
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

08-01-2017 Why intellectual working hours are counted as salary?

08-01-2017 RQ:“Why intellectual working hours are counted as salary? ”(课题:为什么智力工作时间用工资支付?)

Heard this morning's broadcasting featured proud from generational professors family(中文附后). 
My echo: I can totally imagine THE PROUD and I have huge, huge respect for all the knowledge they have.
----August 1st, 2017

Heard Chinese community's saying that my grandfather is the first generation went to college is "lol".
My response: There were colleges in China in 1905 time which only offer Chinese-ology that my family known for having greatest private tutors for generations of over 1000 years. My grandfather went to Architecture, my father went for Astrophysics and I went for pharmacology is what we proud of. I would add I wish I could have some private tutors for Chinese-ology education.
----August 1st, 2017

Heard this morning's broadcasting about Intellectual Income.
I echo: What I can understand is, a police officer's time should split to labor working hours (patrolling time) and intellectual working hours (crime investigating time or office time). Like those rich knowledgeable professors I mentioned above, or medical doctors, computer programmers or attorneys, "why their intellectual working hours are counted as salary (Income tax) instead of  Intellectual Income (Intellectual income tax)? " would be my research question.
----August 1st, 2017

Some Intellectual Income paid yearly or monthly over the years like salary. What is the difference?
I echo: I know understand how salary size be calculated. Let me explain what I know of:
Salary is an expense of an organization that can do manufacturing or providing service as "Cost of Goods Sold". If salary number is decided manually higher would make commercial goods or services  priced higher for its consumers to afford. If attorney fee is priced high than what someone can offer, certainly it is not easy for this attorney to have a client. It is the same with commercial goods. That is the reason why salary can not go higher as Union or Law makers would like to see. This is just like everybody knows, government employees do not expect commercial company;s paychecks because they are on tax money. If government employees salary go higher would only mean higher tax to everybody to cover that salary increase. It is the same reason how salary or some service fees are market priced.
----August 1st, 2017

Exactly how intellectual income is calculated? 
I echo: What I know of is, it is based on amount of money it generated. A singer's album's financial making minus its producing costs would be the total amount of its money making. Then it would split between label company, producing team and singer. The producing team's salary are counted as producing cost. Not sure about singer.

For radio program, I said sometime ago, that total money format investment is only $7Million. The total money making split ratio is: Radio Company 50% for its channel, resource and promotion, etc., Investors $7Million (about 25%), my life story and producing teams excellent job, 50/50 split of remaining 25%. So this radio program is 75% intellectual making or brand name income. That is the true reason this radio program has been providing for its own producing ever since its piloting time.
----August 1st, 2017

Why my life story worth $4Billion so far this much?
My response: This $4 billion is an accumulated number since 2005 till today (A lot of people may already heard about some stories of $3Billion paid-out including this morning's $100Million illegal taking).

I am an long expected female heir from a 2000 years long history family. Till today, I am the only girl carrying family birthmark in over 2500 years time. My grandfathers are historically known for their talents as musician (an Emperor who is also a professional level composer), literature artist (historically famous poets), famous painter, etc. You can still see a lot from me by how I talk, how I got my music ears and my photo eyes.  I have inheritances entrusted to me by some of these talented grandfathers is a big plus. (Tons of people know for certain who I am and my family's rich history).

What you have heard on the radio for the past decade is from my audio materials selected from security tapes which started since the moment I was born in 1967. I did not participate at all in producing of this radio program in the past decade. If you have enjoyed my stories, my jokes and my thoughts you heard on the radio, you certainly acknowledged the great and excellent job that original producing team has achieved.
----August 1st, 2017

Now you see "Why intellectual working hours are counted as salary (instead of money making ratio split)?" would be a research question for me.
----August 1st, 2017






像这个广播剧,我以前说过整个金钱投入就只有七百万美金。利益分成的比例是:广播公司负责频道,制作资源及推销节目,提成50%。 投资人的七百万美金投资的收益提成约占25%。我的人生故事由制作团队来精心制作广播剧,所以我和制作团队50/50分成剩下的约25%。所以这个广播剧有75%是智慧产权或广播公司的品牌收入。这也是为什么广播剧是从试播期间就已经自己养自己了。

我是一个有着2000年历史的家庭期待很久的女继承人。我是我家2500年有历史记载以来第一个有家族胎记的女孩。我的爷爷们很多都是历史书上有名的很有才华的人,像唐玄宗李隆基是专业级的作曲家,南唐后主李煜和唐玄宗李隆基都是有名的诗皇词帝,我还有是国画大师的爷爷,等等。他们的才华在我身上还能看到点影子, 像我说起话来的出口成章,及我会听音乐的耳朵和会看照片的眼睛,等等。我有一些这些爷爷们留给我的信托财产也是很大的加分。(很多人都很确定知道我是谁及知道我家的辉煌历史)。

