
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

05-13-2017 Some sound from me

1: Heard this morning David Petraeus announced that a Chinese woman would be the one he threw his debt to.
My response: Heard what was responded on the radio and I repeat it myself here: If that Chinese woman is me (Min Fang), I (Min Fang) refuse to acknowledge David Petraeus' debt without any information provided. I (Min Fang) only accept David Petraeus payment of his debt to me that owed by his or by his legally associated. Any claim on David Petraeus do no considered a claim on me.

2: Heard David Petraeus announced last Friday that I can live on him. A lot of people curious why after he acknowledged his children with another woman.
My respond: I heard that last Friday together with General Attorney's response that my expense have to be complied to his spending because what he owed by his wife's spending. I heard it was Holly Knowlton's spending of $500,000 around 2005. According to what I heard my spending would be compiled at $1000 a month which make it indeed 50 years time to "live on him".

3: Heard the only reason David Petraeus' marriage need to be handled like this is her effort to secure this marriage.
My response: I do not know if David Petraeus re-married and I do not know who she is securing her marriage from. I only listen to what David Petraeus publicly announced. I am confident in his family name that what David Petraeus meant to announce and/or what public should know would be announced correctly. I heard there was already a child mentioned in public hearing time. To me, who is a publicly known female polygamist has male's privilege, this is already enough to make him an unwanted un-considerable un-suited in my marriage expectation.

4: Heard a female in Chinese accent doubted why I am provided by her money.
My response: I am a straight female. I never dated any female all my life. I do not have any child/children seeded by any Chinese male. I inherited my own grandfathers' entrusts by my own grandfathers' wills. My inheritances are mine since 2004 by laws, never because of radio program's public announcements. I can spend my own money on myself is also by laws. My medical expense is on myself. I am not on any private charity. I am helped by US government.

5: Ever since the day I start to write to law enforcement, I gradually give all my burdens to the law enforcement. I am much less agitated and I will only respond when necessary. Please listen to the radio program with this in mind. It is still in progress. Please keep this in mind as well.

----May 13th, 2017