
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, May 19, 2017

05-19-2017 Why they are doing this?

Why they are doing this?
My response: I do not know the answer so I called law enforcement. But being the person, I did have a lot of my own saying of what might happened. I list what I figured the most possibles below.

1: In psychology, "Beat the shit out you" is not a slang but a theory. I do not know the former term of this but it means "Beat the little fragile girl (boy) out of you to be your master".
Possible evidence: You heard on the radio and my scream on this blog, they are either announcing they are my authority to handle me, and announced I am a piece parcel to handle over to their beloved to handle. I am never a same equal just because they announced I have no money. Or they join force to throw me an underwear if I dare to fancy a mate's love. It would only from someone who is suppose to be that abusive figure or an nonsense biological only with already existing master. The rest noises are all about "beat the shit out of you".

2: To devoid everything I own,  to reassign as announced and to make gain as government officials in this process.
Possible evidences: Heard this morning, there was a question asked that "there is no politics here, why government...?". I have my answer for this; "Exactly. I am US citizen, my inheritances has never been People's Republic of China's money by fact they are all local money before 1949. "Why is People's Republic of CHINA's government must have saying over my underwear and my money?"

3: Also, I am the major featured person in a Reality Show radio program but was obviously de-voided by making this radio program via importing Chinese Real Set Show concept.
Possible evidences: Entire time since November of  2015, I was accused of not being a good entertainer that keep refusing to promote radio program's announcements declaring myself "a beggar, disgusting unwanted, fake through and through. etc." On the radio, you heard everybody who is so HUGE and so HUGH by radio program's introduction have been declaring I am an actress only.  I am not trying to belittle them as radio program did to me, I am just saying it is some special effect by programming radio program featured topics, interviewed & edit audio material pieces "off the tone a little" to "bear to the right of accusation only." like you would expect from any campaign.

I am lucky that I survived from all this. I am lucky I can watch my own children grow. I am lucky I can live to protect my own children from hatred expressed by those who parent their own children.
I never did and I never will regret that I called law enforcement's help.

----May, 19th, 2017