Heard this morning's announcements broadcasted on the radio were very confusing if there is anything to do with me.(中文附后)
My response: I do not know anything other than following:
1: I was not and am not provided by this announced $40,000. I myself and/or my inheritances and/or my investments won't be the provider of this announced $40,000.
2: I am currently not provided for by anyone else but myself via U.S. government's public welfare. I do not know who that him or her is in conversations of "I do not know she is provided by him, otherwise I won't do this to him".
3: My biological children through pregnancy mothers were born in June of 2010, not January of 2010.
4: I do have a married same parents' younger brother whose wife is whom cause me calling law enforcement help. I was pressured to provide for a Chinese woman from Shandong Province while my younger brother told me in an email he sent me from China in April 29th of 2017 saying that a Nanjing woman is his wife since 2003. This Nanjing woman is the one I have huge problems with over if my birth mother had been abused by her after her moved in with my parents after her marriage. My mother constantly complained to me my father's own bought apartment was no longer my father's for my parents to stay ever since she moved in. That Nanjing woman kept agitating my younger brother to challenge my parents over things like why my mother cannot cook for her as a house wife. My attitudes on this and other things like this have always been it had to be if my mother was willing. I support my mother was never her maid or their maid in anyway or any how. My mother's willingness to cook for me or to take care of her husband is only because we are her own born who carry her own blood. I am forever always my mother's daughter. Who the fuck that Nanjing woman think she is. My inheritances are all willed from my birth grandfathers who all passed away before my parents got married or I was born, not from my father. I refuse to have anything to do with this Chinese Nanjing woman even if it is my younger brother refuse to divorce her. If it is indeed my younger brother wants this Nanjing woman to be his wife forever, I do not need to have anything to do with my younger brother or his child, and I refuse to have anything to do with this Nanjing woman. Who the fuck this Nanjing woman think she is.
----August 17th, 2017
Regarding curiosity about what I said yesterday of that young and handsome American guy.
My response: Heard there is an entertainment big NYC female in her seventies has some romantic fantasy over this 40 years old young and handsome is the reason I was shitted allover in the radio program with her devoted support. I know nothing about this young guy's personal life other than those I heard what may have announced on the radio program. This young and handsome guy was the person that I had exchanges on July 1st of 2004 and who I recruited as my new business representative in Entertainment industry.
My exchanges with this young and handsome did not cause my other representatives any annoyances was purely because I never met this guy in person and it was his charm earned this job as himself said he always wanted to have. I did not know who he actually represented after the meeting even though I do have my own inheritances. This guy I met is a business person who already got his dream job in 2004 and I heard he has been kind of successful in his business representing job. I had been wondering what could possibly make this female in her seventies to fancy he would need her support to survive in entertainment industry to bow to her fantasy? How huge this female can possibly be in entertainment industry to self promote herself so eligible to shit this or that for her own fantasy over a 40 years old young and handsome knowing she is in her seventies already? Not sure if this rumor is true though.
Why I have been shitted like so on the radio by her support? If the saying is I am not the person to say so on that guy's behave, I have to make it very clearly I am saying all these on my own behave. I am not the person would concern what this female means in entertainment industry and I won't be the one need to bow to this female in anyway or any how. How huge this female could possible be is only my curiosity, but do everything for my own self and my own biological children are my obligations to myself and my beloved.
----August 17th, 2017
4: 我确实有一个已婚的同父同母的弟弟,我对究竟谁才是他妻子的困扰造成我报警处理。我不停的被人要求支付一个山东女人所要求的生活费用,而我弟弟今年(2017年)4月29日寄给我的电邮说他2003年和一个南京女人结婚至今。这个南京女人就是我为了我的亲生母亲是否曾经在和我弟弟夫妻同住期间被这个南京女人虐待过而很讨厌的那个南京女人。我母亲曾经不停地向我抱怨自从这个南京女人进了门,我父亲自己买下的三房一厅就好像不再是我父亲的房子了,我的父母就是不应该住在我父亲自己的房子里面了。这个南京女人就老是向我弟弟抱怨一些事情, 像是我母亲在家里待着,她回家吃我父母的现成饭怎么就不应该了,气的她丈夫就整天向我父母找茬。我对这种事情或其他类似事情的态度始终就是:那得是我母亲自己愿意才行。我支持我的母亲从来就不是她的或者他们夫妻两个人任何形式或任何意义上的保姆佣人。我的母亲愿意为我做饭或者愿意照顾她的丈夫就只是因为我们是我母亲自己肚皮生下的孩子承载我母亲自己的血脉。我永远都是我自己母亲的女儿。操她妈的那南京女人她以为自己是谁啊。我所继承的财产都是我自己的亲生爷爷们写遗嘱留给我的,都不是我父亲给我的。我所有的亲生爷爷们都是在我父母结婚之前我出生之前就都已经去世了。如果是我的弟弟拒绝和这个南京女人离婚,我方敏拒绝和这个南京女人有任何关系。如果是我的弟弟自愿和这个南京女人做一辈子的夫妻,我不需要也确实没有任何需要和我的弟弟及他的小孩有任何关系,我也同时拒绝和这个南京女人有任何关系。操她妈的这个南京女人以为她自己是谁啊。
Reference:My younger brother's email I received:
想知道一下你现在情况。听说你2009年前后再婚, 一直没机会问一下你现在的妻子名字是什么。听说叫陈静, 2011年还有了一个儿子。我2010年开始和家里没怎么联系。 现在我开始安顿下来,问问你过得好不好。

Apr 29
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我03年结婚到现在,没有离婚过,我妻子叫程婕, 06年生的是女儿,但是不满3个月就去世了。我就结婚一次, 并且一直持续到现在,12年,我有了一个女儿,今年5岁, 我没生过儿子,也没有过2次婚姻,我有且只有一个妻子,