
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

08-23-2017 Lehman Brothers' Story and this Radio Program (雷曼兄弟控股和广播剧)

08-23-2017 Lehman Brothers' Story and this Radio Program (雷曼兄弟控股和广播剧)

Heard Lehman Brothers' story is the reason of this radio program revenging on me.(中文附后)
My response: That is ridiculous. I was called stupid in Chinese Community and China because I jump into things I knew nothing of and things got nothing to do with me. How about all these people jumping into everyone else private romance managing?

Some said I did that in 2004 in order to have a great Financial person.
My response: That is untrue statement. The other party is also a great Financial person. They both are.

The rumor I heard recently is, the other one has been my inheritance business representative before 2004. I have to say that when I first heard this rumor, I said I have to take it as a joke.

I did ask "the public post" if interested to represent my inheritance but that was after my famous "jump right in".

This Lehman brothers‘ investor is the 400 years old French Fund announced this morning that also have confusions from family that has been representing it for 200 years already. The other one announced this morning that has similar confusion is the 500 years old French Fund from also a 300 years representing family..

Heard the Lehman Brothers’ investor story in 2004 is the behind scene reason of this radio program current style.
My response: Well, in July 1st of 2004 “discussion”, the only targeted is the investor to cost him to experience what "the public post" had complained: financial difficulties impacts and a lot more because of something. I was famous for "jump right in" was because I did not even ask what caused financial impact.

In entire discussion was how to make "the investor" to experience financial difficulties and limited to financial difficulties together with its impacts. There were efforts from myself to limit possible impacts to Lehman Brothers' other investors, or impacts to its employees, etc.. I also made myself very clearly in the discussion that I have no intention to take advantage of Lehman Brothers' possible situation caused by this discussion and I would have nothing against anyone to help the investor.

This of course would hurt this investor's feeling if he is indeed a great business representative of my inheritance. Can I say if so, that should best let it be limited between me and this investor.

Some said why do you do that to your own people and your own investment.
My response: Well, If I knew he has been business representative for my inheritance, I definitely would ask him what happened or what was his family's side story after I heard the complains and before I "jump right in".

About the investment, it was Never OK to do this to anybody's investment. There were some real reasons, it just sounds like targeting the investor.

----August 23rd, 2017



我最近听到的说法是: 另一个在2004年之前就一直是我所继承的一个基金的生意代理。我得承认我刚听到这个说法的时候,我回答说我就只能当你是在说笑了。







