
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

08-10-2017 Revenges from an incidence from July 1st of 2004?

08-10-2017 Revenges from an incidence from July 1st of 2004?

Heard this morning is about a Mr. Walton.
My response: I have nothing to do with this Mr.Walton as this Mr. Walton announced. I am angry about he spent my $700Million which was originated from $500Million transferred as I asked for investment purpose from my inheritance in Hongkong in 2004. This inheritance was willed to me and entrusted by my own birth grandfather Fang, Zhiren who legitimately and biologically father my own birth mother's lawful husband.

Heard his family or one of his relatives is a big investor on glass house cancer research. I do have huge problem in my glass house cancer treatment. I do have huge problem with Mr. Albert Gore on rumors of his dedicate and relentless efforts of illegally spending my money. I heard that "dedicate and relentless" is Mr. Albert Gore's own declaration. I make myself here clearly to clarify all these rumors around: I already made it clearly I have demanded every penny this Mr. Albert Gore, by rumors, spent or intend to spend to be paid back. My wallet or my purse is never Mr. Albert Gore's to reach. The inheritances I own have no business spending budget to be claimed as designated for this Mr. Albert Gore or his related to take since they are those funds' staffs. I have asked law enforcement's help to make sure my lawfully owned money can only spend by my own self. I did ask law enforcement's help on demanding this $700Million back from this Mr. Walton.

----August 10th, 2017

What issue I may had with this Mr. Walton's sister.
My response: A lot of people may heard rumors about what I said about this Mr. Walton's sister's marriage on July 1st of 2004. I may incorrectly understood what I was told what his sister meant about her marriage. Too bad I am an engineer that I took her words for their face values. You did not hear my complains about datings of my own related but you must have impressed at the same time it would be the huge issue whence I am out of my current medical health situation. I was not lying and I was not meant to insult in 2004, I did not know her marriage related or herself at all to be jealous to have intention to hurt her in anyway, I did take her words or what I was told as her words for their face values. This is my side of explanation of this rumors and related.

I might have experienced some revenges because of this incidence from this Miss Walton. You heard my screams about this or that male who has a wife and child(ren) already deserve to be provided for by my money. I have huge problem on this possibility. If she did not like what I said in 2004, why she did not correct me right there and right then to make the most effective correction? I never met her or her marriage related for her to concern if I may intentionally did that. I have huge problem on this possibility.

I did remember her father already did correction right I made my comment. I did not challenge back why her father did that but correct myself as her father stated. I have huge problem on this possibility.

----August 10th, 2017