
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

08-15-2017 Marriage freedom is to ensure willingness to have a marriage

08-15-2017 Marriage freedom is to ensure willingness to have a marriage (婚姻自由就是保障有意愿才结婚)

Heard this morning's broadcasting's tone of saying" you can be a married couple without willingness from both of you" (中文附后)。
My response: The person who said so must be a practicing prostituting PIG. To this her, the penis from a pig is no difference with a dog's penis as long as that penis can thrust her piggy butts.
 I just want to remind this female who has this almighty powerful tone and courage to pronounce herself a pig only: Please keep in mind we are female human. We know now that you are just a practicing prostituting pig. We human don't do what you said. You tell your pig kind about how you can not tell the difference of different penis, Don't ever say such thing to us human. Don't ever do that. Obviously you don't live in a country that marriage is not free for a citizen. You are horrible. All I wonder is how you could possibly find some human kind to do your prostituting thing, Do you live in a FARM, or a ZOO?
----August 15th, 2017

Heard some saying this person is someone called My representative in Match Making Business.
My response: Unlikely. Totally not my style that I presented in 2004 meeting. I did hear rumor that I was excluded from some match making business by some females.

My understanding: If I am happy in my own marriage and if I help another great female to have her happy marriage, well, we both females would be safe in our dealing with each other. Get along with each other or not, our great males are safe from us fancy each other's.
----August 15th, 2017

Heard there were rumors that I advise a wife have a abortion to risk her marriage.
My response: What I advised is a wife who, by the story, was having severe anxiety over her pregnancy to stop pregnancy and work on her marriage first. I came from mainland, China that I do not put a lot of thoughts into advising abortion is a true statement.

I understand the situation was not that if she is sure this is her marriage, but anxiety over if she would be stuck into this marriage. I do not know a lot about her marriage beyond her obvious anxiety. I advised so is out of my understanding that she may realize someday with some help that this is not just her marriage but her marriage she wants to stay willingly or at least OK for her to stay. To expect a child with joy or some expectations would make her pregnancy so much different. Why not give up this chance to have a much better next chance.

Some said it may not easy for her to get pregnant again. Well, I acknowledge that is true. In U.S. where I live, this is like growing pains for every female. Teenage girls and their parents are dedicated to prevent pregnancy while married wives and their parents are dedicated to get pregnant. I did thought this was just like her growing pain in her marriage to learn if she is ready to be a mother to her husband's child. I do acknowledge that I did not put a lot of thoughts into advising abortion a is true statement.

Some said is it possible she was anxious over possible pregnancy challenges? I am not sure. I did advise her to seek a psychologist's help before she make a decision about abortion.

----August 15th, 2017

Heard the saying this radio program is to revenge to let me have "next chance forever" and this is not out of wanting to own this or that male.
My response: I was asked about this wife's pregnancy. I never called to demand to interfere. I do not know why I was asked is a true statement. Who asked you to meddle with my relationship or my children? Especially those who need to fly 12-13 hours from China to meddle? Why you say it was never out of your pimping prostituting desire? Who asked you at all?

I never intend to manage your man. I have been managing my own money and demanding your answer regarding why my money need to pay for your man's thrusts? This is to Chinese Premier Li's Wife. Why my money should pay for your man? Why my money need to pay for your husband's children with you or other woman ?

If my private owned money had ever paid for this or that man should never be your question but my own question to ask. You just answer my question that I directed to you, Chinese Premier Li, Who the fuck do you think you are? Why you deserve to have by my private owned money against my own wish?

----August 15th, 2017










这是对中国李姓总理老婆的提问: 我从来没有任何对你男人的阳具管三管四的愿望。我只管我自己的钱财。我一直就在问你,为什么我的钱要支付给你的男人?为什么你很清楚是你的男人却一定要由我来付钱?为什么你男人和你或者其他女人生出来的小孩应该由我来付钱?

中国的李姓总理,我的私人钱财钱是否有花在这个那个男人身上永远和你无关也永远不是你需要问的问题,那是我自己问的问题。你只需要回答我问你的问题, 你他妈的你以为你自己是谁啊?为什么我的私人钱财在我不愿意的情况下必须给你花?