
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

08-26-2017 I never dated that 7 years relationship and I never dated in College (我从未和那个7年男子谈过恋爱,我读大学时从未谈过恋爱)

08-26-2017 I never dated that 7 years relationship and I never dated in College (我从未和那个7年男子谈过恋爱,我读大学时从未谈过恋爱)

Heard this morning's broadcasting of a seven years relationship.(中文附后)
My response: A roommate is not considered a relationship in U.S. culture. The male who had a seven years relationship mentioned in this morning's broadcasting is not the person I ever dated is a true statement.

I am currently live a Boston Housing Authority's Hispanic residents majority community. It is obviously very necessary for me to do clarifications to keep myself clear from all these confusions & possible conflicts from those announced romantically involved Hispanic females' friends or families.

----August 26th, 2017

Heard this morning's argument if I ever dated in college.
My response: I never dated Jianze Li (李健泽) and I never dated in college. I heard “never dated” was echoed by Jianze Li (李健泽) this morning.

The confusion was from our Beijing Trip in 1988. In  my college time (1985-1990), dating means holding hands and hanging around together in China. The day we visited Jinan city in Shandong, we did that. We did not think that was dating because it was not an "announcement" to let everybody know to stay like that. It was in another city 6 hours train time from our college and no dating intention from both me and Jianze Li (李健泽), we were just holding hands hanging around as friends. And that was all from our own understanding, both of us. I was asked about if this "hanging around in Jinan" means anything when we arrived in Beijing a couple days later (in 1988) by those behind security cameras. Jianze Li and I both stated we were not dating and we had no intention to date.

I do have security tapes since I was born and somehow this Jinan city hanging around piece was discovered caused the confusion. He is very handsome guy may be contributed to this "jealous" like confusion ( Do not know who though). His wife was from our medical college's medicine major, they started dating in a year after that Beijing Trip.  His wife has been annoyed by her own curiosity of this entire Beijing trip, and I have been very annoyed by his wife's curiosity the same. Jianze Li (李健泽) is the person keep saying nothing ever happened.

----August 26th, 2017

我的回应:按照美国的传统和常识,和一个男性室友的室友关系不是一种既亲密又紧密相联的一种关系。今天早上的广播里Tina O'Connor 提到的那个和她有着七年既亲密又紧密相关的男子是我从来没有恋爱过的一个男人是非常正确的说法。





