
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Monday, August 21, 2017

08-21-2017 Min Fang's Announcement regarding a 6 months old

08-21-2017 Min Fang's Announcement regarding a 6 months old

Heard this morning's broadcasting about a 6 months old.
My response: I want nothing to do with this 6 months old in anyway and/or any how. I want my children has nothing to do with this 6 months old in anyway and/or anyhow. I refuse to have any marriage record associate with this Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg). I refuse to let my children stuck in the shit this Charles Schnieberg (Charles Ford) intentionally pooed to express his hatred.

I, Min Fang, refuse to stuck in this shit that Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) intentionally pooed to express his hatred towards me and my children. I, Min Fang, refuse to let my children to stay in this shit that Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) intentionally pooed to let them expose to all possible hatred from Fords, some Rockefeller, O'Connors and everyone else.(** The whole show of this 2 and half years radio program is to generate this 6 months old( rumored mothered by his own birth father's sexually involved ex girlfriend as himself announced on the radio) to be called mother-fucker's whore-born publicly announced as the heir of the Ford House. Do not know if this is just my assumption)

I, Min Fang, am willing to see this Charles Ford (Charles Schnieberg) get stuck in his own shit to be a mother-fucker and father of a whore born as he himself wishes, as his whole family by blood wish and as everyone he cherishes wish for the generations to come. This is from the person he expressed his hatred publicly (Min Fang).

Rumored a Mrs. Jessica Rockefeller in her 60s, who is the mother-in-law of  a Chinese Mrs. Rockefeller, is devoted to support this radio program like it has been. Rumored she is the one announced on the radio to wait for trial. Rumored she met David Petraeus in her college time when he was already a military married man. Not sure I am the one this Mrs Jessica Rockefeller hated because of January of 2004's meeting or some Ford name.

Heard this is due to Charles Schnieberg's(Charles Ford) childhood packs desire to meddle his penis, I say why not let this Charles Schnieberg (Charles Ford) fuck them all as they all desperately so desire.

I do not give shits to all these and I sue for everything happened to me and my children because of all these.

----August 21st, 2017