means law suits against married husband and wife. You heard "sued" was announced some time ago already. That is all.

Heard saying that the reason Lion King fund is no longer paying for my medical bills is because their radio episodes have been finished.
My response: If that is the case, it only means more lawsuits from O'Connors against radio program related because all I did were swearing this name majorly featuring Tina O'Connor.
My medical bill is not really that big considering fund size, but I do have allowance budgeted from my other inheritances as well.

Heard Chinese community do not understand why I am not a stuck-on.
My response: That is the reason I am keeping saying something wrong with China. I do not need his money and he has no intention to let me "live on him". His heart changed and I am a scientific engineer. Why would I do this to myself that being an undesirable female "occupying half his bed" annoyingly to everyone? By the way, radio program has not yet announce that I do not even own gender yet. So I am still a female which means a human being who has gender, not an object without sex. I sill have female gender to claim currently by the radio program.
I do not understand Chinese community abroad and in mainland China about lined up marriages families. You heard on the radio program Chinese Premier announced he fathers a daughter from another man's wife which seems nothing wrong in China. Suppose this "another man" has his child from a third man's wife which lines up three marriages by parenting children from different marriages to form a marriages families. I heard in this family, each wife is obligated to satisfy all husbands in entire families' marriages, each husband has same responsibility. The child from this sex sharing style family would be raised by husband. Heard rumors 1,000 marriages is not rare case in lined up families.
I myself love to live my life happily, to enjoy marriage with happiness. I am a polygamist family heiress but I do not need leg numbers to make myself happy in a marriage. I do have polygamist's understanding about strong sense of responsibility as marriage partner as well as a family member. It is not my judgement how others understand their own marriages as long as they do not step on my toes. I will protect my own interests without any hesitation if there are any conflicts.
----May 17th, 2017

Rumors sparked from 2004 meeting that Chinese Premiere would be the one father my heir.
My response: That was said, by my speculation, Albert Gore through glass house cancer technology. I make my announcement here: It means I was being a media passing along the message that Mr. Albert Gore desire Chinese Premiere should be the one to seed his behind to produce his own heir.
----May 17th, 2017