
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 31, 2017

08-31-2017 (updated) Intellectual Income in anywhere is not the donated money collected from Chinese streets in 1989 (智慧产权收入从来不是1989年中国街头上收集的捐款)

08-31-2017 Intellectual Income in anywhere is not the donated money collected from Chinese streets in 1989 (智慧产权收入从来不是1989年中国街头上收集的捐款)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured intellectual income's confusion if calculation is based on total $45,000 savings.(中文附后)
My response:  $45,000 is an impossible number for calculating budget savings to generate $5000 monthly intellectual income.

Even for just a monthly salaries expense, the budget would be way over $45,000 for over 100 researchers whose monthly income is over $3000 each, some researchers' are much over. And salaries only is not enough to have a research lab functional. To have a lab to do "research as usual" need to have lab test related solutions, office space to host researchers and instruments, various paid supports to help lab keep fully functional and productive, etc. All these would be counted as savings from budgeted spending if a fully functional lab is no longer needed for a research.  Rents may excluded during leasing time if office space is rented. In budget calculating, rent is calculated even for self owned facility since this office space can be used for other research projects (that may need to rent lab space) or to be rented out to make profit.

That was, may still is, the huge problem I had (have) with this radio program,  featured are authorities alike being judgmental on everything that is not their professional knowledge at all or not their associated matters a bit. Do not know why they are featured to have this kind authority sayings, maybe from producing team's efforts to probe what caused real frustrations.

This is the similar problem I had (have) with Chinese Foreign Department. They are foreign language majors in Colleges, they had been accusing my achievement on Computer science and Basic medical system knowledge(基础医学) as if they are the real authorities on all these professions. I had been in the same classrooms with medical major students in Shanghai Medical University for 3 years which can be easily verified is the huge problem I had with Chinese government's judgmental on my achievements from my 20 years living abroad life (I left China in 1996). They even announced on the radio program to impress worldwide Shanghai Medical University never even existed as a Government. This is the same medical school now call Fudan University Shanghai Medical School.
----August 31st, 2017

Heard this morning's "impossible this or that" is out of the doubts if these money distributed in intellectual income's name is actually donations from 1989 Student Movement that collected from Chinese streets.
My response: The confusion is from why Albert Gore should receive any intellectual income from Viagra (Blue).

Heard tons of rumors in Chinese community about Albert Gore may have taken those donations transferred to U.S. as his own money.

I was the person reported to Chinese government in April or May of 1989 about those donations on the streets. Whoever collected those donations won't let me touch this money is a true statement.

The huge problem I have with Albert Gore is I have been accusing him spent my money without my willingness. This rumored $5000 monthly income from Viagra(blue) deposited to Albert Gore is one of the items I called Law enforcement's help, rumored all these checks have been titled in my name (Min Fang). I am not willing to provide for Albert Gore and/or his relatives and/or his woman (women) and/or his child (children).

My intellectual Income is my own making from knowledge I contributed.  My intellectual Income has nothing to do with 1989.

All my inheritances were entrusted before 1949. My inheritances has nothing to do with 1989.

----August 31st, 2017

Heard Intellectual income cause a lot of confusion about why this much even among government employees.
My response: Nobody doubted that I contributed my knowledge and I deserve some intellectual income for what I have contributed, the confusion is why this much.

That is the reason I am doing my best to explain what I know about how this might be calculated. I have no problem for authorities on this matter to take a look at "why this is my (Min Fang's) share and why this is the number".

I heard some did take a look at this matter and did expressed "DO not underestimate what intellectual income can contribute to a family's finance."

----August 31st, 2017

Heard this morning's argument on difference between salary income and percentage based bonus calculation plus base salary income.
My response: It is very common among salesperson to have base salary plus sales incentive that is calculated by percentage of sales achieved.

Financial managers incentives are similar to salesperson commission calculation to encourage good investment returns.

I do not know how intellectual contribution earned income divided into salary income category or percentage calculated income category, other than there are two tax rates in U.S tax collecting. Salary category applicable to income tax rate (federal 28%, state 5% etc.), and intellectual Income applicable to federal income tax rate 10% and state income tax rate (5%).

Tons of intellectual contribution earned incomes like Medical Doctors earned or College Professors earned, etc. are salary category incomes.

----August 31st, 2017

**Heard the issue is if the total amount of my intellectual income can be "compromised" among research or pre-market team members, why not everyone else.
My response: My intellectual income total amount is one-person's very cleared number instead of a team's total number is a true statement.

Like Viagra(blue), my intellectual income is what my contribution has saved for budgeted research spending, total amount is very easy to be identified as my contribution. Research or Pre-market are all teamed up as group contributions to calculate the total amounts of rewards. Pre-Market is the group to responsible for further clinic research and apply for FDA approval.

My other intellectual income situation is patents. My contribution is concept, each research team's effort to materialize it to become a prototype or a model and pre-market team to do some further research, etc.

All my intellectual income has similar situation that total available amount for reward is never enough to correctly reward each member of teams like research or pre-marketing team. I have no problem that my reward was put either with research team or pre-marketing team to improve the total reward size for that team . My reward share is comprised but very limited.

But why everyone else? Who are these law or legal matter "voluntary" PhD professionals can have this authority tone to address legal matters?

----August 31st, 2017


就算是只计算一个月的工资,超过100个研究人员,每个研究人员的每月工资都大于3000美金的预算工资总和都远超过4万5千美金,有些研究人员的月工资还远远大于3000美金。光支付研究人员的工资是不可能维持一个实验室的研究工作的。要能让一个研究室可以如常运转,就必须要有实验用的溶剂试剂,实验室办公场地安置实验仪器和实验人员,各种各项的付费服务来协助实验室的正常运转及保障实验成效,等等。当一个实验室的常规运转已不再需要时,所有这些都是被算成是实验室预算支出的节省部分。在租约期间的房租可能不包括在节省部分。在进行预算支出的数额计算时,房租支出是需要计算在内的,就算是自己的房子都会计算,因为这房子是可以用来进行其他课题的研究的, 而这个其他的课题组可能会需要租房子,或者这房子本身是可以出租盈利的。







我一直就在指责阿尔伯特·高尔违反我的意愿花了我的钱。这个传言中的5千美金一个月的伟哥(蓝片)给存入阿尔伯特·高尔的私人账户就是我报警内容的其中一项,传言所有这些每月的支票抬头都是我名字的英语拼写(Min Fang)。我不愿意支付金钱供给阿尔伯特·高尔和/或他的亲戚和/或她的女人(们)和/或他的孩子(们)。

















But why everyone else? Who are these law or legal matter "voluntary" PhD professionals can have this authority tone to address legal matters?
为什么所有人都应该从我的收入里分点儿钱? 哪一个是法津或法津事物博士级别专家, 怎么都是指手画脚的好像很权威的样子?

----August 31st, 2017