
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

08-29-2017 I am born to be my own birth grandfather's heir. I am not an installed heir(我生下来就是我爷爷的继承人,我不是一个被“扶植”的继承人).

08-29-2017 I am born to be my own birth grandfather's heir. I am not an installed heir(我生下来就是我爷爷的继承人,我不是一个被“扶植”的继承人.)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured some arguments which certainly can be understood as implied the question why I am "installed" as heir of a  Chinese historical Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li (唐太宗李世民)by a non-Chinese government(中文附后).
My response: What "install" means in here? This is incorrect word to refer who I am to my own birth grandfather whom I got my birthmark from. How this birth grandfather of mine(唐太宗李世民) became an Emperor in Tang dynasty is recorded in Chinese history books as by his famous palms' lines. I have the same palms like he had, like my birth father has, like my birth father's birth father had, like everyone of my birth grandfathers had (those grandfathers who had entrusted & willed some wealth to me. Some of these birth grandfathers of mine are recorded in Chinese history as heirs of this Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民) that can be verified in Chinese historical books). I was not installed as my grandfathers' heir. I am born to be my own birth grandfathers' one and only heir according to my ancient grandfathers' inheritance rule which was updated by Tang Tai Zong Li and his Emperor father(唐太宗李世民和他的父皇),  there is no confusion at all about this and this is not arguable at all.

I announced myself the heir of Chinese Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li's Heir myself in my 2004's inheriting meetings. I inherited my own birth grandfathers entrusts and titles by my blood, as well as my own birth grandfathers' heir rule and my own birth grandfathers' wills. These grandfathers of mine are heirs of Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民的继承人)is the reason that I announced myself publicly and nobody from those entrusted groups corrected me in January of 2004.

I announced myself when I was chatting with a group of Chinese who either graduated from my same medical school or my same high school (a classmate). I was asked why they were called into this meeting while I was like a host sitting there, I was asked exactly what is my family background eligibled me so, I said then and there in Chinese "Oh, I am heir to Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li". That chat was after ( may be before) I was recruited as U.S. military Three Stars General Strategist. I did not inform Chinese government before I said that is true statement, but it was never announced to insult Chinese government or to show any disrespect to Chinese government. The words went out after the meeting.

It was till early this year I realized some complains about meetings in June and July of 2004 is because those meetings are understood as either professional seminars or some official meetings. I was keep telling this or that person I am heir to my Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li whenever I was asked exactly who I am to host this meeting or that meeting.  I was told I should inform Chinese government about who I am and I replied with Chinese government were in the meeting heard what I said . What I meant is I did not hide from Chinese government who I am. All those meetings were inspired by some conversations in my inheriting meetings that we all took as extended casual chats among us my inheriting meetings participants. This is the reason nobody reminded me if my self announcement was appropriate or not when respecting Chinese government in consideration.

The real public announcement was made through the radio program in 2011 together with publication of copied paintings of my ancestors, I heard Chinese government (Beijing) was officially informed before this official public announcement. I heard Taiwan and Singapore were also informed at the same time.

I was not installed by any government to be my own birth grandfathers' heir. I am my birth grandfather's heir by birth. My announcement obviously made who I am (my true identity) went public in 2004, and that is all.
----August 29th, 2004

Heard the question if there is anything to do with me in this morning's talk about MTV former CEO cause troubles with radio company.
My response: No thing to do with me at all. I only knew current IHeartRadio (former Clear Channel) CEO is the co-founder of MTV from internet. I knew nothing about MTV to comment at all.
----August 29th, 2017.

Heard today that the other day's broadcasting was about a Boston Chinese Super Market (平价超市)
My response: I was grabbed outside by the security called by a manager like when I was trying to complain to this manager like.

In U.S., the typical way for a customer like me to handle this is to call 911 to continue my grocery shopping or leave it to attorneys. I had no mood to do any grocery shopping, so I chose to walk away from the scene to leave it to my attorneys.*I did tip the FBI to check if this incident was out of aroused hatred.
----August 29th, 2017

我的回应:这“扶植”是什么意思,指的可能是什么?这个“扶植”不是一个可以形容我和我亲生爷爷的词汇, 特别是在我有着和我的亲生爷爷一样的胎记掌纹是可以核实的情况下。我的这个亲生爷爷(唐太宗李世民)是如何成为唐朝皇帝是记载在中国的历史书上的, 史载就是因为他的一双手上的掌纹。我有的是和他一样的双手掌纹,就和我亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我亲生父亲的亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我的每一个亲生爷爷的双手掌纹一样(就是那些为我立了遗嘱并且信托一些财产给我的爷爷们, 我的这些亲生爷爷们中的一些是中国的古籍里明确记载的唐太宗李世民的继承人,这在中国历史上是有记载可查的)。我不是被“扶植”成为唐太宗李世民的继承人的,我是生下来就是血脉传承的唯一符合我的祖爷爷们的继承规则的唐太宗李世民的继承人,我祖爷爷们的继承规则就是由唐太宗李世民和他的父皇所确立的, 这是没有任何争议也没有任何疑点的。









