
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 19, 2017

08-19-2017 Who should be recognized as "know managing"?(谁才是懂管理的?)(有更新)

08-19-2017 Who should be recognized as "know managing"?(谁才是懂管理的?)(有更新)

Heard this morning broadcasted my saying of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game opening Ceremony (中文附后).
My response: I repeat what I said: If you are in position can verify the authentication of Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony's  creator is me (Min Fang), if you have ever received any Chinese Culture related history or literature class in school, you certainly know being a creator of Olympic opening won't be what a prostituting whore only can do. I myself is not history or literature majored in college, but I have grandfathers who were famous for their Chinese literature and music achievements in Chinese history. I do carry their blood.
----August 19th, 2017

Heard the anger towards my authentication is also from I do not even know what is a "talented manager".
My response: I have to quote out "talented manager" because that female was, by newspaper‘s report, an arrested highest organizer of a whore ring business. It was in 2006 or 2007 when I went back China to visit my father, I was told by my younger brother to read newspaper because he thought the arrested female was(is) a very talented manager. It was all over the newspapers in my hometown city Nanjing that this whore ring was reported as the biggest ever Nanjing police department had ever cracked down.  It was a long report that introduced how hard this crack down was. Somehow my younger brother and his friends or so were impressed that the reported organizer female was a very good manager who can handle this difficult "seasonal, ungrateful prostituting group". I was a visitor to China as a US resident then and I knew I was closely watched, because of my anxiety medical situation, by my American doctors with Chinese government's help, I did not think it would be appropriate for me to "recognize" a possible criminal to Chinese Laws as a talented manager in anyway at all, so I stayed clear from reading any newspapers during my entire visit in China. I did not know if my younger brother's or his friends' impression were correct. It seemed understood in China that I did not know anything about administrative managing. Heard this caused huge anger towards if I am an authentic person that can have any achievements as "introduced in 2004 meetings".

Rumored she was specially promoted to manage "how to crack me down" since I cannot be anyone but a practicing prostituting whore to Chinese government. I assume if so, it must be decided by some real talented huge Chinese that the most suitable person to lead this crack down from Chinese government should be this talented prostituting whore manager.

I myself can only say how brilliant it is, if rumors are true, to use whores to harass me knowing I do not talk their languages.  I do not know who is that person understand their languages but not mine to identify if I am one of prostituting whores. I am curious how Chinese government operates knowing to verify the authentication of creator of Beijing Olympic Opening ceremony is no hard job at all.

I won't apology for my dirty languages I directed toward Chinese government unless this rumor proved to be incorrect.

----August 19th, 2017

Heard this morning featured my College classmate Huang, Li.
My response: This is the person I visited on a June Sunday in 2004 that drafted Beijing Olympic Games Opening Ceremony. Her husband was a New York City MBA student in 2004. Her husband wrote his essay used some materials from my 1-2 hours‘ June Sunday's solo. On July 1st of 2004, tt was her husband's professor who asked me about those social security ideas her husband's wrote in his essay.
----August 19th, 2017

Heard she assume I have illusion about her husband is the issue between me and her.
My response: I was not close to anyone in my college time to say I had a buddy is a true statement. She was a dorm mate that kind of understood as close to me since we hung around some, similar like the dorm mate I shared cafeteria lunch with.

It was not surprising to anyone from my college to know that I was not invited to her wedding in New Jersey in 2002 or 2003, or I knew nothing about her pregnancy till she finished her maternity leave, but why I was invited to Shanghai in 1993 to see her departure to U.S. surprised everybody.

I do not know a lot about her marriage other than her husband is her second marriage and obviously she cherish her husband very much. I was having a lot of my own issues in 2004 when I visited her and her 6 month old son in her husband's apartment 2-3 times between January to that June Sunday in 2004. First time I met her husband was a ride I shared with her to a college classmates' reunion at Guowei Xiao's place in Queens, New York in 2002 or 2003. I moved to Boston, MA from New York City by end of July in 2004. I was working for Janus Associates which located in Stamford, CT, she works for a pharmaceutical company in New Jersey, her husband office was in White Plain in New York. Everybody in Janus Associates knew that I left office daily at 5 PM sharp to take I-95 to commute to my apartment I shared with a Beijing roommate in Corona, Queens.

If she said she have issue with me over her husband, her saying is an untrue statement. It never happened.

----August 19th, 2017

我的回应:我重复我所讲的:如果你是有条件有能力核实北京奥运会开幕式的创意人是我方敏是真实的情况下,如果你曾经在学校里学过一点和中国文化有关的历史文学,你就应该I知道2008北京奥运会的开幕式不可能是一个“就只是婊子破鞋而已”的创意。我本人在大学不是学文学或者历史的, 但我的一些爷爷们在文学音乐上的成就在中国历史上是有记载的。我身上承载的是他们的血液。



如果传言是真, 我方敏自己就只能说这真是绝顶聪明,知道我完全听不懂妓女的语言,妓女也完全不懂我在说什么,就专门找了一些妓女破鞋对着我骚扰不停。我不清楚哪个是能够听得懂她们妓女的语言却听不懂我说话的,从而不能断定我是否只是卖淫妓女而已。我很好奇在中国政府可以轻易证实北京奥运会创意人是方敏的情况下还这种做法,那中国政府是如何进行运作组织和管理的。







我完全不清楚黄莉的婚姻状况,只知道这是她的第二次婚姻,很珍惜她现在的丈夫。我在2004年1月-6月的时候一共只见过黄莉两到三次,是去黄莉丈夫家里探望黄莉和她6个月大至一岁大的儿子,我当时自己已经是被自己一堆的事情弄得焦头烂额。我第一次遇见黄莉的丈夫是在2002或者2003年和他们共车去肖国伟家(肖国伟儿子当时是不到一岁)和一些当时在纽约的大学同学聚餐叙旧。我是2004年7月底搬到麻州波士顿。我上班的Janus Associates 是在康州斯坦福,黄莉在New Jersey 的药厂上班, 她的丈夫是在纽约皇后区附近的White Plain上班,我上班的Janus Associates里基本上各个知道我是每天下午5点准时下班,开车走I-95公路回我在纽约皇后区Corona的和一个北京女孩同住的两房一厅。

