
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

08-22-2017 Announced $200 Billion is the correct number

08-22-2017 Announced $200 Billion is the correct number (宣布的美金200B 是一个正确数字)

Heard this morning's talk about my inheritance (French Fund) should be $160Billion or should be $200Billion(中文附后).
My response: As you heard on the radio, $200 Billion is the correct number of the fund size.

Confusion : The $40 Billion is from the calculation 20% of $200 Billion which should be called Business representative fee.
Clarification: Business representative fee, according to labor laws, is paid for business representative's work on making profit from investment and it is calculated based on profit made from investment activities. The customary rate is also much less than 20%. This $200 Billion fund has paid business representative fees entire time since this fund has been into investment. So this $40 Billion should not be considered as Business Representative Fee at all by labor laws. The French Fund, which was entrusted about 500 years ago, is my inheritance that sized around $200 Billion as announced this morning. This clarification applies to all my inheritances.

Some said it is what I said how to calculate Business Representative Fee.
My response: That is untrue statement. What I said in Massachusetts' Dunkin Donuts was "around 9%-15% of yearly making" but it was covered by recording technique(chuckled laughs) this morning to make it hear-able as "around 9%-15% " only. (**Heard it was the same technique in Dunkin Donuts time)

How could it possible if you put $100 into investment and being charged for $10 each year to make you only have $90 left and further $10 more for each year you try to invest to make you have nothing left on the 10th year?

The correct calculation is if you have $100 into investment, and your Business Representative worked hard to make it become $110 at the end of first year, the year making is $10, and 5%-15% of this $10 which is $0.5 -$1.5 is Business Representative fee you need to pay. Your total amount of money become $109.5- $108.5 by the end of first year. The calculation is
$100 + $10 - $0.5 = $109.5
$100 + $10 - $1.5 = $108.5

If you intend to take this $9.5- $8.5 out to spend, and put original $100 into investment again, it would be the repeat of the above.

If you intend to put total $109.5-108.5 into investment again through Business Representative's hard work and it increased $11 by the end of second year, then the year making is $11. The 5%-15% of this $11 which is $ $0.55 - $1.65 is what you need to pay as Business Representative fee. Your total amount of money, by end of second year, is $119.95-$117.85. The calculation is:
$109.5 + $11 - $0.55 = 119.95
$108.5 +$11 - $1.65 = 117.85

If you need to pay attorney fee or tax, just append amount into the minus in the equation as:
$109.5 + $11 -$0.55 -Attorney fee - tax = your total money by end of the year.
$108.5 + $11 - $1.65 - Attorney fee -tax = your total money by end of the year.

Tax is depending on the amount of yearly making (eg. $11), attorney fee is not. Attorney fee is normally a fixed number no matter what yearly making might be (good year or bad year). Attorney fees normally paid according to your financial capability which of course reflect on attorney service you received. Attorney fee is normally much below yearly making.

Attorney fees and Business Representative fees are business expense from the yearly making
which is called yearly business expenses. The yearly business expenses calculation is:

Yearly Business Expenses = Business Representative Fee + Attorney Fee + Staff Salaries + Office Expense (to rent office, to pay phone bill, etc);

Tax =( Yearly Making - Yearly Business Expenses ) * Tax rate in %

So if you put Your Saving into invest,
Your Total Money = Your Saving + Yearly Making - Yearly Expense - Tax

You Saving is the amount in your bank at the beginning of the year when you try to invest, Your Total Money is the amount you have in your bank by the end of the year.

Some said the radio program made it very confusing.
My response: That is the reason I keep calling law enforcement's help and I am being helped.

----August 22nd, 2017


困扰:美金40B 这个数字是美金200B的20%应该叫生意代理费。
澄清:按照劳工法,生意代理的费用是付给生意代理人作为辛勤投资理财的工作劳动所得。按照常规,数字也比20%要低很多。这个美金200B的基金自从有自以来就一直有支付生意代理的工资奖金提成。所以这美金40B不是什么按照劳工法所应该支付生意代理费用的。这个500年前信托的法国基金规模还是美金200B, 就像今天早上宣布的一样。这份澄清适用于所有我所继承的。

我的回应:这不是我说的。我在痳州的Dunkin Donuts咖啡店说的是"是每年投资所得的9%-15%左右”,但是今天早上的广播剧播出时使用了录音技巧(笑声遮盖),所以听众只听到”9%-15%左右“, 没听到”每年投资所得“。(**听说咖啡店播出时也是如此)。


$100 + $10 - $0.5 = $109.5
$100 + $10 - $1.5 = $108.5


如果你把全部的109.5美金-108.5美金拿来继续投资,在经过生意代理的辛勤工作到第二年的年底增加了11美金,那么第二年的这一年投资所得就是11美金。这11美金其中的5%-15%,也 就是0.55美金-1.65美金是你应该支付给生意代理的。你自己的在第二年年底的总额就是119.95美金-117.85美金。计算方法是:
$109.5 + $11 - $0.55 = 119.95
$108.5 +$11 - $1.65 = 117.85

$109.5 + $11 -$0.55 -律师费- 税收 = 年底时你自己的钱的总额。
$108.5 + $11 - $1.65 -律师费- 税收 = 年底时你自己的钱的总额。

税收是根据每年的投资所得(11美金)计算,律师费不是。不管每年投资挣得多还是挣得少(丰年薄年),律师费都是一个固定金额的费用。律师费是根据你自己经济状况支付, 当然这差别会体现在你所得到的律师服务上面。律师费数额往往比每年投资所得的数额要小很多。


每年经营支出 = 生意代理费 + 律师费+ 职员工资 + 办公费用(用来租办公室,付电话费等等)。

税收 = (每年投资所得 - 每年经营支出)X 税率。

你自己钱的总额 = 你的存款 + 每年的投资所得 - 每年的经营支出 - 税收。



