
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Friday, August 11, 2017

08-11-2017 What I knew about what happened to this radio program in 2015

08-11-2017 What I knew about what happened to this radio program in 2015 (我所知道的2015年时的广播剧制作内幕)

Heard this morning's broadcasting is about how radio program started this way(中文附后)
My response: Heard this morning's conversation is about 2015 time. Ya, that was what I hear in Boston, MA. I heard tons of Bostonian heard about this around Christmas time in 2015,

Heard radio company was on the verge of file bankruptcy around Christmas time of 2015, heard at the same time radio production center had stacks of cash that anyone participating producing could take home. Heard every advertisement check titled in radio company's name deposited with auto-banking's "properly authorized sales share allocating" which resulted zero amount left to be deposited into radio company's bank account.

Heard entire producing team was grouped by some this person's or that person's past underwear relations with no conflicts in dimension of time. (**this is my puzzle. If somebody pay attention to timing matter so sensitively, why this somebody forgot that I had nothing to do with this or that person for over 10 years already? It was so obviously that this somebody was very certain I got nothing to do with this or that person by the facts they (producers) dare to shit me like they did, right?) Heard everybody deserve to be called a producer of this radio program in 2015 time was because some money deserved for some past underwear related reason. I was yelled at "bathroom" on Boston street and been blamed for my refusal to cooperate with the promotion of what was announced on the radio program to be called disgusting, beggar, slut and bathroom. The promotions have been everywhere I have any dealing with and some still going on, in Boston, MA where I reside, in U.S. , in Britain, in China and etc. The saying is this is just a show that everybody is just performing. Heard they did this "performing things" in the format of their public interviews of commenting how real truthful all these broadcasted since 2015 on the radio about me , their private demanding of my lawful money's ownership and their private requests to ensure no help reached out to me in any way, their "kind" reminding to everybody about who is that disgusting unworthy mother whenever and where ever my biological children presented, etc. Some Bostonian called this radio program "crazy bus" in early 2016.

Heard this radio program's production center was in Boston, MA in 2015, moved back to NYC in 2016.

I have huge problems with whoever supported all this and I did constantly calling law enforcement's help.

----August 11, 2017



听说整个节目制作组都是这人或那人的前女友团队,交往时间上还完全不冲突。(**我就奇怪既然有人这么注意时间上这些前后任的女友不能冲突,怎么就忘了我和这人或那人有十年没有任何接触了?就从广播剧制作团队敢这么往死里的踩我方敏,就很明显这有人是很确定我和这人那人没关系,对不对?)听说每个2015时期够资格参与制作的都是有些过去的恋情就是够资格拿钱的。我是被人在麻州的波士顿街头叫“厕所”,还被指责不肯配合广播剧的促销活动遵守广播剧的宣布,就是不肯被人叫“恶心,下贱,婊子和厕所”。这所谓的推销活动真是无处不在,在麻州波士顿,在全美国,在英国,在中国,等等地方, 有些地方还在进行。据说这说法就是这一切就只是一场表演而已。听说他们进行这场表演的方式就是包括:通过接受公开采访对我方敏尽心尽力的评头论足强调那些2015年以后的播出内容才是真正真实,通过私下坚决要求我合法钱财的拥有权及他们私下要求任何人别对我提供任何形式的帮助,通过只要有我亲生孩子出现他们就“善意”提醒别人这孩子们的妈妈有多恶心不配,等等。2016年的时候有些波士顿人就说这广播剧就像一辆疯狂失控的大型公交车。


