
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Sunday, August 6, 2017

08-06-2007 海外华人请查实 About Free College Education We Had

08-06-2007 海外华人请查实 About Free College Education We Had

Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned there is a treaty signed between US and Chinese governments to deduct Social Security or Medicare tax paid from those US resident beneficiaries of Chinese free college education(中文附后).
I broadcast: Heard there is a such treaty between US and Chinese government to deduct our Chinese free college education fees from our paid Social Security tax or Medicare tax.

I myself would challenge this if this is true rumor. I graduated from Shanghai Medical University, a 5-years-college, in 1990. I had worked for Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, a US FDA Drug Administration equivalent, for 6 full years before came abroad following Chinese government then regulations regarding free-education-college-graduates going abroad. I myself do have contributed to China since 2004. All these should paid my free college education in full already. I am not sure if China only has this kind treaty with US. Do not know how long or how much should be deducted from our paid Social Security and Medicare tax. Please verify this information if you are a beneficiary of Chinese free college education.

I heard some worse than this rumors. I heard rumors that I am never a college graduated. 
My fill-in: Remember there was a 27 years old "Chines Orphan" featured on the radio program? Heard she was born in April of 1990 and grew up in Shanghai city run orphanage. I graduated in June-July of 1990 and left Shanghai right after my graduation. I heard in order to make this "Chinese Orphan" my "illegitimate child", school registration records of my attending Shanghai Medical University had been shredded. I do have my security tapes of my attending this Shanghai Medical University, and I did graduated already from a US University of Bridgeport's Computer Science Master Degree program. I did do my OB/GYN checkup regularly ever since I have medical insurance coverage. I have tons of medical record indicating I had and I am still having my VIRGIN BELLY. This is just too ridiculous. ** Shanghai Medical University was originally named Shanghai First Medical College, now under the name of Fudan University Shanghai Medical College. Heard that "Chinese Orphan" has been in New York City, helped by Chinese government, determined to insist on to move in with my own biological children. I called Law Enforcement's help on this.

I have some issues with my college classmates associated with this rumor.
My response: Heard radio program's blackmails are not only from producing team's effort through editing audio materials technique, but also from those featured participants. Some of my college classmates' own children or their relatives' were featured on air implying or indicating that I may had shameful sexual activities involved dating experiences which led to possible pregnancy when I was in college. In 1996's time of China, dorm we lived in was a 8 person-per-room in a female student dorm building. Pregnancy only meant illegible to continue college education, no chance to be college graduated. This maybe the reason of those rumors that "no record of me ever graduated from a college". I did call US Law Enforcement's help on this.

That "Chinese Orphan" was possibly conceived in May-June of 1989.
I say: There were some featured stories broadcasted several years ago (with some related video tapes also published at the same time) about our entire class cheated in an "Neuro-Biology" final exam in 1990. That was the fall semester of 1989 in our senior year (our fifth year). In that semester we had Medicine Major's Basic Medical System courses, same textbooks, same professors and same exams for "Internal Medical" (700 pages textbook), "Psychiatry", "Neuro-Biology", two pharmacology major courses for "Pharmacology", "Pharmacokinetics". I myself also had TOEFL exam in October 1989 and GRE exam in February of 1990. That GRE score was the one I used to apply school in US in 1996. All these kind ridiculousness just piss you off non-stop. I am having very good life, I do have a lot of things of my own, my shits and swore about Chinese government were never out of "shits to gain" purpose, my swearing were all out of these extremely ridiculous personal experiences, at least out of hearing these piss you off to the extremes rumors, all efforts have been in Chinese government's name with Chinese government's resources.

Everybody seems heard of how I shitted Chinese Premiere Li.
My response: Now I let you hear some my side whys:
What I heard are:
1: The female is the one who take care of the male's daily life. The female insisted on this is a true statement, the male echoed it is so from his own willingness with determination.
2: The female is the one who is the male's real sex partner. The female insisted on this is a true statement, the male echoed it is so from his own willingness with determination.
3: Why I am not paying for child support?
4: Why I am not paying for their living expenses as demanded?
5: Both the female and the male have been truly agitated "trembling violently" whenever talking about I have not paying their demands yet.
6: All those colleagues of both the female and the male have been the same truly agitated "trembling violently" whenever talking about I have not paying their demands yet.

I just can not get it exactly: who is this female to this male? who am I to either of them? "You got nothing to do with the male at all" is what had been yelled to me from everybody including both the female and the male and all of their colleagues. I have no child with the male is a truth statement verified by everybody's checking out.

I just can't get it exactly: why I need to pay all these demands for money spending? How could these possibly means make-no-sense-at-all? It took me 6 months of hard effort to shitted out to get the understanding "Nothing to do at all is all the reasons I have to pay as demanded".

Back then I have not realized this is 1980 Chinese trading style (PRC80), I had not had my trained ears up yet, otherwise I probably can get it straight from beginning that they made it very clearly from very beginning "Nothing to do is all the reason I have to pay as demanded".

Since June of 2015, I myself made it very clearly I refuse to pay all these financial spending demands.

----August 6th, 2017



我详细说:广播剧报道的那个27岁的“中国孤儿”,听说是1990年4月在上海出生后在上海孤儿院长大。我是1990年7月大学毕业离开上海。听说就为了把这“孤儿”塞我这儿硬说成是我的私生子,我当年的上海医科大学就学记录已被销毁。我有当年在上海就学的完整保全影音资料,也已有1996年来美后在美国研究院就学毕业记录,我从1999年有电脑公司工作及医疗保险后就已经开始定期做妇科检查,一直都有妇科医生就诊记录记载我是“从未生育肚皮”(Virgin Belly)。就是实在太离谱了。*上海医科大学原为上海第一医学院,现为复旦大学上海医学院。那个中国孤儿在纽约,据说一直就在中国政府的帮助下,努力并且坚持一定要和我的亲生孩子们一起生活。我是就此直接报警处理。


我回应:广播剧报道当年我们那班全班作弊(同时还有发布一些相关影像片段),就是1989年秋季9月开学的那个学期, 大学五年级的上半学期。那个学期我们有医疗系课程的”大内科“,”精神病学“,”神经生物学“,全部都是医学系的教材器材和考卷。我们还有药理专业课程”药代动力学“,“药理学”。我本人还参加了1990年2月的GRE考试(就是我1996年在美申请大学用的那个成绩)及1989年10月份的TOEFL考试。这些造谣诽谤就是实在是离谱。我真的是什么都挺好,什么都有,我痛骂中国政府从来不是为了什么“利益”,就是全是这种离谱至极的亲生经历,至少是能气到你半死的传言,全部都是以中国政府名义和资源进行的努力。

我回应: 现在你们听听我来说我都为什么痛骂。




