
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

08-05-2017 Min Fang's clarification on August 5th, 2017

08-05-2017 Min Fang's clarification on August 5th, 2017 (方敏在2017年8月5日说清楚)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured confusion why would I assume a female is not with her man to be so picky on me(中文附后)
My response: That is wrongful assumption. I earn my intellectual income good sized to be confused as that stupid as assumed. I am the heir of my own long history family by the blood I carry. I am the heir from this family that has male's privilege in matrimony as this family's expectation. I am the heir of my own biological family that has already inherited my own birth grandfathers entrusted wealth. I am the heir from this family that can support my own. I am supporting my own biological children and my own birth parents' spending.(**Note: This family of mine has never been implied by me in anyway anyhow referring to People's Republic of China).
----August 5th, 2017

I have to make myself clear to any female has this kind confusion here:
You are not my woman, you will never be my woman. I will never tolerate your insults. I will never tolerate you being picky on my own in anyway anyhow. I will never confuse you as if I am a male ever fancy your breasts. PLEASE do not ever confuse with all that.

I will never be you man's woman.
 I have no need to live on your prominent man's wealth, be that money or other nature, since I have my good sized my own wealth, be that money or other nature, just like your prominent man have.
I have no reason to live on your prominent man's wrinkles since I prefer young and smooth youth just like your prominent man. Please do not be that sick psycho yourself.
----August 5th, 2017

I will never be a part of you and your prominent man's relationship:
I have no desire to hear your inappropriate tone in anyway anyhow, do not ever fancy I will tolerate you because of your prominent man.
I am the spoiled heir having my own inherited title of Missy Fang Ingonyama on my own wealth and by my own birth family just like your prominent man.
I am truly very girly on my own support, after current mess that is of course, without any discounts like your prominent man can provide you.
Your prominent man may or may not tolerate you to have a lover or two, I won't be in a relationship that's not excluding any female sex partner or that nature.
Do not ever confuse my own man as if that is yours in anyway anyhow. If this "my man" want you, do not ever fancy that you can ever address him as if he can still be my man. I will do whatever it takes to make situation clear.
----August 5th, 2017

All I am saying is:
I am as rich as your prominent man who make you so proud of what you got.
I am having the same privileges to extend to my own as what you can have from your prominent man.
I have no intention to separate you and your prominent man since I am much more picky than your rich man to make it impossible for me to fancy you prominent man's wrinkles or your leftover perfume on him.
I am not the person need to be afraid of your prominent man's support on your insults. I have the same support of my own to extend to my own.

You do not need to impress your prominent man you are too stupid, this is for your own sake.
I am just listening who is the person having this huge problem with me.
It is never I am so afraid of you together with your prominent man.
It is never that I can not do anything about your picky on me.
----August 5th, 2017

A lot of this kind of "way of expression" does remind me of 1980 time in China (PRC80)
I elaborate: Yesterday, I was having lunch in a Chinese restaurant, I was told via glass house cancer channel that I do not need to worry about my going our for lunch. My trained ear picked up and I responded "How are you going to pay my lunch bill for me not to worry? So, this saying already made you my sponsor without paying a penny." Yesterday afternoon when I was in a public library, there was a similar announcement that I can be tolerated in that public library which created the impression that this public library is privately owned and I was told I could sit there by the "private owner"
I figured exactly what this announcement was for must have defined in criminal laws that fits a lot of variations. A lot of PRC80 style conversations actually have a lot being defined in laws for all kind of variations regarding taking advantages of situation intentionally created. Why this is promoted on the radio program by Chinese government's strong support is what I do not understand.
----August 5th, 2017







我说详细点:昨天我中午在中国城吃饭时,有一个女性通过脑控癌的通讯屏道告诉我别担心中午出来吃饭(有没有钱)。我这训练有素的耳朵一下就竖起来了。我回答说:“你准备怎么替我付账让我不用担心?你就这么一宣布你是一分钱不用付就已经成了“那个替我付账的人”啦. 昨天下午我去市立图书馆,也是有这么一人宣布“你可以呆在这图书馆里”就把这公共图书馆给变成私人拥有的了,这“主人”是在表达允许我可以呆在这公共图书馆里。